
Against the Gods: Transcendent

Yun Che who has once again, been reincarnated into his past. Wanting to change his once fate, he now grasps his own very destiny by all means!

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25 Chs

Brahma Heavenly Divine Art

"Little brother Zhang, upon activating this Eternal Heaven Teleportation Array, we will be transported directly into the heart of the Eternal Heaven Realm itself. With your exceptional talent, I have no doubt that you will become one of the pillars of our realm in the future," a middle-aged man said to a young man, accompanied by two young women.

"Ruoxin, Qiqi, please take care of everyone after I depart," Zhang said to the women standing beside him.

"Zhang Xuan, I will wait for you, no matter how long it takes," Luo Ruoxin declared. "I'm confident that you'll return even stronger, my husband," Luo Qiqi added.

After exchanging passionate kisses, Zhang turned to the man in front of him and said, "I'm ready, Senior Zhou."

"I understand that this is difficult for you, but please keep in mind that this world is only a tiny piece of the many secret worlds that exist within the God Realm. Your exceptional talent will be wasted here," the middle-aged man spoke.

As an Eternal Heaven Adjudicator, he had accidentally stumbled upon this world while exploring a secret realm in the Lower Realm. Who would have expected to encounter such a genius in such a remote place? This world, or worlds rather, consisted of a series of small planets linked together, with its own set of rules, laws, and cultivation system.

With his Divine Master cultivation, everything here was no match for him, even the heavens themselves. Nevertheless, he was an Eternal Heaven Adjudicator, not a bully who would take whatever he desired.

The young man before him, despite having a different cultivation, possessed strength comparable to that of a Divine King in the God Realm, and the most astounding aspect was that he was just shy of twenty-two years old. A twenty-two-year-old Divine King! What a monstrously gifted individual!

After befriending the young man, who appeared to be the ruler of the heaven within this world, the Adjudicator extended an invitation for him to visit the Eternal Heaven Realm. With the Eternal Heaven God Emperor preparing to open the Eternal Heaven Divine Realm, he hoped that the young man would accept the offer to train there. Such talent could not be squandered in this place! It took some time to persuade the young man, but eventually, he agreed that if he could return within three years, all would be well.

"Let us depart, dear little brother Zhang," the man smiled as he activated his life-saving talisman, which contained a one-time-only teleportation array. Although individuals could enter this world, they could not leave it. With his Divine Master cultivation, he could easily break the barrier and exit, but doing so would harm the world itself, so he opted against it.

The talisman he possessed was a reward for the many good deeds he had performed for the Eternal Heaven Divine Realm. Not even the Guardians possessed such a talisman! Although he was among the weakest Adjudicators, he could envision his status rising in conjunction with the monstrously gifted individual who would undoubtedly become a realm pillar in the future.

The man smiled and said, "Let us go then."

They stepped into the light and were immediately teleported to the heart of the Eternal Heaven Realm. As the young man basked in the overwhelming spiritual energy in the air, he began to say, "Eternal Heaven Realm is..." but was abruptly cut off by a deafening roar that shook their very souls, followed by an explosive shockwave of power.


The Adjudicator, despite his early-stage Divine Master cultivation, was directly killed by the shockwave, body and soul, let alone the young man who followed. They both perished without even having the chance to scream. A genius had fallen, and his story would remain untold.


The skies were rent asunder by an ear-splitting roar that seemed to shake the very foundations of heaven!

As the sound reverberated throughout the realm, the Guardians and Brahma Gods who had flee to what they thought were save distance were thrown off their feet and tossed about like rag dolls.

Even God Emperors were blow back hundreds of kilometers in all directions!


Their screams of terror echoed across the battlefield as they were helplessly blown away by the sheer force of the Dragon Monarch's power.

These individuals represent the pinnacle of cultivators in the God Realm, those below the level of late-stage Divine Masters would disintegrate into a mist of blood instantly upon facing such might! 


The Eternal Heaven God Emperor roared in fury, his rage and fear reached it limited, as he watched the world he had sworn to protect crumble into dust before his eyes. The devastation was beyond anything he had ever witnessed before. Many of the realm's most powerful cultivators, whether they were Divine Kings, Divine Sovereigns, or early-stage Divine Masters, were crushed to nothing by the Dragon Monarch's overwhelming might.

The Eternal Heaven Divine Tower, a symbol of the realm's power and glory, had been reduced to rubble. The Eternal Heaven's Divine City, which had once been a bustling center of trade and commerce, was now a desolate wasteland. Even the Conferred God Stage, where the mightiest cultivators had once battled for supremacy, was nothing but a memory.

"Ah.....ah.... puke!!!!."

As he surveyed the devastation around him, the Eternal Heaven God Emperor coughed up blood, his heart heavy with hatred and despair. He despised the devils and all those who threatened the realm, but his loathing for the Dragon Monarch was even greater. The thought of this monstrous being laying waste to his world filled him with a fury that threatened to consume him whole.

This was the Eternal Heaven Realm, his home, his realm, and the place where all of his children resided. Many of them had been killed by the shockwave that had devastated the world, if not all.

Despite his overwhelming hatred for the Dragon Monarch, the Eternal Heaven God Emperor was powerless to act against him. All he could do was direct his fury towards the man and woman who seemed to be at the center of everything - Yun Che and the Devil Queen, Chi Wuyao.

His earlier restraint from attacking Yun Che was fueled by a mix of fear over Yun Che's true capabilities and the presence of his own kin, his children! They were all present in the vicinity! But now, had any of them survived?!!!

As he directed his anger towards Yun Che in the distance, he suddenly felt a chill at his side. A voice rang out, "JIEHEHAHAHA! DIE!!!!" and a claw made of pure darkness profound energy, darker than the night itself, struck him in the ribs.

"Crack...cracks.. BOOOM!!!"

The sound of bones cracking echoed through the air as the Eternal Heaven God Emperor was sent hurtling towards the ground, creating a massive earthquake upon impact. Several of his ribs had been broken in the attack, leaving him in excruciating pain. "Ugh....!!!"

Yan Two let out a menacing laugh, "ZIEHEHHAHA!!!" as he looked down at the injured Eternal Heaven God Emperor below him.

"God Emperor!" Tai Yu who was the closet to Zhou Xuzi screamed out.

Tai Yu, the head of the Guardians, rushed towards the injured Eternal Heaven God Emperor, but then, he was struck down with a force that almost killed him. "BOOOM!!!!"

"ZIEEEEEEEHEHEHEHE!!!" Yan Three looked at Tai Yu and the rest of the Guardians before him. "You brats are my prey," he said, a cruel grin spreading across his face.


"God Emperor, are you unharmed?" Inquired a severely wounded man as he struggled and flew to the side of the Brahma God Emperor. The lips of the Brahma God Emperor quivered slightly as he assessed the man's critical state. Internally he mused, "He's asking about my well-being while he himself is on the brink of death!"

Shortly after, another aura charged toward them, another man appeared, equally battered and bruised.

"Zonglun?" Qianye Fantian abruptly realized the absence of one of their members and called out.

"He was in close proximity, my lord," one of the battered Brahma Kings replied with a somber expression. "He... did not survive."


"He was of little use anyway," Qianye Fantian remarked dismissively as he shifted his gaze toward where the Dragon Monarch was, just as another explosion resounded in the distance.


"This...is the wrath of the Dragon..." Qianye Fantian, the Brahma God Emperor, stared into the tumultuous sky where shock waves from a titanic battle resounded. Clearly, the confrontation had escalated.

"Yun Che... who exactly is he?" He pondered, recalling how Yun Che was an obscure young practitioner at the beginning of the Profound God Conference, and now he stood in opposition to the most formidable entity in all of Primal Chaos. His identity as a devil seemed irrefutable, but since when had the Northern Divine Region have such an individual?!!!

Suddenly, the fabric of space shuddered as a figure enshrouded in a black cloak step out.


The Brahma God Emperor called out to the man in front of him, "So, I take it you're my opponent?"

"ZIEEEEHEHUAHAHA! That's right, you brat!" Yan One replied, his hideous face contorted into a grotesque grin.

"God Emperor!"

Brahma Kings who had accompanied Qianye Fantian here roared in protest and flew towards the God Emperor, despite their injured bodies.

"Go find Ying'er," the Brahma God Emperor said without looking at them. "GO!!!!"

"But.....!" They all felt the urge to object, but a realization dawned on them simultaneously: Qianye Ying'er had been perilously close to the epicenter when the Dragon Monarch unleashed his overwhelming might. Although she possessed the formidable strength of a Rank Ten Divine Master, they couldn't ignore the possibility that she might be gravely wounded at this moment. In her weakened state, wouldn't the devils seize the opportunity to eliminate her?

"Yes, my lord!" The two Brahma Kings responded in unison before quickly departing.

Watching the departed Brahma Kings, Yan One let out a laughed "Jiehahaha, you must be overly confident in your ability, or you are just simply too stupid to face me alone"

"We'll see about that," Qianye Fantian murmured under his breath, his gaze lingering on the departing Brahma Kings who were now specks in the distance. He turned to Yan One, noting with a measure of internal relief that the devil seemed to have no intention of pursuing his fleeing compatriots. Earlier, he had dismissed the loss of a Brahma King with apparent indifference, but inwardly, it had stung deeply.

Cultivating to the level of Divine Master required an astronomical investment of resources, and Zonglun had reached the lofty heights of a Divine Master Rank Eight. Each Divine Master stood as a bastion of strength for their realm.


A brilliant golden radiance then erupted from Qianye Fantian as he fixed his gaze on Yan One, who returned the look with a jeering laugh.

"Jiehahaha! Bring it on! Show me how you plan to beat me!" Yan One threw the challenge with scornful amusement.

With a smirk, Qianye Fantian's aura surged to its absolute peak, and he bellowed with full force, "Brahma... Heavenly...Divine...Art!!!"


In a sudden blur, Qianye Fantian's figure rocketed away, moving with such blistering speed that he vanished from Yan One's presence in an instant.

"....!!!!!!! YOU FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!" Yan One roared as he shot off after Qianye Fantain.


Qianye Ying'er looked at the three women in front of her and exclaimed, "Three against one? Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?!!!"

"What do you mean? You are the mighty Brahma Goddess, and this is life and death battle, there is no rule here. Infact, since we're devils coming out of Northern Divine Region, we're at a disadvantage here," Yan Wu retorted.

When she learned that her father would be coming to the Eternal Heaven Realm seeking revenge for all the Devils, she couldn't stay still. After many rounds of begging, she was finally able to come. Beside her stood the two great witches of the Soul Steal Realm, Jie Ling and Jie Xin.


Qianye Ying'er voice out, aware that dark practitioners typically suffer a significant loss of strength when they leave the Northern Divine Region, their domain of darkness. Yet, the devils before her showed no signs of such weakness.

"Looks like it might end up being a three-on-three after all," Yan Wu interjected suddenly. "An even match, just as you were hoping for," she remarked.

Qianye Ying'er look up she noticed the two Brahma Kings heading her way. "That's still three level ten Divine Masters against one and two dogs!" she retorted without caring for the two Brahma Kings who rushed over.

"We're ... dogs....?" The two Brahma Kings were angry but had nowhere to vent their frustration. They were relieved as they found their Goddess, but her words are just....

"Just come out already, Old Man," Jie Ling suddenly said.

"?????????????????????" The two Brahma Kings were confused, but their eyes widened as a figure, old and emaciated, stepped out of the void and appeared in front of them.

"You have a good eye, young lady," Gu Zhu appeared beside Qianye Ying'er and spoke those words.


In another region of the Eternal Heaven God Realm, a different scenario was unfolding.

"How is everyone?" Moon God Emperor Yue Wuya inquired among his Moon Gods. Being the weakest among the God Emperors present, he had wisely retreated a great distance upon sensing the impending outburst of Dragon Monarch's wrath, his followers doing likewise.

"We're all fine, my God Emperor," they responded in unison.


They all involuntarily inhaled sharply as they witnessed the catastrophic scene from afar.

"Even if all the devils are annihilated today, it's likely that the Eternal Heaven Realm will be reduced to nothing but a memory," remarked one of the Moon Gods.

Such devastating power! It was clear that Dragon Monarch Long Bai had been driven to complete madness!

"Crack...BANG!" Suddenly, the fabric of space near them shattered and burst, revealing a solitary figure emerging from the fissure.

"YAMA GOD EMPEROR!" Yue Wuya immediately recognized the figure as the most formidable God Emperor from the Northern Divine Region.

Yan Tianxiao surveyed the assembly before him and a smile crept onto his face.

"Do you think you can take on all of us single-handedly?!" one of the Moon Gods spat out indignantly, incensed by what they perceived as Yan Tianxiao's dismissive grin, assuming he was underestimating them.

Ignoring the irate Moon God, Yan Tianxiao's gaze settled on Yue Wuya as he addressed him directly, "You must be Lady Xia Qingyue's father."

