

Imperial Calendar, Year 3031, fall.

The long road in the capital that was usually cleared and only the flying maglevs are traversing is now congested by the long line of people walking. However, they are no ordinary people since they are consisting of the military, politicians and the nobles. There are only few civilians that you will see walking along with them, and those civilians are the attendants of the noble people who had never walked for more than hour straight in their entire lifetime, yet was now forced to walk.

It was a funeral procession, and it was spearheaded by the emperor himself, along with the male empress. Next to His Majesty is the deceased's family, Mary Jackson – his mother, and Huo Jinghua – his adoptive father. Along with Gerard Jackson – the biological father, and Lewis Johnson. Then, his long-lost uncle, Jiang Ce, with Harry Walter – the empire's marshal.