
After rebirth in the apocalypse, my whole family is a big boss

Bai Xirong only lived for three years before dying in the apocalypse. Returning to the pre-apocalyptic world, a portable space was accidentally opened, which also included ancient mountain and sea beasts. Unexpectedly, this time, the whole family would become big bosses. Before the end of the world - Bai Yifan asked his sister, "Did you dream that the end of the world was coming? How am I doing?" "You can't run as fast as our parents. Fortunately - the wealth will not go to outsiders!" Bai Xi Lu's face was calm. Bai Yifan:? ? ? After the apocalypse - Embalmer Bai Mu casually waved her hand, and the zombies were chopped by the lightning power. The outside was charred and the inside was tender. Bai Mu frowned subconsciously, "I really want to put makeup on them!" Grandma Bai's family, who was a forensic doctor . Digging out the crystal core calmly, "It has a protruding jaw. It looks like it's all over the place at first glance, and it doesn't look good even if you apply makeup." Bai Yifan shook his hands and held the sack to collect the crystal core, and was strong enough not to cry. Grandpa Bai, a people's teacher, and Father Bai, a gold medal lawyer, heated a pot with oil, used their strongest powers, endured the harshest beatings, and cooked the most delicious meal. Mountain and sea monsters with unique skills - Qin Yuan, who was being rubbed on the ground by Bai Xi: "Master, you look as gentle and kind today as before!" Ying Zhu: "Rang, stop me from drying the master's clothes." " Shui Hu: "Come here, use my tree as a clothesline." Leng Yebai's chapter - Leng Yebai has been dreaming recently that he was being sliced ​​into pieces, and there was also a pretty girl being sliced ​​together. . He always thought it was a dream, until one day, the person in the dream appeared in front of him. Keywords of the novel: After the Rebirth of the Doomsday,

wina_aubre · Fantasie
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100 Chs

Chapter 58: The road is rough

 injustice Bai Xilu listened quietly to the sound on the radio. The expression on his face was very calm, but his fingers tightened slightly.

  Leng Yebai pursed her thin lips and placed a plate of small cakes in front of Bai Xirong.

  "Xiao Xi, eat the cake!"

  Leng Yebai clumsily scooped up a large piece of cake with a spoon and placed it near Bai Xi Xi's mouth.

  If it were swallowed in one gulp, Bai Xirong could choke to death.

  The corner of Bai Xirong's mouth twitched, she took the spoon and ate the cake in small bites.

  The sweet fragrance filled her mouth, which relieved her dull mood.

  "Parents, grandparents, Xiaofan, you must remember not to be deceived by Zhao Mier. No matter where she asks you to go, you must discuss it with everyone!" Bai Xirong warned again with a serious look on her face. .

  "Okay! I can barely control myself!"

  Wang Yiyun waved his hand calmly.

  Control yourself and don't accidentally kill her.

  She is really tired of trying to deceive her daughter!

  Her daughter is a little stupid, but others can't lie to her!

  "Sister, don't worry, I won't be cheated." Bai Yifan raised his eyebrows.

  He was thinking that if he met Zhao Mi'er on the road, he would slip and hit Zhao Mi'er with his car, which would seem to be nothing.

  After all, he didn't have a driver's license.

  The eldest sister asked her to live, but she didn't say she couldn't hit her!

  "It's time to eat!"

  Bai Zhengxuan brought several plates of hot dishes to the table and took off his apron.

  The Bai family now takes turns cooking.

  Bai Zhengxuan - Bai Anhai - Leng Yebai - Bai Yifan.

  One person has one day, cannot take leave, cannot substitute, and will be criticized if the cooking is unpalatable.

  The aroma of the food filled the air. Bai Xilu moved her index finger, turned off the radio, and enjoyed the food quietly.

  The night is quiet.

  The Bai family lay on the bed on the second floor of the bus and fell asleep.

  City M -

  A green garbage truck drives on the street.

  The uncle held a cigarette in his left hand, held the steering wheel in his right hand, and drove the car with squinted eyes.

  In the apocalyptic night, there are no lights on the streets. The lights of the green garbage trucks are not very bright, so it is difficult to see clearly the situation ahead.

  Uncle Wang was not panicked at all.

  Anyway, the people walking around on the street at night are all zombies. Hitting them with the accelerator is perfect.

  "Today's night is so beautiful!"

  Uncle Wang sighed slightly.

  M city has developed transportation and a large flow of people. It is considered the leading big city in the province. The decoration of the city is still very good.

  Uncle Wang rarely came to such a developed place, so he took advantage of the dim light and squinted his eyes to look around.


  Various collision sounds came from the front of the car. Uncle Wang seemed not to hear it and continued to admire the bustling city at night.

  It makes no difference whether you look at it or not.

  No matter how strong the zombie's head is, it can't hit a garbage truck like his!


  The sound of a motorcycle suddenly came from ahead.

  Uncle Wang was stunned for a moment and looked forward subconsciously.

  A boy who looked like a college student rushed over from the front on a motorcycle.

  Behind him, groups of zombies were chasing the motorcycle, as if they would devour the motorcycle in the next second.

  When Uncle Wang saw it, he thought, this is great!

  When the road is rough, draw your sword to help!

  Press the accelerator to the bottom, and the green garbage truck rushes towards the zombies like a green beast.

  "Ah! Young man! Why don't you get out of the way!"


  The green garbage truck hit the motorcycle on the opposite side.

  On the opposite side, the man and the motorcycle instantly flew up, and the motorcycle fell hard to the ground.

  Before there was time to see what happened to the young man, the zombies seemed to be ignited with explosives, and suddenly they all boiled.

  "Roar -"

  the zombies roared angrily, and they all rushed towards the green garbage truck.

  "Holy shit!"

  A rich yellow light instantly overflowed from Uncle Wang's body, tightly wrapping the green garbage truck and coating the green garbage truck with a layer of light yellow light.

  The zombie in front of the car was instantly knocked away and hit the ground hard.

  There were so many zombies, they were coming one after another, as if zombies from the whole city were rushing towards them.

  Uncle Wang did not hit a path and run out, but stepped back and glanced at the boy riding the motorcycle.

  The boy had stood up and seemed uninjured.

  "Young man, you go first, don't worry about me!"

  Uncle Wang shouted at the top of his voice, and the green garbage truck rushed into the zombie group again and ran rampant.

  Zhang Yiming sat on the motorcycle with a cold face, and there was a hint of gloom on his always sunny and handsome face.

  On his forehead, the skin was scratched by something unknown, and black blood seeped out.

  Zhang Yiming touched the wound on his forehead with his slender fingers, and under the moonlight, he could see black blood.

  Zhang Yiming rubbed his fingers, his face becoming increasingly gloomy.

  He raised his eyes and glanced at the green garbage truck, his eyes filled with frost.

  Zhang Yiming subconsciously touched his arms and his face changed slightly.

  The body instantly exuded a violent energy that was almost condensed into substance.

  At this moment, the zombies went crazy and rushed toward the garbage truck.

  Zhang Yiming turned on the headlight of his motorcycle and looked for something on the ground with his eyes lowered.


  Uncle Wang drove the green garbage truck and ran rampant among the zombies. It looked quite tragic.

  This did not affect Zhang Yiming's search for things.

  Zhang Yiming lowered his eyes and looked down carefully at the place where he had just fallen.

  If Uncle Wang looked back at this moment, he would see a strange phenomenon.

  A college student in casual clothes was looking for something.

  There were no zombies within three meters around him.

  The zombies attracted by the noise here subconsciously avoided Zhang Yiming.

  Finally, a white butterfly-shaped bookmark returned to Zhang Yiming's hand.

  Zhang Yiming's face, which was full of anger just now, showed a smile, and his eyes softened for a moment.

  This bookmark was left by Xiao Xi in the library. He has read every book she has ever read.

  She had not finished reading the book "Half Life", and the bookmark had been lying in it for a long, long time.

  A few days ago, he went to school and took it out of the book.

  After carefully putting it back into the inner pocket of his clothes, Zhang Yiming got on the motorcycle.

  With a cold glance at the green garbage truck, Zhang Yiming rode away on his motorcycle.

  As he moved forward, this time, there was no zombie behind him.

  The large group of zombies were sluggish for a moment, and then returned to normal.

  The first reaction was to rush towards the only green garbage truck that made any noise.

  Uncle Wang stepped on the accelerator, and more and more yellow light overflowed from his body. Even a second-level zombie jumped on the green garbage truck and was severely hit.

  Uncle Wang forcibly broke out a black road among the zombies, and everywhere he passed was covered with the black blood of the zombies.

  The green garbage truck did not stop and walked quickly towards a certain street.

  "Old Liu! Old Liu! Are you here?"

  Uncle Wang shouted at the top of his voice at the door of a certain bun shop.


  Behind Uncle Wang, a group of zombies with ferocious faces were chasing the green garbage truck.

  "Fuck! Lao Wang, are you going to die with me?"

  A fat old man stuck his head out and saw the group of zombies behind the green garbage truck at a glance.

  "It's too late to explain, get in the car!"

  Uncle Wang parked the garbage truck at the door of Baozi Shop and opened the door.