
After the Groom Ran Off, I Convinced a Military Commander to Marry Me

Among the rich folks of Hua Nation, everyone knew that Qu Xiaowan, the rich daughter of the Qu family, had been in love with Yi Han for many years. Their families were on the same level, and the two of them grew up together. On the day of the wedding, the groom ran off! People either felt sorry for her or laughed at her. Qu Xiaowan, on the other hand, was elated! As long as she completed this wedding, she would no longer be forced to get married. It would be enough to answer to her grandfather. As for the groom who ran off? She could find another one! In less than one minute, Qu Xiaowan found another man after taking a turn around the corner. This man was extremely handsome. He had soft, fluffy ears, a large, fluffy tail, and big, sparkly eyes. He had a pitiful look in his eyes when he looked at Qu Xiaowan, who decided instantly that he was the one! After that, she convinced him to marry her and they went through with the wedding. It was all done! Just as Qu Xiaowan thought she could skip the wedding night, this person transformed. Upon waking up, Qu Xiaowan realized that the man who wouldn't leave her alone and kept hugging her and kissing her was actually the Prime Commander of Hua Nation! "It's time to flee!" Qu Xiaowan exclaimed. One month later, during the opening ceremony of the College of Hua Nation, Qu Xiaowan watched while a stern-looking commander dressed in a navy-blue military uniform was cordially invited onto the stage. She fell silent. "There's a story that someone convinced me to get married when I was feeling sad. She even said comforting words to me," Jing Yu said. "No idea. I've never heard it. It has to be a false rumor!" Qu Xiaowan uttered. A mini version of Jing Yu hopped forward. "Mommy, have you really not heard that story?" Qu Xiaowan was speechless.

Maple · Urban
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40 Chs

The Capital To be Proud

Translator: Henyee Translations Redakteur: Henyee Translations

The school uniform had already been distributed to the students, and there was a washing machine in the dormitory to wash, dry, and iron. They could wear the school uniform in three minutes after throwing it in.

"Thank you. There's still some time. Do you want to go to the auditorium together?" Qu Xiaowan asked.

The girl replied, "Sure."

Qu Xiaowan chatted with the young girl as she waited for her clothes. Only then did she know that her name was Gu Ying. She was from the same major as her and came from District 9.

Qu Xiaowan was very calm when she heard that Gu Ying was from District 9, but Gu Ying was a little surprised. Ever since she came to China University, everyone who heard that she was from District 9 would look surprised, sympathetic, or disdainful. Yet, her new roommate actually did not react at all?

Gu Ying frowned slightly and was about to ask Qu Xiaowan when the red-haired girl who had just left rushed back. She saw that Qu Xiaowan and Gu Ying had put on their school uniforms and said unhappily, "Why didn't you remind me to wear my school uniform?"

Qu Xiaowan said, "We just found out too. Hurry up and put the clothes into the washing machine. Otherwise, it'll be too late."

The red-haired girl glared at her, but she did as she was told. Even a wealthy young lady was afraid of getting her credits deducted.

Qu Xiaowan looked at her back and shouted, "Do you want me to wait for you to go to the auditorium together?"

The red-haired girl said coldly, "There's no need for you to wait for me!"

Since she had already said so, Qu Xiaowan did not ask further. She said to Gu Ying, "Gu Ying, let's go over first."

Gu Ying nodded. On the way to the auditorium, Gu Ying said, "Her name is Qiao Anna. She's in the same major as us and comes from Star District One. Her father is General Qiao, and her older sister is His Majesty's wife, who is also the empress."

So that was the case. With such a background, Qiao Anna indeed had the capital to be arrogant.

If Qu Xiaowan was not married, she would also be very surprised to hear about her roommate's identity. However, now that she thought about how her spouse was the First Commander, she could be very calm even if His Majesty was standing in front of her now.

Gu Ying was even more surprised by Qu Xiaowan's calmness. She asked curiously, "Qu Xiaowan, aren't you shocked?"

"What's there to be shocked about? Is it Qiao Anna's identity? It's still alright. That's because her parents are capable. We're all the same when we come here to study. We're all freshmen from China University. What's next is personal ability," Qu Xiaowan said calmly.

Gu Ying murmured, "Then I…"

Qu Xiaowan said, "Are you talking about the fact that you're from District 9? Then I'm not shocked. I only admire you. The educational standards of the various districts are so different, and there are many restrictions on applying to China University. It's easy for people from District One to get in, but it's very difficult for people from District 9. So, Gu Ying, you're really amazing!"

Gu Ying, who came from the slums, was stunned when she saw Qu Xiaowan's sincere gaze.

Qu Xiaowan knew that her new roommate was very sensitive, but what she said was indeed what she was thinking. Time would tell. Gu Ying would find out what kind of person she was sooner or later.

The two of them chatted as they walked to the auditorium. They found out that the seats were arranged according to their student numbers, so in the end, Qiao Anna sat beside them with a look of disdain.

Many people greeted Qiao Anna, but she was like a proud peacock. She raised her chin and only responded to a few people occasionally.

Qu Xiaowan found it funny, but she did not show it. When she turned around, she discovered that Gu Ying was biting her lip, her back was stiff, and her hands were on her knees. She was nervous.

Qu Xiaowan hurriedly said, "Xiaoying, there's an empty space in our dormitory. I want to set up a simple kitchen there. Do you agree?"

"Kitchen? I agree." Gu Ying's attention was successfully diverted by Qu Xiaowan. She asked curiously, "Do you want to cook?"

Qu Xiaowan replied, "Yes, I went to the canteen for a meal today. It was too unpalatable, so I wanted to cook for myself."

Gu Ying was very impressed. "You actually know how to cook. That's amazing!"

It was not that Gu Ying was exaggerating, but very few people knew how to cook now. For example, many residents of District 9 could only drink nutrient solutions for their entire lives and had never eaten stir-fried dishes.

Qiao Anna, who did not receive any flattery from her two roommates, turned around and snorted. "Really? Are you good at cooking?"

Qu Xiaowan smiled and said, "I'm not bad at it."

Qiao Anna said, "Alright then. As long as your cooking is delicious, you can use the empty space in the living room. If it tastes bad, I'll send someone to tear down the kitchen immediately!"

Qu Xiaowan smiled. This spoiled young lady clearly agreed, but her words were so arrogant. Qu Xiaowan was about to say that she could try her culinary skills when she realized that someone was walking over with a group of people around him. She was stunned on the spot!