
Against the Rulers

Shivam_Sharma_7882 · Fantasie
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3 Chs


After all that mysterious things that happened ,there were so many sights of some gateways or I may say entrances that were opened for us to enter into a whole different world.

These were the places from where we will get the learning of this things ,many people already had started going inside them after all who wouldn't believe ,The great gods will plot something evil for the people they have created. I don't know why but I was having some bad feelings about it.

But what can I do getting inside was the only option because after seeing the mutation in animals it was clear this things are fucking messed up and to survive we had to follow the flow how the things are going.

So I also went towards a mysterious gateways that was few kilometres away from my home .


In a far away place a mysterious creature was sitting near a throne which was pitch black in colour ,his eyes were deep blue and he himself was black coloured. From some distance you can say it was a dragon but when you get close who can see his wings are releasing some black coloured fires like phoenix .

As it opened it eyes and moved his head left and right saying" They still are trying to do that even after what they get through ".

" I won't let his death go to a waste ,I will stop them and kill them all this time " he said looking at the throne.


I was near the entrance ,I was relieved that I didn't found any mysterious creature in my way to here , as soon as I reached the entrance I was in amazed at the sight.

It was like a big portal ,a very big one clouds can be seen on its edges and was looking very beautiful.

I went inside it as soon as I went inside ,I feel like my head was going to burst and felt a little dizzy.

As I reached the other side I was on my knees and my hands on ground. My mind was still adjusting the feeling I went through just now .

At a distance I saw a large building outside of which a large number of people can be seen in a line ,as I went through market I also see people buying some things there which were like some ancient weapons and medicine. And they were holding a stone with a green colour jade on it.

I don't know anything about these things so I went towards the building where people where standing.

I soon joined the queue and asked the person ahead of me " Hello brother,can you tell me about this things ?".

He looked back and saw me upside down and said in an arrogant voice" This building is a registration counter for entering inside the teaching school where we all will learn about the things going on " and started looking ahead again.

After listening to his answer I also started waiting for my turn , it took nearly one hour before my turn came up.

At the registration counter a beautiful lady was sitting who was giving us our identity token.

She asked me about some minor details like my name,age,place and then a bright light appears as the the stone like figure come before me.

She told me to keep this thing and they are called jades ,which kept our details and if I want more details I can see inside it . They were more like mobile phones of our modern world .

I went towards a direction she told me to go ,where I find a big mysterious door which was ten feet tall and eight feet wide.

As I went near the door ,my jade started shining and some words were visible " Rule learning room" and in corner there were words more information.

I tapped on it and a screen opened on it showing some details.

" The room in front of you is where you will learn the rules which are present in our nature, there are numerous of them as the list below give the names ,you can learn only 5 so choice is your . There is a pen and paper on the side of door write the name of rule you want to learn and put it on the door ,it will take you to a special place where you will learn all of them . You just have to put your hand on the crystal that will appear in front of you and comprehense the rule in your subconsciousness ".

After reading it I started going through the list of the rules there were .

Suddenly my brain started aching as something was trying do to something. Suddenly I heard a voice " You are suitable.....