
After Z

5 years have passed since a biological weapon was released on the U.S. leaving the western half of the country as an apocalyptic disaster zone. Zombies known as Zeaks are the main enemy, however enemies can be found everywhere in this world. Follow Zulu team and other reclamation teams to take back LA as the largest metropolitan area that was infected. Unravel their history and discover their futures, if they still have one.

Monty_christo · Urban
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12 Chs

8. Setting the attack

Frank returned a couple of hours later.

"I know where their base is, but it isn't going to be easy."

Cap pulled the map back out. "What are we looking at?"

Frank pointed to an industrial complex. "It's in the second building here. However the only building that is clear of zeaks is that one. If we get into firefight be prepared to fight our way out."

Duke perked up. "I could setup some demo down here before we go in after the shooting is done I can blow it and pull the zeak off us."

"Do it. Take the kid with you. If he don't make it don't worry." Cap said flatly. "Let's move melee weapons only until we get there."

Not a word was spoken as the team picked their way to the survivor stronghold. Only a couple of regular zeak came into view and were quickly and quietly dispatched by Frank who was leading the way.

"Okay. Duke, Davis you two go that way set a remote trigger, then meet up in this building. Should be far enough to not be surrounded by zeak." Frank whispered.

Duke responded with a nod and disappeared with Davis in the direction they had planned earlier.

Frank led the team between the buildings and into the industrial buildings. Turns out it was a smelting facility. All the equipment was no lo ger functional but it did present good perching for Travis to take shots. Cap signaled for Travis to take a position towards the corner so he had a more open view of the building. This also put anyone coming up from the lower level with their back towards him as they climbed the latter. If anyone besides his team came out they would die. Frank, Brook, and Cap moved in clearing the floor before decending into the lower level.