
Afguk versus Nertha

A story of two kingdoms turning to modern day cities.

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3 Chs

Pay your loan

Nertha had used the loan they were owing to build houses, market and scrolls and forgot that they had a loan to pay. As they fought with Afguk, the war was having a great effect on Capricod and he could not tolerate it, he took things into his on hands and fought for Afguk. The war lasted 5 years when Capricod launched a cannon on another cannon Nertha was about to launch, which caused an interference with the conventional explosive and it builded up pressure which killed every one 2.11 acres around it. Then millions of soldiers from the 6 countries marched to Nertha and collected the things that were bought with the loan. It included jewelries, stuff people bought from the palace and some things and places in the palace. Nertha took a long time to recover, leaving it the poorest country with 919, 000 shekels; and Capricod was added to the POA and was given the highest income for bravery.

When Nertha recovered 15 years later, they came bigger and badder for a revenge that no one could stop, not even their Nerthanian god, Nkal oso. As they entered the Afguk, they broke down the wall that separated Afguke from Nertha and they killed 5 men, 2 children and 16 women. But, unfortunately for Nertha, Afguk threw a canon which wounded Herod, leaving him like that for months. At this time, Sar'iah, King Gideon's wife gave birth to 4 children, Hilio(14years), Ins(17 years) Renal(20 years and Giddy(23 years). First son, Giddy, was the heir.

Do not start what you cannot finish.(Do not collect what you cannot give back.)

AWAA_CTAABScreators' thoughts