

Yep. 'floating'. The one before them is really floating. There's nothing wrong with Yi Bing's and Huo Ling's eyes, and they are actually very familiar with floating things, especially the transparent ones that can speak and has a face. They also heard the voice and confirmed that the young police officer in front of them can't hear the voice that is owned by Hao Baiyun.

Yes. That floating and transparent 'thing' is Hao Baiyun. He is a ghost. Before, when they met him in the Stable World, and also in the other worlds before this, Hao Baiyun is still alive. He was a human. But, right now, he is dead and had turned into a ghost.

"This…" Huo Ling muttered and turned to look at Yi Bing with a complicated gaze. Things suddenly felt awkward for them who are in the know.