
Chapter 235 Poisoning

"Team Leader Zhou, do you have any clues at this point?"

Chen Yu asked before he unconsciously started wandering around the room, hoping to incidentally find some traces or clues.

"We've basically captured all the key figures of this group, but they just refuse to divulge the person behind it all!"

As he said this, Zhou Shengtao's face took on a strange expression.

"Actually, I don't even know how to put it, it's like these people have never seen, or rather, they don't know the true identity of the person controlling them from behind."

Chen Yu was also taken aback for a moment; he had not expected there to be someone in this world who could actually achieve such a feat.

Not only to have complete control over their subordinates and all of their affairs but also to keep their true identity unknown to these people.

This was definitely the work of a mastermind! No wonder Zhou Shengtao was so helpless that he had to resort to arresting suspects in a public place like an airport.