
After The Last

The events after The Last Movie. How Naruto and Hinata live their lives as a couple. What kind of challenges they had faced and how they overcome them. The story covers the events after The Last, The Wedding, being a married couple, and having Boruto and Himawari. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Boruto. All credits to Mr. Masashi Kishimoto and Boruto and Hiden Novels writers as references in this story.

bunnywrites_wbn · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter Eleven

"The Spell"

6 months later...

"Shikamaru!" Naruto shouted at Shikamaru upon seeing him hurriedly walking towards the Hokage's Office.

"Naruto, what's up?" He responded.

"Wait, you seem so busy." He commented.

"Well, kinda." He replied.

"What have you been doing though?" He asked Shikamaru.

"I... hmm... I would like to tell the Sixth that I'll be leaving the village for a while." Shikamaru answered.

"Hmm. Why? What's going on?" He confusedly asked.

"I just want to visit the Sand." He replied.

"Wait, did something happen to Gaara?" He worriedly asked.

"Okay, calm down Naruto. It's not like that, you know." He answered him with a boring look.

"So why visit the Sand all of a sudden." He seriously asked.

"It's something personal." He quickly replied.

"Aheeee! Is that something related between you and Temari?" He teased him.

Shikamaru slightly blushed at his statement.

"I know now. So it's about Temari then." He concluded.

"Naruto..." he spoke softly, quite louder than a whisper. His face was serious.

"Yeah, what?" He said while pouting.

"Did you ever think of settling down?" Shikamaru muttered.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked while lines furrowing on his forehead.

"Well, like asking Hinata to be your wife." He straightforwardly said. Naruto was wonderstruck. Shikamaru's words were still processing in his head.

"Asking Hinata to be my...what?!!" He screamed.

"Are you serious, Shikamaru? I am just 19, I don't know anything about marriage!" He shouted at Shikamaru.

"Will you stop shouting like an idiot? We are just inches away from each other." Shikamaru scolded him.

"Wait..." Naruto murmured while holding his chin and acting like he was thinking about something.

"What?" Shikamaru asked in a bored tone.

"I am meaning to say that, you are going to ask Temari to marry you? Is that really it, Shikamaru?" He asked while his eyes were wide open.

"Ahh.. Well, how do I put it on phrase...?" Shikamaru murmured.

"Hey, Shikamaru! Are you okay?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah. Well, kind of asking her for a bite first before that part takes place." Shikamaru explained.

Naruto stared at him for seconds then he looked down.

"Eee... what's wrong?" Shikamaru wondered.

"Do you think it's time for me to ask Hinata about marriage?" He confusedly asked.

"Idiot! Marriage is not something you can decide without thinking about it a hundred times. Marriage is a drag but, that's what being an adult means and the future we must protect." Shikamaru said.

"The future we must protect..." Naruto repeated.

"Yeah..." Shikamaru replied.

"What do you mean?" He was confused.

"In the future, our wives will bear our children and those children will be the future of this world and with that, they are the future we must protect, the King." He explained.

"Hmm," Naruto muttered.

"You'll be asking the woman from a renowned clan, probably the Princess of the Clan. Asking her hand from her father will be troublesome." Shikamaru commented.

"You sure have the confidence to say all of that. Remember, you will be asking Temari's hand from the Kazekage." Naruto said while pouting.

"I know, jerk! I was trying to tell you that you need to be ready and determined to marry someone. It's no joke. Marry her when you're ready when you already possess everything needed to be a good husband and a good father." Shikamaru explained.

"I don't know if I have the guts to ask Hinata about it. I don't know anything about marriage. I don't even know how to be a good husband and a good father. I was born without my parents. I don't know how a husband should treat his wife since I never saw how mom treats dad or how to be a father since I never met dad. I don't even know if he was cool or a lame one. I should be asking him these things but..." Naruto expressed his feelings towards Shikamaru.

"Then you should act like how Jiraiya-sensei or Iruka-sensei treats you. I know they were the closest people in your heart." Shikamaru suggested.

"But, how? I mean, it's different from me and to my future kids somehow." Naruto refused.

"You don't get it, don't you?" Shikamaru said.

"Hmm.." Naruto muttered.

"Treat your children like how Jiraiya-sensei and Iruka-sensei treated you back then. They became a father to you as a replacement to the Fourth, right?" Shikamaru explained further. Naruto remained silent and somehow internalized Shikamaru's words. He kind of gets it but, he still doubts himself.

"I have learned a lot from dad while just looking at his back. He taught me things I must learn. He even gave me advice about women. I once asked him why he married someone like my mom who is a hot-headed type of woman and he answered me, 'because of her smile'." Shikamaru said.

"Well, so how did you like of getting someone like Temari who is a warrior type of woman?" Naruto randomly asked.

"That's when I finally understood what dad meant by his answer to me," Shikamaru replied.

**A flashback of Shikamaru seeing Temari smile at him back when she saved him from one of the Sound Four Ninjas**

"I see now. You look so sure and decided Shikamaru. You look like a real adult now." Naruto softly said.

"Ahh. Don't worry Naruto, I kind of understand what you're feeling right now. Take my advice and decide about it later. I know Hinata meant a lot to you but you need to think about it over and over again. And one more thing, Hinata might not yet ready for marriage as well but you can talk about it." Shikamaru explained.

"So when is your departure?" Naruto asked him.

"Tomorrow." He replied.

"Shikamaru getting married soon..." Naruto whispered.

"No. Not that soon though. I will talk about it with Temari. I mean, I'm not really going to propose yet. I need to talk to his brothers first I think." Shikamaru cleared himself.

"Exactly, Kankuro or Gaara might not like you for their sister." Naruto teased him.

"That will be a big problem for me," Shikamaru replied while rubbing the back of his head and they laughed together.

They parted ways as Shikamaru headed straight to the Hokage's Office while Naruto was still puzzled about his thoughts and feelings. He headed back to his apartment. He got a cup of instant ramen and was sipping on it. He usually eat ramen when he was in a big trouble or something was bothering him.

Marrying Hinata soon... Am I ready for it?

He thought.

He shook his head. Like what he said, he had no idea how marriage works.

..you need to be ready and determined to marry someone. It's no joke. Marry her when you're ready, when you already possess everything needed to be a good husband and a good father...

He remembered Shikamaru saying those words.

I love Hinata and I'm sure she's the woman I'm going to spend the rest of my life with but, I don't think I am ready to marry her.

**he reminisce his memories of his mother when he first met her, his first meeting with his father. He also reminisce his memories with his master, Jiraiya and the moment his teacher, Iruka saved and protected him**

So that's how being a husband and a father is like? He thought again.

... those children will be the future of this world and with that, they are the future we must protect. The King...

He sipped the last drop from his ramen and painted a serious and determined look on his face.

"Shikamaru is right. I am no longer a stupid kid who used to do pranks to gain attention. I am a man now, an adult. I must do things that a man or an adult is supposed to do. And as a man, I must prove to Hinata that I deserve to be her husband and the father of her children." He commented. He clenched his fist and threw it up.

"But...but, how will I do that?" He said and he instantly lost all of his energy after that thought.

He was so determined a while ago and suddenly got less enthusiastic.


"Naruto..?!" Sai muttered upon seeing Naruto at the park with big eye bags.

"Yo, Sai." He unenthusiastically replied to Sai.

"Are you okay? You look like you haven't slept well last night." Sai commented. He noticed the dark circles under Naruto's eyes.

"Sort of." He said. Sai chuckled.

"What's the matter though?" Sai asked. He looked so confused.

"Sai, that book you were reading. Can I borrow it?" Naruto asked.

"Why all of a sudden?" Sai replied.

"Hmm. I think it will help." Naruto added.

"Help for what?" Sai asked.

"I want to know how marriage works," Naruto revealed.

"Marriage?" Sai confusedly asked.

"Yeah." He quickly replied.

"Do you mean, you are going to propose to Hinata?" Sai asked.

Sweat dripped on Naruto's forehead while looking weirdly at Sai. He was shy about telling him about it.

"I-I... just want to share some ideas about marriage with her..." he excused.

"If that's the case..." Sai said while holding his chin as if he was thinking.

"My book is really a help," Sai added and smiled at him.

"That's great!" He exclaimed.

Sai grabbed the book from his backpack and he immediately handed it over to Naruto.

"Thanks" he muttered. He immediately opened the book and searched for the marriage part.

"I just want to know how to approach Hinata and talk about marriage with her," Naruto explained.

"I see," Sai replied. Naruto read everything from the book and he returned it to Sai.

"Good luck Naruto," Sai said.

"Thanks, Sai." He replied while smiling.

They waved goodbye to each other and they had separated ways. Naruto decided to talk with Hinata about it. He already knew what to do but before going to the Hyuga's residence he stopped at a jewelry shop.

He entered the shop and a woman greeted him with a smile. He smiled back.

"Ahh. Ummm... Miss?" He called out to the woman.

"Yes Mr. Naruto, how can I help you?" She asked.

"Umm. I want to see some of your rings. May I?" He asked.

"Of course!" The girl said while she clapped both her hands.

She led him to the rings piled according to their size and shape. Naruto was amazed to see those glittering diamonds on top of them.

"You must be proposing to your girlfriend Mr. Naruto?" She said while giggling.

Naruto gave her a weird look and grain of sweat dropped on his forehead.

"I like that." He said while pointing to a small heart-shaped diamond ring.

"How much is that?" He asked.

"10,000 Ryuu." The woman replied.

"What?!!!" Naruto screamed. He looked so devastated.

"It's a pure diamond Mr. Naruto that's why it cost that much." The woman replied while still smiling at him.

"M-my... My money... it...it's not... e-enough.." Naruto said with a helpless face.

"He-he-he..." she chuckled.

"That's..." he muttered with a crying weird face. (Comic style)

"If the woman you're going to marry is as precious as that diamond regardless of what kind of ring you will give her she will accept it." The woman said.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked with a wrinkled forehead.

"Love does not depend on the value or the cost of the ring you will give her. If she truly loves you, she will surely be happy with just a simple ring full of love from the man she loves. She's the luckiest girl, Mr. Naruto. The hero of the previous war marrying someone is like a fairytale." She said.

"By the way, if you don't mind Mr. Naruto, who is the lucky girl?" She asked.

"Hinata... Hinata Hyuga." He answered.

"Eeeeeeeh?!! You mean, the Princess of the Hyuga Clan?!" She exclaimed.

"Yes." His short replied.

"Well, well... proposing to a Princess especially from a renowned clan is tough I guess. The head of the clan, Lord Hiashi must be expecting a lot from you." She said.

"Do you think so?" He curiously asked.

"Yes!" She confirmed.

"I'm in big trouble then." Naruto again let out a helpless look. Knowing that he had no enough money to buy the ring, he was also bothered about Hiashi's expectations from him. The woman noticed Naruto's helpless situation and decided to cheer him up a bit.

"Mr. Naruto." She called while smiling at him.

"Don't forget about what I said earlier. As far as I know, the Princess is not just beautiful and strong but kind as well. Don't bother giving her a not-so-expensive present but show her your love instead." She suggested.

Naruto felt relieved and let out a sigh.

"Yosh! I have decided to take this one instead..." Naruto said while pointing to the ring. The woman smiled at him and took out the ring from the organizer. She put it inside the box and wrapped it with a red ribbon on top of it.

"Thank you, Miss," Naruto said and bowed his head.

"No problem Mr. Naruto. Good luck with your proposal." She said and winked at him. Naruto waved goodbye at her and left the store.

Naruto while walking his way to the Hyuga residence gazed at the box from time to time. He was smiling, he was so happy and excited to give it to Hinata.

What would her reaction be? He thought.

He could not wait but he was nervous as well.


"Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" A scream echoed inside the Hyuga's house. Naruto was shocked.

What happened? He thought. He was slightly panicking.

Hinata?!! He thought.

He hurried inside the house. There was no one. He was looking for Hinata. The house was silent. He was frightened by the sight in front of him.

"Hanabi!!" Naruto screamed upon seeing her lying on the floor. Bloodshed greeted him. He lifted her head facing him. She was unconscious.

He lifted his head and saw Hinata standing in front of him with a kunai. Blood was dripping from the kunai she was holding.

This could not be true... he thought.

"Hinata?? Did you do this?" He asked with a confused look.

"Naruto, you're here. What's up?" She said with a cold voice.

"What's happening here? Why do this?" Naruto asked.

"We're just playing like what sisters usually do. Isn't it lovely?" Hinata replied still with a cold voice.

"You are not Hinata, you impostor. Where is Hinata?" Naruto shouted at her.

"I am Hinata," Hinata replied.

"Liar!" Naruto shouted.

A masked man appeared behind her.

"Who are you?!" Naruto asked with an angry face.

"I am Rengo, you must be Naruto Uzumaki." He said.

"What are your intentions? Bring back Hinata!" Naruto shouted at him. The man named Rengo chuckled.

"This is Hinata, my Princess Hinata or should I say your Princess Hinata?" Rengo laughed.

"What did you do to Hinata?" Naruto asked with a gritted teeth.

"I have cast a spell on her. From now on she will be following orders only from me." He said and chuckled again.

"You bastard!!" Naruto shouted. Rengo laughed evilly.

"Hinata will play a very important role in my plans." He said and chuckled.

Naruto charged towards Rengo but he used Hinata as his shield so Naruto could not attack him.

"Damn you!" Naruto muttered.

Before Naruto could move someone hit him from the back and made him knocked down. The box from his pocket was thrown away. Before he completely fell unconscious he saw Rengo and Hinata standing in front of him. He looked at her cold and emotionless face.
