
Aged & impregnable:big, bad and beautiful

_Precious_Louis_N · Fantasie
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Chapter 2:In The Beginning :Life Is Not A Bed Of Roses

1948 March 17 was my forty-fourth birthday but I was sad because I wasn't married yet but I still looked the same as twenty-four years ago my elder brother Jake already had four children from four different women my baby sister got married a year ago and she is expecting

After having my degrees I moved to the city leaving my job as the manager of the grocery store where I worked for fourteen years

I move into my first apartment after some weeks James came to visit he stayed for some weeks James was quite a very handsome man he's forty-eight for god's sake, people think he is my husband not until they found out he was my brother he left after some weeks.

From the funds was getting from the government and the people I opened a variety store and I had a lot of sales making thousands daily, then one day this guy caught my attention dark hair gray eyes, and strawberry lips he came to me and ask me out on a date

Our first date was awesome, we went to a very expensive place called the MAN'S it's known for its luxury and it's been visited by rich and popular people home and abroad we ordered a banquet at our table crispy chicken and chicks with extra sauce as starting them the meal was served finally a vanilla grilled pork, sweetened salad, extra sauce, a stake, a brisket, and some whine

Then for desserts we had buttered cake and sprinkles digested with some apple juice, so full I fell sick the next day

He arrived at my house and he stayed for a week

Agh! It was the longest week of my life which we both became intimate twice, after a week he left to attend to his business he had a company called Jorge Jordan's they sold so many cars and also car parts I also went to my org. Immediately sir James (a black huge man) my protocol hail


I told him to work a half-day so he could be with his wife and child

First, my mind was not at work all I was thinking about was Jorge and his perfectly shaped body, later that day he invited me over until I found out his mother was mixed and his father was white which explained his curly dark hair and tanned skin I was not surprised that night we had movie night it was so romantic

The next day which was the weekend he took me out to meet his friends Jericho, Michael, and Anne they were all schoolmates and childhood friends

We had a lot of talks that night till it was 5 am how time flies.

After that meeting that day I decided to go back home I took a model 55A 1930 train home

In getting home discovered that Mr. Bethrand still beats his wife after twenty years of the beast! My mum said he slept in a cell multiple times but his wife disagrees to divorce him for reasons untold

I had so many foes while I was in my school days up till now Mr. Bethrand was an easy target for me just as James Dugard and naiya Hench in high school were both easy targets James laud was a baseball player who always pissed me off naiya hench was a popular girl and also a bully

They were both easy targets all I had to do was release poison gas through the vent which killed them in 5 minutes before I walked in and drive the keys from his throat down to his guts

Aunt Gina the fat annoying lady who was my manager twenty years ago, I got a pill and diluted it in her coffee, the pill made it look like it was a heart attack as for mister Bethrand he was always going out and coming back drunk

I put on my gloves face mask and a black hood and grabbed some knuckles and fists as I stood in the dark waiting for him, he finally arrived immediately I bang his head multiple times on a tree putting his head on a big brick making his death look like an accident

The next morning the whole place was a big crime scene Mrs. Bethrand was finally free, and the next day during school hours I was at the farm helping dad when we heard police surrounding the area Mrs. Bethrand hanged herself in her barn leaving her 5 children behind it was so sad

**a week passed already I went back to the city.

That same night Jorge wanted to see me but he canceled it due to urgency so he called and asked if we could go on vacation to Paris.

Days passed we bought our tickets and went to Paris

amid the people around he asked me to marry him immediately I said yes because I was already weeks gone.

We got married that weekend I had to move out of my apartment so we could both move into a bigger Apartment

Eight months gone my stomach was very visible.....finally I was expecting I was so happy but anxious because it was my first time

Got scared to the extent of going into contractions it was too early so I spent the week in the hospital three weeks

**while at the hospital I met new friends who are also expecting their babies In the program some women lost their babies some had them premature as for me I was still waiting doing some medical checks up and simple exercises to keep me fit

1949 January 9 at 12:45 am I had my baby boy immediately I named him harry (Jordan)

That day was the best day of my life and for some reasons i couldn't take my eyes off him

**days past I took my baby home and put my supervisor in charge of my store for the next nine months taking care of my baby was a very big experience for me I just couldn't take my eyes off even as mom mocks me

Mom:your little sister is expecting her second child but you are still struggling with the one you have imagine a 70 years old woman having children from age ranges of fifty to twenty six I was twenty four when I had you Lucy,you got all caught up with setting up your life agenda you are a woman for gods sake no one care about your accomplishments

Me:mom it doesn't matter.....!

Mom:you may say so Lucy...but you are out of time and besides a forty six years old womNd should be resting already taking birth control pills

Me:mom! Seriously...? has it gotten to that extent? ....but seriously I don't look like,am forty six and besides having this baby didn't cost me much

Mom: yes it did my darling.....yes it did you slept in the clinic and attended an anti-natal program that's enough stress to kill a forty six years old woman

Me:but I didn't die(with a big smile on my face)

**1956 my fifty first birthday day seven years after marriage I and my husband sign our divorce papers at the Court house and go our seperate ways of which I took harry and Larry with me then got a new boy friend called kirk elson.

I and kirk got married in 1956 December 9 months after we met but I was already pregnant. For some reason Larry and harry my sons disliked kirk maybe because he was a black man.

Me :kirk you still don't believe am fifty one?

Kirk:why you lying ...why you lying to me still?

Me:darling showed you my certificate of birth.....and you still don't believe me?

Kirk :a fifty years old woman can't be carrying a child I still don't know why you are hiding your age from me?

Me:I can't do that.....that's impossible!

Kirk:OK then I believe you!