
Afterlife of the Supreme Magnus

*Sigh* ‘So the war is over.’ ‘After all the time wasted and sacrifices made we finally won. But what did I truly gain at the end? Nothing huh?’ ‘I never lived for myself in the first place. I guess that’s what you get for being the main character.’ ‘Truly disappointing.’ These were the last thoughts of the most powerful mage in the world before falling into a deep slumber. But then, After over a thousand years, he is unintentionally awoken to find himself in a strange era and a strangely younger body. With this, he decides to finally live for himself while watching everything unfold for the newer generation from the sidelines. But with such great power comes the question. Can he?

Khay_Phynom · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Return of the Supreme Magnus

Make sure to read synopsis



"Damn these vines!" A man with a large body build and thick beard spat in disgust while cutting through several green vines with a sword; his swing, powerful enough to create shockwaves.

His sword was three times the size of what the average person would use but this was not the only thing that stood out. His iron armor, covering nearly every part of his body looked very heavy and uncomfortable to wear.

But with the goal he had in mind, he couldn't be blamed for not taking any chances.

He was on a search for a very valuable item called the silver stone. Most people believed it to be a myth as it's rumored power was quite unbelievable. The possibility if finding it was nearly zero but if found is able to change the lives if whoever finds it unimaginably. So his guild took up this task, forming an elite force dedicated in the search for the silver stone.

So yes, he wasn't alone

They were a total of five in this little hunt. Well, not as though you can call it that, as they have been on this for over three years. This was enough time to want to give up but they didn't and after all these years of gathering clues, they ended up in this place.

From what they discovered something very special was located in this place. It wasn't certain that it was the silver stone but of course they'd check it out.

This discovery was of course kept a secret and surprisingly enough there was no sign of anyone coming here as recent as several years ago.

"You don't have to stress too much about it," a lady giggled. She seemed to be just 24 and unlike the iron armor of the man, she wore fitted light clothing with two daggers strapped to her sides.

"That should be the last of them," Suvol voiced out, being another man slightly older than the lady.

He was good looking, with most of his blonde hair falling on the left side. He also wore armor but they were less, only covering his vital points.

By 'last of them' he was referring to the vines which were no normal vines as they seemed…, or rather, they were alive. This was one of the many challenges they had to go through while heading here.

Truth be told, they were expecting much more resistant from magical beasts and creatures, but they seemed to have mostly abandoned the place even though it was very deep within the forest. This was unusual and the only explanation to this was the spike in magical energy not too far away from their position.

It was great, but not much so to be able to drive all the beast out at such wide radius and it was also lacking to be the silver stone since it's magic potential is rated more than what they were reading.

After staring at a circular device in her palm, the second female of the group pointed towards a direction.

"Just a little further there."

Just by glancing at her it was obvious that she wasn't for combat, she was clad in a loose gown which also had harder materials covering her vital parts. With long black hair and brown eyes, she had the natural charisma of a leader.

The group of five headed towards the direction she earlier pointed. It was due to their proficiency in their various fields that they were able to last this long and it was looking like their search might finally be over. After some minutes of walking, they paused at the sight of a relatively large cage.

Mary their leader and the person with the circular device stared at its occasional spikes due to the high mana coming from the cave.

After 3 years of search, the mixed feelings from every one of them was understandable.

"Come on, let's do this." The last member, a man with bald hair, holding on to a spear voiced out, as they steeled their resolve before walking in. They treaded deeper at a slow pace and when it got too dark, Mary created three glowing orbs, each four times the size of a fist, helping them to regain their vision.

"There's also no sign of life within the cave," the lady with daggers voiced out.

"I don't have a good feeling about this," Suvol frowned while making sure to move his gaze across every point.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! don't tell me you're getting scared of this," The thick bearded man chortled while shaking his head in an amusingly disappointed way.

"It'll be fine. This isn't our first time doing something like this," leaning closer towards Suvol, he whispered. "Leena might just get the wrong idea." Suvol's face turned slightly red in embarrassment.

By Leena he was referring to the lady with two daggers, she was cheerful and beautiful so it was normal for him to develop interest in her, especially with the amount of time they've spent as a team.

He couldn't afford to show such weakness in front of her, so he suppressed his gut feelings.

If only he knew.

"I think we're very close," Mary voiced out as the spikes from the device were becoming much more frequent and this only increased the deeper they went.

It wasn't too long before they began seeing strange inscriptions written on the walls.

At some point, the light orbs began blinking which also increased in occurrence, raising their nervousness to new heights. This looked like something straight out of a horror movie.

"M-Maybe we shouldn't have…," before this sentence could be completed all the strange occurrences suddenly stopped. The lights became steady and the spiking from the device stopped.

In front of them now was a large circle of inscriptions.

"Looks like a magic circle but I can barely recognize the symbols used." Mary voiced out while squatting slightly. After some seconds of staring, she slowly brought her hand to the inscriptions as the others watched silently.

Just inches away, her hand got pulled towards it with great force like a magnet and once they made contact, a white aura was being sucked out of her body.

"Wait! What!" They began panicking but before they could make up their mind to help her, it was too late.

Her body turned completely pale and about half of its original size as she dropped lifeless to the ground.

Nothing happened after that for some seconds before the circle inscriptions on the ground as well as that of the cave began glowing. They watched in horror as this got brighter with the device spiking continuously before a large blinding explosion occurred, spreading and destroying everything kilometers away with a straight light streaking with purple lines shooting towards the sky.

It was some minutes fir things to get quite settled and right at the center of this enormous release of magical energy was a naked figure with glowing white hair and yellow eyes

The journey begins.

Khay_Phynomcreators' thoughts