
AGK: The Fanfiction's Extra

If there is a Novel's Extra, why can't there be a Fanfiction's extra? ======= A boy named Sirius came from humble origins and fell to a boy who lost everything. He was reading his favorite fanfiction with a couple of plot twists based in the world of Akame Ga Kill. Being chased by a gang he offended, he got hit by a drunk truck driver and got sent into a new world which just happened to be the fanfiction he read, but the biggest twist was... It was not the normal Akame Ga Kill, but one that has more empires, more enemies, more allies, and mysterious foes, and lastly... "I need to avoid Esdeath!" Follow Sirius in the new world of old and new characters that turn out to be even more dangerous than the original and watch him grow as a person that has to survive in this world. ====== The cover is not mine, but the title is. There is a ton of OCs so be warned. This world is in the world of Akame Ga Kill. I focus more on the character development of my MC and the other characters as well as try to further improve my own writing to become a better author. Enjoy!

MisterRE · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs


"Hah haaah. Jeezus." Sirius stopped for a second to catch his breath before continuing to run in the forest.

He ran around trees, jumped over, or went under tree trunks on the ground. Sirius ran full speed through the whole forest without stopping in order to test his speed, maximize it, and pushed it even further while avoiding all the feisty animals.

Sirius was currently training his speed in the forest as well as his reflex and reaction and tried pushing it to the limit. His eyes darted over his surroundings quickly in order to not fall or crash into any obstacles in the forest.

'Come on Sirius, push yourself. Go faster!' Sirius was pushing himself to the max and was trying to hypnotize himself in order to go past his limits, 'You can go faster!'

'Let's g---'

-BAM! -

His forehead hit a branch and fell backward.

"Holy crap. Where did that branch come from?" He then closed his eyes and tried to control his breathing. "Let me take a small break."

'It's been four weeks since I have stayed with Rose and Jeff. Well, technically it's been a year and four weeks but whatever.'

'I have been trying to maximize my body's constitution and while I have gained some muscle, it wasn't as much as I hoped. I couldn't train that much but whenever I did train, I would push myself to the limits.'

'I go through this forest many times these past weeks but I go different ways so I can get used to unfamiliar terrain.'

'Despite preparing for everything I am scared of the future. I wonder what is better, this life or my past one.'

Sirius stands up and pats the dirt off his clothes and began running.

A few moments later. "Damn. I'm lost again and it's cold."

Sirius let out a helpless sigh and then began looking for something.

"Ah, there you are."

Sirius saw a blue thread of energy and began to follow it out of the forest. Ever since the first time he got lost in the forest, he saw a blue thread of energy appear out of nowhere and showed him the way out.

"Thanks again."

The blue thread of energy shook as something I interpreted as happiness.

'Despite being a homeless person in my past life, I was taught manners by my mother. Though manners couldn't get me much later in my life.'

Sirius got a bit melancholy when he thought of his mother.

The blue thread of energy extended and wrapped my hands trying to comfort me and cheer me up. Sirius smiled and continued to walk out of the forest.

"What are you exactly?"

The blue thread of energy didn't do anything as if it was staying silent.

Sirius thought this was weird at first, but he didn't feel any malice from it but instead felt comfortable being around it so then he started to get along with this energy as if it was a friend.

'Well, it doesn't matter. I should just be glad that it's helping.'

Sirius was indeed curious but there was nothing that he could do.

A few moments passed and they finally exited the forest and entered the town. The energy that guided Sirius disappeared.

A ball came rolling until it stopped by my feet. Sirius picked it up and looked around for its owner.

"Mister." A small voice entered my ears.

Sirius looked over and saw a young girl with dark red hair and ruby eyes wearing a big and fluffy leather coat.

"So, this is your ball?" Sirius asked.

"Hm!" The girl nodded.

Sirius gave her the ball and then went on his merry way.

"Thank you, mister!" The girl shouted.

"You are up again so early Sirius." A middle-aged man said.

"Good morning, Sirius."

"You went for a run again Sirius?"

The village people all greeted me with enthusiasm in the morning.

Sirius just nodded in acknowledgment and didn't attempt to make an effort to get along with these people.

Arriving at Rose and Jeff's house, he entered and then was greeted by the most heavenly smell. "How was the run?" Jeff asked.

"It was fine."

"Oh yes. I guess it really was fine that you even got that big red mark on your forehead."

Sirius then touched his forehead and felt a bit of pain, "Oh. I didn't even realize it. Whatever," Sirius's eyes twinkled a bit. "Is Rose making her famous "Thorn Soup" ".

Jeff then put his arms around Sirius's shoulder and said with a drooling mouth, "Yes, and guess what?"

Sirius's ears perked up a bit, "What?"

"She even added a better season in it and made more than usual."


"Breakfast is ready!" Rose announced.

Sirius and Jeff looked at each other, "I call first serving." Sirius quickly shouted and ran toward the kitchen.

"Y-you brat!" Jeff was incensed. "How dare you! Did you forget who took care of you!" He bolted.

"It was Rose who took care of me," Sirius shouted from ahead.

"Y-you!" Jeff coughed (up blood).

Sirius and jeff quickly sat at the table.

Rose who listened to and saw the funny sight laughed, 'Boys will be boys.'

Rose served Sirius the first serving before serving Jeff. Jeff pouted a bit and muttered injustice but quickly forgot his misfortune once he took a bite of Rose's "Thorn Soup".

A couple of moments flew by and there was no more soup left.

After finishing his breakfast, Sirius announced, "I am leaving tomorrow morning."


A utensil dropped on the floor and the room was filled with silence. Even if someone dropped a pin, it would seem as loud as a bomb.

Rose went to pick up the utensil she dropped and then sat back in her seat. "U-um. Oh, I see."

Jeff's stopped eating his soup and just bitterly smiled, "So it's finally time. U-uh. Sirius, can we get some time alone please?" Jeff couldn't look at Sirius in fear of crying at that moment.

Sirius nodded his head and exited the house and went to the forest.

"Ah haha. Damn." Sirius sat down on a tree log and put his hand on his heart.

"It hurts."