
After All These Years- Sirius Black

Being hidden away since her brother was given lycanthropy, Meadow Lupin didn't know what to expect when she went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After recieving the nickname "The Second Scamander" many mysteries commence containing a wand, a shell bracelet, a vision and a kneazle who seems to take a liking to Meadow straight away. When she arrives at Hogwarts, the visions become more frequent making her school years harder and harder to go through. However along the way she meets new friends who help her cope with the mysteries including Lily Evans, Alice Fortescue, Marlene Mckinnon, Ava Kliffs, Naomi and the Marauders such as James Potter, Peter Pettrigrew, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. With dark times ahead and the visions getting stronger, Meadow didn't expect to fall in love with a certain Marauder who she never thought would betray her...

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42 Chs

Chapter 2: Diagon Alley.

It has been a week since the Lupins have had the visit from Professor Dumbledore. Over the past week, Lyall has been pestered by Rita Skeeter and many other witches and wizards about his life. Unfortunately, over the past 5 days, our father has been away at... well no one knows. According to the minister, he is away on a 'mission' but I didn't believe any of it. Not a single word.Recently Rita Skeeter posted another article about Lyall but it only spoke about how the minister of magic wouldn't reveal anything and how there are rumors about him going into hiding. For once I actually agreed that my father went into hiding and I was surprised no one had came to the Lupin Residence to ask questions about him or his whereabouts.On the 1st August, Remus, Mother and I had already finished breakfast and was sitting in our living room on couches reading. Remus and I were reading some magical books we found while our mother read the Daily Prophet. I was currently reading chapter 3 in the Standard Book of Spell Grade 3 by Miranda Goshawk because we couldn't find the first two grades anywhere.Something flutters over my head making me jump so much I fell of the couch. Remus and Hope laughs delightedly, leaving my hair to turn blonde and perched on the back of an empty armchair was a red tropical bird with a roll of parchment. 3 more swoop in the room and over my head, 1 orange, 1 blue and 1 green which were all holding parcels. The sunset orange one landed on my shoulder after dropping a small parcel in my lap. On the top was my name in scruffy handwriting which I recognized instantly as my father's but little did I know that Hope was already opening the letter from the red tropical bird. She sighed happily before handing it to my twin and I. We began to read.Dear my fellow Lupins,It is L'. Don't worry I am safe here with a few of my friends I met in Hogwarts. I decided to go in hiding for a few weeks until the Prophet stops talking about me- sorry to leave on such short notice!Meadow and Remus, on the 9th August head to the Leaky Cauldron in London through the floo network and ask the in keeper Tom if you can speak to Barty Steward. I have asked him if he will help you two gather our school supplies because your mother is a muggle. (No offense Hope). Don't worry he can be trusted and he won't hurt you!Hope everything is alright at home and I hope that old Fraud Rita Skeeter hasn't bothered you to much. I am happy that the minister didn't reveal anything to her in the Prophet and if you want to come see me I recommend you speak to him. He shall give you all the details you will need.Always missing you, love you lotsL.P.S. I hope you love the gifts.I smile happily, delighted that Father was safe. But I wondered where he was and how far away he was. The birds for one wasn't seen around here or in Europe at all so could he be somewhere tropical? Maybe Brazil or Africa. Maybe even the Carribean! I was just happy he was safe and that was all I could ask for...I look down at the small parcel in my lap. What was it? A box? The orange tropical bird nibbled my ear effectively, I stroke it's feathers before the other 3 birds flew out the open window and the sunset orange one flies hastily to catch up. I laugh softly before playing with the ribbon around my parcel. Remus and Hope however, just tore the paper of to see what they got. In my mother's, hands was a shell pot with a bunch of different colored bird feathers inside, and on top of them was a small photo album. The book itself was a cinnamon colour and was covered in more shells and some pearls and the image in the front was us all.Remus on the other hand was looking at a small book with pictures and descriptions of places Father has visited. There was a range from waterfalls, to beaches, to even small tribes in a forest. The purple ribbon slipped of my box and the brown parcel's paper fell of too. Inside was a white round package made of a smooth rock type shell. I open the lid gently to see a scrap of parchment there. It read:Your Grandmother had this before she passed away. She has asked for it to be handed on to you because you never knew each other and she had to do something for you.I remove the parchment and looking up at me is a small beaded bracelet with a shell sitting in the middle. The pearls glowed in the light radiating of the seashell in the middle. It was beautiful. Slipping it out of the container, I tied it to my wrist when my vision is filled with white."Meadow, you splendid girl"I look up from the bracelet and the calming features of my grandmother came into view. Her pearly hair was white and her eyes were lifeless."It is only right for you to own my bracelet now. I could of given it to any of your cousins but why would I do that after everything you have done for me," her voice rang out leaving me lost for words."B-but how?""The power of the shell. This has been passed on for generations Meadow, to each female in our family and now it's your turn to yield it's power...""What power?" I blurted out as my vision began to fade."Goodbye Meadow, and good luck" whispered the voice of my grandmother."No wait"."Goodbye... Goodbye".I opened my eyes swiftly to see myself back in the Lupin's living room and upon the floor. Crouched over me was Remus and my mother, a panicked expression on those both of their faces, and worry consuming them. I sit up slowly rubbing my eyes and listening to the birds sitting outside."Are you okay? What happened?" Remus asked anxiously."I-I don't know. One minute I put on the bracelet, the next minute I was talking to Grandma" I answer, propping myself up against the couch."Grandma?" they both said confused, my mother's eyes were wide whereas Remus's was narrowed and I explained what happened."Wait so that thing has given you some sort of power no one knows about?" I nod gently to my mother's question. "Did she hint what the power was or could be?""N-no. The only thing she said after that was goodbye-"."And good luck". Remus finished before me as he examined the bracelet around my wrist. I nod and fall unconscious.* * *"Are you two ready to go?" mother calls from the other room. Remus and I were then getting ready to meet Barty Steward in the Leaky Cauldron to go and get our school supplies. 2 weeks ago is when I had the visit from my grandmother and when I retrieved the bracelet which gave me some sort of power. Recently we have all been reading through Lyall's old school books in case it mentioned anything in there, but nothing. We have not heard anymore from Lyall either but then hopefully he shall return soon from his 'ministry mission' because nothing else has popped up in the prophet around him."Yes mother we are ready to go" Remus called back, getting up off of the couch. I do the same and approach our fire place. Our mother then bustles into the room in her apron."Okay dears I will see you later on and say hello to Tom for me", she asks wrapping us both in a hug and handing us an old flower pot with the floo powder inside."We will" I reply taking a handful of floo powder and stepping into the open fireplace. "THE LEAKY CAULDRON" I shout throwing down the powder and erupting into green flame. I was being sucked into a tube and when I fell out, I was in a small pub. I stand to the side just in time for Remus to come tumbling out and landing flat on his face.I begin to laugh and Remus mutters "shut up" before I help him up. "I never want to do that again" he groans and I shake my head."Me neither".We walk through the many tables and chairs towards a bar where a small man with mousy brown hair was bustling around making drinks."Excuse me" Remus asked the man and he turns to face us."Ah hello! you 2 must be Lyall and Hope's children am I right?" the man said cheerfully. We nod. "Splendid people they are but now what can I do for you?""We are looking for Barty Steward. He is supposed to be taking us to go buy our equipment for Hogwart today." I reply politely giving Tom a small smile."Right over there. Anyway I hope your shopping trip goes well and feel free to stay for tea later! Free of charge!""Okay thanks Tom. See you later". We bid him goodbye and walk over to a man sitting at a table in the corner. As we approach the face turns up and envelopes us in a big hug."Remus! Meadow! How are you? And Hope of course!" The man says energetically."Uuhh good thanks" I say anxiously sending Remus a scared look."Well, well, well. The first time my own daughter stammered around me" Barty lowers his voice pulling away."Dad?" Remus asks confused and our 'father' motions for us to sit down."Yes its me. I decided it should be me to help you get your supplies so I used polyjuice potion to look like someone so i'm not hassled." Our father grins and shows us a little flask in which I guessed had polyjuice potion inside. Of course Remus and I already knew what it was thanks to our father working in the ministry and we also came across it while reading his old books. "I am also returning home today as everything has calmed down so you can explain what has happened since Ive been gone but never mind that now. We should go get your school supplies!"We all smile broadly and Remus and I follow Lyall until a small room with a wall with red bricks. Our father pulls out his wand from the cloak and taps the bricks on the wall. The red bricks starts to shift leaving us looking down a narrow cobbled street full of bustling people."Welcome Remus and Meadow, to Diagon Alley" Lyall grins broadly while Remus and my mouths formed big round 'o's. We were speechless.The cobbled road was packed with witches and wizards all carrying bags full of magical supplies walking from shop to shop. Our father lead us down the street which was bustling with people leaving Remus and I to follow while looking into each shop's window. A shop called Quality Quidditch Supplies had a red ball, two black balls, two bats and a golden ball on one of the store's displays. On the other was a range of broomsticks from Clean sweeps to Nimbus's. They also had quidditch robes of various colours and there was also some flags which bared quidditch team names. Remus and I, however, didn't really know what Quidditch really was. All we knew was it was a game on broomsticks where a few people chuck around a ball and one had to catch a golden one. Then they all had bats for protection? I didn't know. I had never been introduce properly to the sport so I was just guessing.Next door was the Apothecary. It was a small shop which sold potion ingredients, brass scales and cauldrons. There was a sign which read:Phial of Wingenweld potion (healing potion) for free! Grab a bottle for this limited time offer!Ends August 13th at 14:00.Through a window I could see a giant cauldron filled with a purple liquid which was being taken by a few customers. I continued walking up the cobbled path, through the crowds of people and past Magical Menagerie. Inside was many animals which could be kept as pets like snakes, dogs, cats, toads, rats and many more. Next door to that was Eeylops Owl Emporium which had many owls, bats and other birds on display.I couldn't help but grin as I followed Remus and 'Barty' all the way to a dirty, white, stone, building at the end of the street. Outside the dark, oaken, doors 2 goblins stood. They opened the doors, revealing a giant hallway with a big, glass chandelier dangling from the ceiling. On either side of us was many wooden desks which goblins sat at examining stones and counting money. A few were speaking with customers and others looked up as we entered. Lyall walked up to a balding goblin and placed 2 keys on the desk."I would like to take some money from Mr R Lupin's vault and from Miss M Lupin's too" our father said. I was surprised of how Lyall had addressed us but the goblin nodded, took the keys and hopped off of his seat. We followed him through a door which lead to a railway track a giant mine cart sat on. We climbed in and held on tight because before we knew it, we were all speeding off down the tunnel."Vault 587. Mr Lupin this is yours" the goblin said in his slightly squeaky voice. The key turned in the door and swung open. We all gaped at the small pile of galleons, knuts and sickles on a small table in the center of the room. "Vault 588. Miss Lupin this one belongs to you" he said once again in the same squeaky voice. I followed him to the neighboring vault and turned my key. It swung open just like my twin's had done. I had a pile of money on my table identical to Remus's. From my pocket I pulled out a small bag and filled it with my money before riding back up to the surface in the minecart.