

Glenn life was very ordinary in the human realm until he suddenly awaken a system with power which gives him ability beyond his imagination. [Scanning planet...] [Analysing Environment...] [Scanning the host full body status...] [Checking host mental and emotional health..] [Downloading Data and Awaking AI...] [Rechecking brainwave after download...] [Date download successful. Awaking AI successful...] [Creating system interface... Visualizing the system... confirming all tasks, tips and tutorials] [Requesting final approval... Approval accepted...] [Merging system with host...] [Successful.] [Now returning to Galaxy X260. Wishing new Unique System User best of lucks in his future adventure] ----_---- {Sup host, ready to become the best?] Glen stared at the words floating in his vision and the voice speaking in his head. After such a harsh attack, he began seeing things... {Hey, host, you're still in there??} Glen slapped himself. This must definitely be a dream. **************** Edited version. Might contain certain difference from the original Thanks for clicking, hope you stick around. Chapter Release ~ every (2) day(s)

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9 Chs


The surrounding of the class room showed an extraordinary scene. Beautiful trails of colorful lights flow around the eight people in the classroom like a wonderful piece of art.

The eight people were fully concentrated on their soul force gathering process and were already so engrossed in it, they could hardly feel their environment.

It has been a little over an hour since they started cultivating soul force. The intensity of the lights around them had reduced showing they were coming to their limits already.

After a few more minutes, the first person to run out of energy to continue was Brian. He opened his eyes to the real world and was pleasantly surprised to see the environment.

The surprised look on his face changed to one of slight disappoinment when he saw the others were still gathering soul force.

"Am I going to be the weakest one in the class?" he asked himself with a frown.

Brian opened his right hand. A blue crystal ball slowly formed on his open palm. Five blue squares formed in the air above the crystal ball about the size of laptop screen.

The screens were blank but they soon showed a few informations about his immediate environment. The amount and intensity of soul force in the air, abilities and strength of those around him quickly appeared on the screens.

His ability, Advanced Tracking and Information Collecting Attribute allowed him to gather and track information faster than any advanced computer in the world.

He could gather, track, compare different informations. At a higher level, he could even gather information about places outside the planet.

However, Brian ability had one major downfall. It had no offensive nor defensive power.

His second attribute was a healing type attribute named Eden's Paradise. The ability itself was as overpowered as it's name sound. Beyond healing, he could grant blessings to his target which could greatly improve their ability.

Although both skills are powerful, Brian still lack Offensive and Defensive abilities. If he were to get attacked, they won't be able to save him.

Brian clinched his fist and all the screens and crystal ball exploded into tiny blue particles that mixed in with the environment.

After a few more minutes, Emily, The Silvester twins Miles and Mike, Mira, Sydney, Sam, Conner and Glenn reached their limits too one after another.

The beautiful trails of lights dissolved into the environment.

A series of joint creaking and stretching from Sam followed as he sighed

"That felt great" he said and suddenly stopped "How much soul force did you guys gather. I gathered 19 units"

"17 units" the three girls in the class said followed by them laughing.

"16" Mike and Miles replied glaring at each other as if they knew they gathered the same amount even before saying it out loud.

"20 units"

"20 units"

"Huh, you two gather to the very limit?" Brian asked when Glenn and Conner said how much soul force they had gathered.

"What about you?" Conner asked

Just then, the bell rung signalling the end of the school day. The classroom door opened and Miss Lauren walked in

"I'll go ahead and believe you all gather more than 15 units of soul force" she said with a light smile on her flawless face

"Yes Ma'am" Glenn replied getting up from his sitting position followed by the others

They all gathered at the teacher's table with Miss Lauren who nodded and collected the soul force gathering handouts back.

She did not ask they to practice more since they had already completed her task. She simply allow they to relax and do their own things in the class.

The last bell of the school day soon rang and all through the halls, voices could soon be heard as students exit their classes

Miss Lauren pressed the button at the edge of the table again and the once empty classroom began to shake as a blue rune symbol appeared on the ground and the desks, chairs, lockers and storage in the large classroom raised from the ground.

The students, who had already experienced this before simple went to their desks and pack up their things

"That'll be all for today. Remember to work on your projects." Miss Lauren said even as she gathered her materials "Tomorrow, I'll look into cultivation techniques for you all"

A line of 'goodbyes' and 'have a great day' was wished to the female teacher as her students walked out of the classroom.

In the hallway, whispers, gazes and fingers followed them as they left the school building.

After a few short words, they went their separate ways.


Glenn walked down the familiar street, listening to the sounds of nature as he went. His current destination was his younger brother's school.

"Zero, How do I use Space and Time Manipulate?" Glenn asked out loud. There was no other person on the street so he wasn't scarred of being overhead.

Without delay, Zero's pleasant voice entered his ears.

[Time and Space Manipulate are two Different Attributes. While Time Manipulation allows you to go forward, backward in time and also speed up or slow down the flow of time, Space Manipulation allows you go through space, realms and dimensions]

[Time Manipulation can be used through thoughts and a series of hand motions and movements. Space Manipulation, you'll need a Space Spectum, an artifact. At your current level, you're unable to use this extension of the attribute]

Glenn frowned

"So just time Manipulation then" he said "At that too, I'm sure will be at a low level"

[Exactly. You are just too weak to handle these attributes at higher levels] Zero replied in a sincere voice.

"Okay. Tell me then, how will I use the Art and Design attribute? I know I'm to draw but on what?"

[There is a Ultra-Galaxtic Drawing Tablet linked to your soul. You can summon it at will. This attribute depends heavily on your soul force and Cultivation Level. The stronger or larger your drawing is, the more soul force you'd have to use.]

[In a situation whereby you use you all your soul for e, your life force will be used as replacement]

Glenn listened to Zero's explanations and warnings. In just a few hours worth of time, the voice in his head has become his new normal and one of the most important things he had.

Looking at the silver and red bracelet on his wrist, a smile itched onto his face.

"This time, I won't just stay and watch. I swear that"

The wind howled like a witness to his promise.

Within record time, Glenn arrived at Little Sun Elementary School.

The school was mostly empty except for the cleaners and a few teachers after all the elementary school ended two hours before High School and by now, all the other students who weren't staying for after school lessons had returned home.

"Big Bro!"

Glenn first heard before he saw Mac, his younger brother running up to him. He could only see the little boy display speed someone his age should not possess.

"Hey" Glenn said with a wide grin and he hugged the boy and ruffled his hair

"So, how did it go? With attribute did you awaken?" Mac asked excitedly, barely able to stand still. His young face was bright with smile and his hair bounced around on his head, a scene that could melt anyone's heart.

"Well, the words on the street is that your big brother is now a duel awakener" Glenn replied with a smile.

The happy expression on Mac's face quickly changed to a serious one

"You lie" he accused

"I did not. I can even show you my awakeners card if you want to see" Glenn said with a laugh and waved the blue card at his brother's face.

Only after close examination did a loud 'manly' squeal escape Mac and his radiant smile and 'hyperness' return.

The duo walked to their house in light, happy modes.

For the Beck siblings, the day couldn't get any better

Hi guys. Please read the author note on the next chapter.

chronikles_contentcreators' thoughts