

"This is the place! This is it!" Peng Qian said when they saw the room they went yesterday where Huo Ling disappeared. It is where the hole where Philip jumped into when it appeared, and then thereafter disappeared, which frightened them very much. 

Huo Huainan, Huo Zichu, Zhang Jun and Yang Jie looked at the inside of the room since the stone doors are open. Rourou and Lian Xiang curiously looked around. Even though they have already gone to this room before with Zhou Cheng to accompany him to go back in order to find Huo Ling, they were only focused on looking for Huo Ling, only to lose Philip later after Philip jumped down on the hole that appeared, and then disappeared after he jumped inside it. 

Suddenly, they paused. The stone doors that are ajar before them reminded them of the doors ajar of the entrance of the mausoleum, looking like a wide, gaping mouth of a monster that is about to swallow them whole.