
Your Best Friend’s here! Part II

“Ma’am, you sure are wicked, making someone stay at my friend’s apartment like that,” Artit said. “This morning, I saw him walking out of the toilet and I thought my friend’s taste had changed.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, Tid,” Madame Fon scolded. “I just helped him find a place to stay. Since Rin has to stay with me these past few days, I had to trouble Joke instead.”

“But I never expected you to have a foreign friend. He looks a lot younger than you, too…Is he your personal fountain of youth?”

Artit held up his little finger as some kind of a sign while he spoke, making Madame Fon roll her eyes. She knew that if she had to name foul-mouthed people, this man would be at the top of the list. Fortunately, the brat had to travel to Japan for work so he could not come to the shop lately, otherwise, her employees would not be able to work because of him…The funny thing was, everyone in her shop seemed to have taken a liking to him!
