
Against Supernatural World

A world of supernatural abilities. A world of exciting adventure and danger. I was brought into such a world. But I wasn't the protagonist. I was a forgettable character. I was a regressor.

Red654 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Second Blood 6 : The Plot begins

The next morning, Jyro woke up early and, as usual, washed up and put on his uniform before checking the news in his electronic notebook for about ten minutes.

He scanned the various articles on different websites without finding anything of interest before stopping on an article in a local newspaper.

"Apparition of a malefic spirit in a small public park in the East Aki district, a dozen injured and two dead...".

The plot begins.

Jyro sighed as he put down his electronic notebook and recalled future events as best he could.

If I remember correctly, at the beginning of the novel the protagonist was a listless young man who in reality harboured the soul of a martial artist reincarnated from the dark ages in the modern world without his memories.

After encountering an E-rank evil spirit that appeared in an unnamed park while he was walking with his childhood friend, he awakened his aura and memories, enabling him to immediately kill the evil spirit.

As luck would have it, a mysterious woman appeared from nowhere for some reason and decided to take him on as a disciple, impressed by his talent. After six months' training, he joined the Byonder University as a second-year student.

A clichéd start to an online novel.

"It's the 12th of May 2036, the article was published on the 2nd, the school year starts in October, which corresponds to the protagonist's six months of training."

"Normally I should have awaken after Tae-soo and Hye-soo, around January next year, but I'm ahead of schedule, so I'll have to give them a hand."

The school system at Byonder University was very light-hearted: as soon as a pupil from the preparatory classes awaken aura, they were assigned directly to a class according to their mark on the maximum potential test.

Isn't that unfair to newly-awakened studen? He didn't care, either you catch up or you fail the annual assessment test that will decide your ability to move up to the next class.

So even if you wake up a week or a day before the annual test, you will still have to be assigned to a class and take the test.

Even after numerous complaints from students and parents, the univerty management insisted on maintaining this system, with the excuse that constant competition between students was the best way to awaken their potential.

However, the complaints were slightly successful because the management made the concession to standardise teaching in the first year of classes D to A with that of people in preparatory classes, with only the practical assessments and the daily training quota differing.

However, this system was not equal for all.

For example, children from famous families or clans could gain access to any level of study by passing a private exam or with a letter of recommendation, thus avoiding the tedious annual assessment and various exams.

The protagonist, for example, thanks to the recommendation of his teacher, who was a friend of the dean of the university, was able to enter the second year without any problems.

"The injustice of talent and birth."

Leaving his thoughts behind, Jyro logged into Wolf&Lamb, entered his carefully secured username and password, and then checked his account balance.

"$8.4 million."

Even though he had checked his account the day before, it still seemed unreal to see so much money in front of him

"At least in this life I won't have to worry about money any more."

He now had enough money to pay off his student loan and even buy training materials and mystical and enchanted equipment and objects, but unfortunately there was a problem with this plan.

"How do you launder this money?

Where would an orphan get so much money? From the darkweb? He'd probably be arrested by the tax authorities or by the GBIA7 ( global intelligence agency 7).

"But I can at least buy items on the dark web, even if it will probably cost me more."

The prices on the dark web were very high compared to the normal market, and you could get scammed and lose all your money.

It is also possible that the product once delivered was of very poor quality or completely different from the photo, but in general the products sold on Wolf&Lamb were safe.

Also, the money he currently had was in his USDT crypto wallet on their site, which made the transaction easier.

"After all, it's the site created by the world's nicest pirate."

Jyro smiled as he turned off his notebook and electronic and left his room.

He ate in the cafeteria, then went to class and, without paying any attention to his classmates, started browsing various articles on the Internet until the teacher, who seemed to be in a lazy mood, came in without his usual clothes and made an announcement.

"Today we're going to check your progress, so get dressed and join me on the training ground 4."

As soon as the teacher had left, the class immediately became louder.

All the students got up from their seats and left the classroom to go to the changing rooms, including Jyro who followed his classmates with a slightly tired look on his face.

His intuition was telling him it was going to be a long day.

If you like this work I would be grateful if you put a comment or a review it will help me a lot and I hope you will like the plot of the story, even the story is a bit slow and there are not many characters but don't worry the plot will speed up in a few chapters as it is a work about regression it is very important to put the basics of the story so as not to lose readers later thank you for your support ;).

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