
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · Urban
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180 Chs

Chapter 54 (Part 1)

It was already March, and the weather hadn't been cold for long, but Qin Yao still wore that scarf around his neck. Usually, he always drove his car to the opposite street corner, but today his car is directly outside the school gate as if deliberately declaring his sovereignty, without shying away from the eyes of other people.

When Zhong Youyou opened the door and went up, Qin Yao's face was stinky.

Zhong Youyou was still holding the phone in her hand, and couldn't help but smile and ask: "What's the matter? Is there anything unhappy today?"

Qin Yao gave her a complicated look, full of thoughts, but didn't know how to say it.

Zhong Youyou was overwhelmed. She couldn't control the corners of her mouth at all. She raised her mouth frantically and deliberately teased: "What's the matter? Tell me, is there any dumb subordinate in the company that didn't do a good job?"

"No." Qin Yao slammed on the accelerator and drove the car out. Holding the steering wheel, he glanced sideways at Zhong Youyou, and said depressed: "You are smiling so happy today. Have you met any new friends recently??"

The last sentence was heavy and almost reached his throat.

Zhong Youyou smiled happily. She was about to be cut to death by Qin Yao's somber expression. How could there be such a person in the world? It makes people unable to look away when they are cold.

She lowered the car window halfway, put her elbow on the car window, smiled, and said, "How can I meet any new friends, why do you suddenly ask?"

"..." Qin Yao asked calmly: "For example, what do you know on the Internet?"

Zhong Youyou firmly said: "No, I rarely surf the Internet, you know."

"...." Qin Yao's face darkened.

Zhong Youyou was even happier and smiled crazily.

Qin Yao who is not talking, began to reflect, has he been too busy with his work at this time, resulting in ignoring Youyou's feelings? Is Youyou a person who adds others to WeChat when she sees a handsome guy? She is not. When she is running after someone, she is quite distinctive and persistent. Is she already bored? Why is it when it's my turn to be with her, she is like this. He feels very wronged.

Qin Yao began to analyze if he is really boring. Do not touch tobacco, do not go to special occasions, Tu Zhifan often joked that he is the easiest to wear a green hat ... Qin Yao's mood dropped.

Green hat ...

What to do, how long do they still have to get along, and she has already lost her interest.

When he drove to the gate of the community, Qin Yao didn't know what he was thinking about, but he rushed past the gate of the community. Zhong Youyou reminded him, only then did he come back to his senses, step on the brake, and the car had stopped by a shopping mall.

Qin Wei heavily said: "I'll turn around and go back."

"Hey, no." Zhong Youyou pointed to the mall: "Let's go shopping, can buy something."

Qin Yao saw she went straight towards a famous men's clothing shop, and his mood became heavier.

She and her father and brother's relationship are not good. It is clear that it will not be given to the two, it is difficult to give it to the Internet ... "For himself"?

Qin Yao's face is green in envy, there is a kind of feeling that he is making himself green.

Zhong Youyou walked around the store, finally selected a tie with amazing workmanship, looked back, and asked Qin Yao: "Qin Yao, what do you think about this?"

Qin Yao thought that Zhong Youyou is to give the online self, she is not allowed to, he gritted his teeth and his mouth twitched: "It's ok, not as good as that."

Zhong Youyou looked at the green tie he pointed towards and became stunned: "... Are you sure?"

The shopping guide next to them smiled.

"... Yes, this one". Zhong Youyou poked out her tongue, and the aesthetics of Qin Yao is horrible. "Come and help me try it on."

It is definitely not sent to himself. Qin Yao thought, otherwise, why do you want "help"? But in the face, Qin Yao naturally does not speak directly. His thoughts are deep, and the footsteps are also silently walking, standing in front of Youyou.

Next to many shopping guides are quietly looking at them. It is not that the two are famous in City Z, but the temperament of the two is too high, and it is difficult not to pay attention to them compared to a group of ordinary people.

Most of the shopping guides are women, Zhong Youyou cannot stand being stared at by others, so she pushed Qin Yao to the next fitting room: "Let's go inside."

Two people in the small fitting room.

Zhong Youyou stood on her tiptoes and took the scarf off Qin Yao, swapped it for the tie, and asked, "How do you tie this?"

Qin Yao only thought that the two were extremely close, the space was too narrow, and Zhong Youyou's soft breath fell on his chest and neck. He turned his head feeling a bit uncomfortable. He then took the tie and tied it quickly.

He does not want to teach her to tie one, especially when it is not for himself. Why would he want to teach her so she can give it to others? But as soon as he thinks about it, he still has to teach her, just in a dark mood. He really can't hate the online self, what if Zhong Youyou is looking for him later. What should he do?

Zhong Youyou only saw Qin Yao's face, and his brow was tight. She didn't know what he was thinking.

Qin Yao raised his head: "How is it?"

Zhong Youyou: "...."

Qin Yao: "...."

"Qin Yao, what do you think?" Zhong Youyou finally didn't hold back and smiled.

Qin Yao's ears and face are red.

Staring at Qin Yao's face for a while, she slowly pulled the tie off Qin Yao, hook his neck, and whispered: "There is someone in the fitting room pouring vinegar, it's so sour."

Qin Yao's lips became a straight line, tried to look cool when talking just now, the name of the enemy is not himself.

Zhong Youyou smiled and suddenly asked: "Qin Yao, have you kissed anyone?"

Qin Wei: "No."

Zhong Youyou smiled suddenly and asks again: "Then you have kissed me?"

Qin Yao subconsciously answers: "No."

However, only the soft body suddenly approached... The little bunny blocked the lion in the corner, the lion thought the little bunny was joking, but he didn't expect the little white rabbit to play. Qin Yao is stiff, forgot to react, just listening to the heartbeat. Suddenly Zhong Youyou's cheeks approached, the lips are also approaching, then a soft sensation was felt on his lips.

At that moment, his soul almost flew away.

He heard Zhong Youyou say playfully: "Now, I took your first kiss and used a tie to compensate you."


At the same time, Zhong Xiyou hadn't gone home for a few days. He went home this day, he learned that Meng Shixuan was actually thrown out by his mother!

He first felt a bit shocked. After all, his mother cares the most for Meng Shixuan! The more he thought, maybe because he didn't go home for a few days that something big had happened.

But Zhong Xiyou is too lazy to ask, he feels a little complex at this moment, but he doesn't feel much. Meng Shixuan left this home, and it was also the end of all the chaos.

These days Mother Zhong has been very moody, she will not go shopping, and stays in the room, any food she eats she lets the staff send it up to her, there is no appetite so serves very little.

Zhong Xiyou did not know why his mother is like this. Is it because she was sad because Youyou was not willing to see her, or because of driving Meng Shixuan away? If she can't accept it, so she lost herself.

If it is the former, he will naturally go to comfort, but if it is the latter, he doesn't have feelings of comfort at this time.

Let everything go back on track.

It's just that this home is getting empty.


Recently, the news about the Youyou is very small to pass to Zhong Xiyou.

The last time, his father donated three buildings to the school, saying that it was a sign with a donation, but he heard that Zhong Youyou did not reject it directly. The building has begun to be built but no photo was available. The father sighed for a few days.

And Zhong Xiyou would occasionally pass by Zhong Youyou from a distance except when eating in the cafeteria, and at other times there was no way to look at Zhong Youyou more.

After all, the hours of morning laps, mid-day exercises, and extracurricular activities in Junior high school and high school are completely different!

He was depressed about this. He always feels that family love needs to be maintained, and this will continue. Maybe one day, not to mention the relationship between his sister and the family will be cleaned up, even if they are completely forgotten.

So Zhong Xiyou also secretly wondered in his heart how to get a sense of presence in front of Zhong Youyou, but not be hated by her. After much deliberation, he really couldn't think of any good way.

Recently, Qin Yao and Zhong Youyou have walked very close, and Zhong's father has also found out, so the father and son think they can maybe start from Qin Yao's side?