
490. Chapter 490

After Pretty Dead

Episode 3.23



Disclaimer: I don't own Castle. That takes care of the talent part of the competition. Rating: K Time: See above.

"You're doing what?" Kate Beckett asked, surprised.

"I'm going to be a judge at the Baron's beauty pageant. It's starting in a week."

"You're going to be hanging around dozens of beautiful women who see you as their ticket to fame and fortune?"

Castle could see that Kate's insecurities were starting to kick in. He walked over to her and hugged her. "No, I'm going to be hanging around dozens of women who are nowhere near as beautiful as you are, who haven't got a tenth of your intelligence and whose talents are not anywhere near as fantastic as your ability to solve murders. How could I possibly want anyone but you?"

Kate nodded, but looked away from Rick. "It's just…" She stopped.

"It's just what?"

"You don't even have to try. You're handsome, charming, talented, rich, and now you're a judge in a beauty pageant. Do you remember when we went to that male strip club after that actor was murdered?"


"I left you for five minutes and when I came back, you were surrounded by all of these women. And they were just about to start stuffing dollar bills into your boxers."

"You know you have nothing to worry about."

"I know. And I worry anyway. Face it, Castle. I'll always be jealous of any woman who comes near you."

"Any woman?" He teased. "Even Mrs. Kronk who lives on the first floor?"

Kate nodded, trying to suppress a smile. "I'm sure she's spent her whole eighty five years figuring out how to land Rick Castle."

"And you know I'm massively jealous of any man who attracts your attention. Demming, Josh, Mike Whitfield."

Kate frowned. "Wait! Mike Whitfield? Who the hell is Mike Whitfield?"

"The nephew of Mr. Norland, who runs the convenience store across the street."

"Him? Castle! He's ten years old!" She began to laugh.

"He's eleven, and I've seen how he looks at you. And don't tell me you didn't look a little extra longer when he showed up last week in those soccer shorts. I could hardly restrain myself from running the little home wrecker off."

"Castle, that's absurd. Even for you."

"So, you won't be jealous?" Rick asked seriously.

"Of course I'll be jealous. I'll never stop being jealous of any woman near you."

Rick nodded. "So, why don't you come along with me? Let all those girls see what you have to be to be Rick Castle's girlfriend."

"Castle, I couldn't. I have to work."

"It's on your weekend off."

"Everyone would think that I didn't trust you or that I was massively jealous."

"Okay, if you don't want to go…"

"You talked me into it."

"That's my girl."

Kate was introduced at Baron's as Rick's partner at the NYPD, and the inspiration for the famous Nikki Heat. No one seemed to think it odd that Castle would bring Kate with him, although more than a few of the women thought that Kate was sleeping with Rick. Several of them thought that they could take Rick away from Kate. None succeeded. However, as a good detective, Kate began to take notes.

Miss Oklahoma, Carol Ann Moss. Blonde. Have I mentioned that I do not like blondes at all? They grab your boyfriend and haul him off to the Hamptons. A sure winner if there's a category for Miss Most Obviously Fake Boobs. Talent: Leaning over in low cut tops. Note to self: Ask the bomb squad if there's anything that will cause silicone to spontaneously combust.

Miss Texas, Andi Hall. Have I mentioned that one thing I hate worse than blondes are blondes with "cute" names, spelled with an "I", and who dot the "I" with a heart? Apparently ran out and read some Nikki Heat books when she found out Rick was a judge. From her knowledge of the books, she had someone read them to her and they read too fast for her. Talent: Not wearing any underwear. Note to self: How would Rick like Kati Beckett?

Miss Hawaii, Anne Chen. I seriously hate this woman. Hate. Hate. Hate. Majoring in forensic science at UCLA, wants to go back to Hawaii and be a cop. Spent all of her spare time talking to me about police work and the homicide team. Rick was very interested in her. What kind of a beauty queen wants to be a cop? What's she up to? Note to self: Find out how much a ticket back to Hawaii costs.

Miss Montana, Dorothy Brennan. Really, a cowgirl? Who cares if she's been riding since she was six and can hogtie a steer in under eight seconds? And wouldn't you hogtie a hog, not a steer? According to several of the contestants, has ridden every male connected with every pageant she's ever been in. Talent: Riding. Hah! Note to self: How would Rick feel if I wore boots and spurs to bed?

Miss California, Terry Hobbes. This is not a woman, she's a medical miracle. She actually told everyone, and by everyone, I mean me and Rick, about the work she's had done. Boobs, butt, thighs, tummy tuck, ears. What the hell can you do with the ears that makes any difference? They're covered by her unnaturally red hair. Her red hair is more Alexis red than Meredith red, so I'm not going to complain too much. Oh, and she's also had her lips, cheeks, nose and chin done. Talent: Finding something that's original equipment. Note to self: Find out if you can buy stock in any cosmetic surgery companies in Beverly Hills.

The Baron's All American Beauty Pageant was over. As Kate and Rick came back to the loft, Rick kissed Kate. "How about that? A future cop won the contest."

"I'm glad. I liked her." Kate was only lying a little.

As she started to go into the bathroom to change, Rick stopped her. Then he turned off the lights in the bedroom and the bathroom. "Now, walk into the bathroom." He told her.

"Castle, what is this?"

"A surprise. Just do it. Please?"

Kate walked into the bathroom.

"Okay, now close your eyes."

Kate felt Castle putting something on her. A sexy negligee? She wondered. She could see the lights go back on.

"Okay. Open your eyes."

Kate looked in the mirror. Across her chest was a sash that read Miss Baron's All American Beauty. She turned to Castle and kissed him. "I didn't win, you know."

"You got my vote."

She laughed. "Castle, how would you feel if I wore a pair of boots to bed?"


"Nothing but boots."