

Outside the mausoleum. 

"Ugh… so hot." One of them said as they fanned themselves using the collar of their clothes. 

"And sandy." Someone said. 

"What do you expect in a desert but sand?!" someone chided. "Do you expect it to snow – " she said before she suddenly stopped. 

"What?" they turned to her. However, they saw her looked stunned as she looked at in one direction. 

"Ruoruo. Say something." They told her. When she didn't speak, they turned to look at what she is looking for, only to become as shocked as her. 

Somewhere in the desert, they saw snowflakes falling amidst the sand. "Wait… am I seeing a mirage?" one of them said and rubbed his eyes. 

"Idiot! It can be anything but a mirage!" his friend told him. 

"Then… what is it?" they asked and watched with bated breath as the snowflakes approached their direction.