
Against The Devil

"If you were the devil... What would you do?" "If... If I were the prince of darkness, I would..." ---- This is the story of two boys from two different families- A Wayne and A Morningstar. Born in two different worlds that are at war with each other, the two boys, Andrew Wayne and Silver Morningstar, are born in rich and powerful families. Born in a rich and powerful family should only be filled with a life full of comfort and riches. But what if the devil sets his eyes on these two families? What if the prince of darkness decides to use these two families as chess pieces? What would become of the Waynes and the Morningstars? And what of the fates of Andrew and Silver? Can they overcome the devil? Or would both or one of them become the devil? ----- P.S: I got the cover art from Pinterest, and read my review in case you want to know more about the book.

Anon22 · Fantasie
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126 Chs

5: Night

(10:09 pm)

The Wayne mansion which was usually filled with the voices and noise created by the Wayne children, was quiet. The children were tucked into their beds, and they slept without a care in the world.

But who was to blame them?

They were just kids who only knew the greener and brighter parts of the world.


(10:10 pm)

Andrew was sleeping without a care in the world in his comfy bed. His room was filled with posters of men in various mech suits and black skin-tight suits. Each of the men held weapons similar to guns, but the weapons looked more advanced than normal guns.


Andrew snored, and then he mumbled some incomprehensible words as he turned in his king-sized bed.

As the seconds went by, the only sounds that could be heard in Andrew's room were his snores and the sound of the clock ticking.

Three seconds later, the door to his room opened slightly. The door's movement stopped, and a second later, the door slowly opened without making a sound.

As the door fully opened, a figure slowly entered Andrew's room. The darkness in the room obscured the figure, and the figure walked slowly toward the sleeping Andrew without making a single sound.

The figure reached the sleeping Andrew, and it slowly stretched out its hand towards him. It touched Andrew's shoulder and Andrew frowned in his sleep.

"Hmmm." Andrew groaned softly as he turned once again on the bed.

The figure paused, and then he shook Andrew softly.

"Hey kid… wake up."

"Hmmmm?" Andrew's eyes slowly opened, and with a hiss, he looked at the being who was disturbing his sweet sleep.

Just as Andrew was about to curse, he squinted his eyes, "F-Father?"

Andrew called out with an unsure expression, but he received no immediate response.

"... Wake up kid. I think there might be a problem."

The voice rang once again in Andrew's ears, and Andrew's frown deepened. He shook his head, and he squinted his eyes once again. This time around, he was able to see the figure in front of him.

"Mr. Beggar?" Andrew shook his head, "Wait. Sorry, Mr. Thomas?"

"What are you doing here?"

Andrew asked with a confused expression as he observed Thomas the beggar standing in front of him with a stoic expression. Although Andrew had only known Mr. Thomas for a day, or to be more precise, less than a day, he never expected Mr. Thomas to be able to make such an expression. He always felt like Mr. Thomas was a carefree man who loved to laugh and joke around.

'Why did I think he would be like that?' Andrew thought, and then he decided to observe Mr. Thomas. He looked at his hands, but he found not a single object in his hands. He also checked his waist, but he found no weapons of any sort.

'Why am I even checking if he has a weapon? If he wanted to kill me or harm me, he could have killed me in my sleep.' Andrew thought while holding his temple with a slightly pained expression.

He needed and wanted more sleep. He had only slept for... Andrew checked the wall clock in his room.

'10:14 pm? I've only slept for approximately 2 hours?' Andrew groaned.

"There might be a problem kid,"

Andrew looked at Mr. Thomas with a confused expression.

"Problem? If there's a problem call Edgar. Why are you telling me? I'm just eight years old." Andrew questioned in a baffled tone as he could not comprehend why Mr. Thomas would choose to meet an eight year old to help with a problem.

What did he expect him to do?

"Your butler is not around." Mr. Thomas replied with a strange tone.

"He's not around? How is that possible?" Andrew frowned deeply as he could not help but wonder what the hell was going on.

Although he hated Edgar, he knew with a hundred percent certainty that Edgar actually took his job seriously and also performed his tasks to perfection.

Andrew knew that Edgar would never leave when he and his sister's lives were in his hands.

'What the hell is going on?' Andrew was pissed.

He just wanted some sleep. Was that too much to ask for?

"What's the problem by the way? Why did you wake me up by this ungodly hour?"

Andrew was beginning to get irritated by everything that was going on. If an adult needed the help of an eight year old to solve a problem, then was he not useless as an adult?

'Maybe that's another reason why he's a beggar.' Andrew clicked his tongue.

Andrew's expression portrayed his irritation, and Thomas noticed this. But his expression remained unchanged.

"I heard a loud sound coming from outside your house. It sounded like it came from the garage."

"A loud sound? In the the garage?" Andrew furrowed his brows.

"It's probably a raccoon or a stray animal. Edgar will take care of it when he's available." Andrew fell back to his bed. "Now leave me and let me sleep."

Andrew closed his eyes to drift back into the sweet embrace of sleep. But, much to his shock and anger, the beggar who he had decided to help on a whim had the audacity to remove his duvet from his body.

"What the fuck?!" Andrew shouted and sat up immediately with flames of anger in his eyes.

"You should take what I'm saying seriously."

"Shut the fuck up! You're just a beggar! How dare you disturb my sleep and remove my duvet! Know your fucking place!"

Andrew shouted, and without waiting for a reply from the emotionless looking man, he grabbed his duvet from the beggar's hands. He dropped to his bed and covered his body with a mumbled curse.

"Fucking useless beggar."

Despite all that Andrew said, Thomas' expression experienced no change. He released a soft sigh, "I couldn't find your sister, Esther."

The instant Andrew heard those words, he shot up from his bed with widened eyes.

"What did you just say?"

Thomas almost found it funny that a kid who could be his grandson asked such a question with a panicked and serious tone.

"I said I couldn't find your sister."

Thomas repeated once again, and Andrew's eyes shook. He jumped off his bed and without saying anything, he ran to the door of his room.

Thomas watched with an emotionless gaze as Andrew ran out of his room and possibly to his sister's room in his pajamas.

Thomas looked at the window, and then his lips curled up.