
Agonizing love

He ran his hand on her face as he gazed into her eyes. "I found you". He said. His hand fell to his side and his body went limp in her hands. He fainted! * * * Hannah, an assassin was supposed to kill Axel, a CEO, but what happens when he takes something valuable from her and traps her with it? This is a slow-burn novel. Keep reading to find out what happens......

saskh_xle · Fantasie
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162 Chs


Axel dragged Hannah all the way to his office, where breakfast had already been arranged for them, for Hannah to be precise. He made Hannah sit on the couch and told her to eat before going forward to sit on his swivel chair and waited for Hannah to start eating, but Hannah kept staring at the meal in front of her without saying or doing anything.

"I don't think the food will magically enter your mouth if you keep staring at it like that".

Axel's mocking voice sounded and Hannah flinched before responding, "I'm not hungry".

"Well, you have to eat since the food is already here". Axel reasoned. "Or would you rather I dispose of it?"

Hannah sighed. Since the food was already here, she might as well have a few bites, plus, Axel got it for her. She shouldn't refuse his kind gesture.

With that, Hannah opened the lid and began eating. Axel watched her silently as she ate for a while before dropping her spoon and signaling to him that she was full. To that, Axel narrowed his eyes at her as she did not take more than five bites.

"Why? Is the food not up to your taste?" Hannah immediately shook her head as she thought it would be rather rude to say something like that, especially since the food was from Axel. Left with no other choice and not wanting to seem ungrateful, Hannah picked back the spoon and kept eating till the bowl was empty.

"I'm done, thank you". For a moment, Axel stiffened when he heard her say 'Thank you'. She had thanked him many times before but right now, he felt like she was being sincere.

Nodding in approval, he stood up and walked to sit beside her on the couch. Hannah, who was shocked, would have moved a little if not that she was already at the other end of the couch.

"Since you are done with your meal, let's talk about this". Axel held out his hand which held Hannah's weapon of a watch. Truth be told, he had developed an interest in that watch. He had seen numerous watches like that but they either had a button or something else to activate the weapon they held Hannah only had to raise her hand to his neck and the blade was out.

He found it impressive, so much that he wanted to meet the munitioneer who created it.

Shocked by the sight of it in Axel's hand, Hannah jerked forward and tried to grab it but Axel's reflexes were faster than hers. "How–how did you get that?" Her voice was shaky as she spoke, making Axel let out a small laugh.

"Why are you so surprised? I could easily take off your annunciator without you knowing, this is nothing". He said as he waved the watch in front of her face, leaving Hannah following the watch's movement with her eyes like she was being hypnotized.

Hannah was not even surprised when she heard Axel's words. He had managed to take away her annunciator, what more a simple watch.

"Now tell me how this thing works". Axel was back to holding the watch in front of his face while carefully looking for any small buttons.

Hannah, knowing how dangerous that simple, harmless-looking watch was, was about to warn Axel when the blade suddenly popped out with a swoosh, stopping in between Axel's eyes.

Both of them froze momentarily and their eyes were fixed on the blade. Snapping out of her daze first, Hannah reached out and pulled the watch out of Axel's hand, securely placing the blade back into the watch before lashing out at Axel.

"What were you thinking? Do you know how dangerous this is? What if you had gotten injured?!" Hannah asked angrily as though she was scolding a child.

After regaining his senses, Axel was more intrigued by the watch. Ignoring the worry in Hannah's tone, he stretched out his hand and said, "Give it back".

Hannah hid the watch behind her and shook her head stubbornly. "I won't give it back!" She stated firmly.

Impatient, Axel growled, "Give it!" Still, Hannah shook her head and refused to return it to him. It was her watch, after all, giving it to him was her decision to make!

Axel furrowed his brows at Hannah's action. Why was she so stubborn? He was so close to finding that button or whatever it was that brought out the blade and now that he had seen it for himself, he was determined to find its activation button. "Listen to me and give it back".

Hannah still refused and for a moment, thought of destroying the watch and ending Axel's obsession with the watch but her thoughts were disrupted when Axel suddenly leaned in on her making Hannah move back instinctively, her back pressing on the armrest. Axel's face was dangerously close to hers, his eyes locked on hers and she could feel his breath fanning her face, making her heart go wild.

After successfully distracting her, Axel's hand moved behind Hannah's back where her hand was holding the watch. While trying to take back the watch, the tip of his fingers brushed her back and Hannah shivered. The clothes she was wearing were relatively thin, so Hannah could feel every touch of his, leaving a tingling sensation where his fingers touched.

After he successfully took the watch back, Axel smiled triumphantly and Hannah, whose heart was beating fast, suddenly felt breathless. How could one man be so good looking?!

Before she could think further, Axel returned to his position, leaving Hannah stunned and speechless. That was when realization dawned on her. She was tricked!

Hannah's face reddened in embarrassment and she sat back up immediately to see Axel carefully inspecting the watch.

After he scrutinized the watch to no avail, Axel finally gave up and decided to ask Hannah about it. She would surely know since the watch was hers. Axel moved his eyes to Hannah but what he saw left him dumbstruck for a second before a sly smile crept up his lips.

Her face was bright red and he noticed that her breathing was slightly abnormal. Surely, she wasn't thinking of what just happened, was she? Unable to resist the urge to tease her, Axel asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Hannah's face turned redder under his teasing gaze. She suddenly felt her throat go dry and she reached forward to take the glass of water on the table, her eyes looking everywhere but his direction.

Axel's brows arched when he saw her face and neck turning red and he smiled. If given the chance, he would continue teasing her but there were more important things to focus on now– the watch.

"Come here and show me how this thing works". Hannah turned to look at him, however, she didn't move closer to him. It was better to keep a safe distance between them.

Hannah stretched out her hand to Axel and said, "Let me see".

Stay safe

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