
After I left

Bakugou’s dream was to be a hero but that all comes crashing down when Izuku spills how Bakugou used to treat him. Now expelled and depressed it gets out to the media. His parents who don't give a shit about him immediately disowned him after. Enter the Hero commission, they were the only ones to give him a second chance. Bakugou would do anything to stay with them.

Liv_kind · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Then: Past actions

UA dorms lounge area

Bakugou POV:

He had absolutely no idea what the hell was happening. One minute he was sitting with the Bakusquad and then the next he's being yelled at by Uraraka.

"WTF! BAKUGOU HOW COULD YOU!!" "WHAT DID I DO?!" "OH DON'T ACT SO INNOCENT!" He was lost, he really had no idea what her problem was. Soooo he just got up and tried to walk back to his room. Key word tried till Izuku started talking, he just had to speak up.

"Uraraka pls stop! It was in the past and besides i'm over it." "No! He can't just get away with this!" Ok so he might have an idea as to what was going on and just by looking at Izuku confirmed his suspicion.

This was about middle school.

How he bullied Izuku, tormented him, abused him, even went so far as to tell Izuku to kill himself. Yes he was an asshole. He's reminded of it every day and every time he looks at the scars on his thighs. It's punishment for being so weak. Weak for not being able to control his anger. Weak for doing what his parents do to him, to his friend.

Yes friend, the only one who can see past his walls of defense. Who can see him. The real him.

"Hey! What your problem?!" Mina, who was very much confused and upset at Uraraka for ruining their time together. "Yeah!" Kaminari, who was mostly confused. Just like rest of the squad.

He really doesn't want to explain. Why couldn't Izuku keep his mouth shut? He regrets what he did yes, but the others don't know that, so they just assume he doesn't.

"If this is about what I think it is. Then it's none of your business. It's between Izuku and I." Dam right it is so what if the extras want an explanation. Well too bad because his answer is no and will always be no.

"No! I demand and explanation!" After Uraraka said that a pit in his stomach formed and now everyone was staring at him. Expecting an answer. One he'll not give.

Izuku was looking at the ground, hands fidgeting and tear falling to the floor.

"You can try all you want I'm not saying shit to you round face." He was glaring at her voice low and menacing. Hopefully she'll get the message to back off.

Nope, not at all instead she had a smirk on her face and a glint in her eyes. "Ok, fine then you can explain yourself to Principal Nezu and Aizawa sensei."

Oh this bitch. Man she really wants to get punched.

"They'll be here soon anyway since I texted Sensei all about the situation." She was proud of herself.

Izuku who was staring at the ground finally looked up. Completely shocked. "Uraraka! What! You told Aizawa Sensei!"

"Well obviously I did. Something needs to be done about Bakugou and since no else did. UA will!" She was happy, very happy. So happy in fact she didn't notice Izkuk's growing anger. Bakugou did.

He opened his mouth to tell Izuku that it's fine but before he could the dorm doors burst open.

Aizawa, All might and Principal Nezu all looking directly at him. Very much angry. All might turned to look at Izuku with sympathy. Aizawa anger to disappointment towards him and Nezu, who rarely showed his emotions on his face, was angry.

He really hates himself even more now and if he could, he would in that very moment go back in time and erase his past actions