
Aiding My Queen With My System

Chu Feng transmigrates to a fantasy world only to realize that he’s a handsome but useless man who’s marrying into the family of Ji Rui, a capable woman of very high cultivation level. He quickly falls for his beautiful fiancee only to find out that she just wants to maintain a fake marriage to appease her powerful father, Ji Zheng. He finally finds himself in a situation that he would usually find in novels upon getting married—he is blessed with the Divine-level Son-in-law Freeloader System. The irreverent system rewards him with mysterious gift packs and rare treasures for his efforts in completing missions, resulting in him quickly advancing from an ordinary person to a cultivator. Ironically, Ji Zheng becomes more powerful due to a treasure Chu Feng receives from the system, which culminates in Ji Rui becoming the supreme leader of the four major sects in the world. However, opposing forces remain lurking in the shadows and Ji Zheng decides that a special treasure is required to aid Ji Rui in her ultimate advancement in cultivation. In her search for this rare treasure, a stranger from afar comes with information of a cryptic ravine that splits the Purgatory Sea into two. She decides to follow the stranger and brings Chu Feng with her on the dangerous trip to the faraway Purgatory Sea which teems with itinerant cultivators, demonic beasts, and valuable treasures. When they run into a life-threatening situation, Chu Feng says to Ji Rui, "My instinct is to protect you." She is amazed with this man in front of her. Why would this weak and useless man want to save her when he knows that their marriage is only a sham? What should she do with this husband of hers? What would happen to their relationship when they find the special treasure?

Spirit Caster · Ost
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40 Chs

The Old Man Actually Tricked Me?

Translator: Atlas Studios Redakteur: Atlas Studios

However, Chu Feng still carried the Crimson Hammer in his lap. Should there be any emergency situation, Chu Feng would immediately whip out the hammer and ruthlessly hit the other party's head!

"We'll be going on a trip tomorrow. Father asked me to bring you with me."

"So you can pack up your things."

Ji Rui, who had been walking quickly, suddenly stopped in front of Chu Feng and said to him.

She had thought about it for a long time but could not understand why Chu Feng could get along so well with the disciples of the sect in such a short period of time, but the relationship between the two of them remained so awkward.

Ji Rui did not know what kind of attitude she should have when facing this live-in son-in-law of the Chu family, so she always used work as an excuse to avoid seeing Chu Feng.

However, Chu Feng's adaptability surprised her.

In just a month, many disciples of the Dual Polarity Sect had good relationships with Chu Feng. Even those who did not know him well would greet him when they met.

"I have to come with you?"

Chu Feng was a little unhappy about that.

After all, he was only a fourth-stage Innate level cultivator. His intention was just to stay at the Dual Polarity Sect to check in every day and eat and drink for free. He wanted to wait until he advanced to the Martial Sage realm before going out into the world. Now that he was doing well just staying here, why would he want to do things the hard way?

"My wife,I actually don't feel like going out at all. Why not go by yourself and I'll wait for you at home like a good husband."

Ji Rui felt a little helpless and said, "This time, we have to go somewhere together. I also need to complete a mission."

"Complete a mission?"

"That's even more impossible! My wife, I'm just an ordinary person with no cultivation at all. Even if you bring me along, I'm afraid I'll just become a burden to you… Why don't I just stay at home obediently and not cause trouble for you?"

Chu Feng waved his hands, almost wanting to write the word 'unwilling' on his face.

Being at fourth-stage cultivation level, wasn't he just courting death by following Ji Rui around?

Chu Feng became even more determined to stay in the Dual Polarity Sect. With his father-in-law, Ji Zheng, guarding this place, it was definitely the safest place in the world!

Hopefully it's not because my wife wants to take this opportunity to deliberately leave me in a dangerous place. When I die, she won't have to worry about the old man nagging her to give birth and she can focus on her Martial Way.

That must be it… With the old man's health level, he can definitely live for another ten plus years! If we haven't made a big plump boy after all these years, we won't be able to keep our matter a secret. If she kills me, then she'll have an excuse to give the old man.

I didn't expect that the moment I, Chu Feng, obtained the system, I would have to die the next moment… In the end, I placed a wrong bet.

Chu Feng's face turned even paler. He was so angered by his thoughts that he could not breathe.

"Why do you have such an expression?"

Ji Rui's expression was a little complicated as she said, "You have been staying in the sect for the entire month. Father was worried that you would be bored, so he instructed me to bring you out for a breather."

Chu Feng spat out a mouthful of blood in his heart.

"There's no need… I like to stay in the sect and have fun. The outside world doesn't attract me at all."

"Besides, my wife, tell me the truth. Are we really just going out to have fun?"

Chu Feng forced a smile.

Ji Rui said in surprise, "Of course I'm only taking you out to have fun. Unless you want to go on a mission with me?"

"No, no I don't!"

Looking at the ever-changing expressions on Chu Feng's face, Ji Rui suspected that he was imagining some strange things!

"My dear wife, the Dual Polarity Sect has just expanded its territory and there are still many places I haven't been to anyway. I still just want to stay here and have fun for a while."

"Don't worry, even if you're busy with your own things all day long, I won't have any complaints! As long as my wife comes back every night…"

"Otherwise, Father will definitely get suspicious if you stay in the study all day!"

Otherwise, I won't be able to check in to my freeloader system!

Chu Feng looked like he was about to cry.

However, Ji Rui shook her head and said, "There's no need for that. This time round, someone has offered clues to the sect that it is very likely there is a Martial Emperor's tomb hidden in the Purgatory Sea. Our main goal for this trip is to head to the Purgatory Sea to investigate this matter carefully."

She paused for a moment before continuing, "This time, we might not be able to return within a short period of time, so Father asked me to bring you along. Don't worry, I'll protect you well."

Chu Feng's thoughts kept surging.

Did my wife mention the Purgatory Sea just now?

Although I don't know where this place is, the name sounds terrifying!

And there is a Martial Emperor's tomb hidden inside?!

If they go and dig up someone else's tomb, won't they be punished by the heavens?!

My wife won't be back within a short period of time?

Then I would be forced to suspend my check-in…

If that's the case, I have to follow her even if she's going to the most dangerous place in the world!

Chu Feng was on the brink of tears. This was the first time he realized that it was actually very troublesome being bound to the system.

"You really can't come back soon?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he regretted what he said.

The Purgatory Sea did not sound like a good place. It would be strange if they could come back early!

"Yes, this place is a little dangerous and I won't be able to return within a short period. That's why I want to bring you along and it is also what Father wants. I hope you can understand."

Forget it, forget it… It's not that easy to be a freeloader.

How I feel is no longer important. Ji Rui is determined to bring me along. If my father-in-law wants me to die, I have no choice but to die!

Chu Feng was really on the brink of tears.

Just you wait! As long as I check in for another year, even a Martial Emperor won't be my match!

By then, Ji Rui, your jaw will drop and you will be my obedient little wife.

Chu Feng took a deep breath and felt much more satisfied.

The next day, Chu Feng was woken up by Ji Rui before dawn. This was the first time he received such special treatment.

Chu Feng's morning temper immediately disappeared without a trace the moment he opened his eyes and saw Ji Rui's face.

"Get up. We're going to meet someone together."

After packing up, Ji Rui held Chu Feng's hand and arrived at the meeting hall in a flash. Xu Yi had been waiting here for a long time.

When he saw Ji Rui, he immediately bowed.

"Xu Yi of the Seamless Sect greets the sect master and the sect master's husband!"

Ji Rui nodded and urged him to look up.

"Xu Yi, I've already discussed this matter with the old sect master. It's not necessary to alarm the meeting hall elders about the matter of the Purgatory Sea, so you will lead the way and the three of us will secretly head to the Purgatory Sea together."

"Sect master, don't worry. I am willing to sacrifice my life to protect you!"

After seeing Xu Yi, Chu Feng finally knew the identity of the person who "offered clues" and caused his life to be in danger!

Xu Yi was a little surprised. He did not expect the sect master to make the trip alone.

What surprised him even more was that the sect master's husband was really just an ordinary person…