

World After world Until I Reach YOU

SAYID · Fantasie
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76 Chs

Chapter 67 - The Unknown Voice

Inside a simple but elegant office, there was a man with a light beard, black hair, and brown eyes. Although his appearance was average, the serious features on his face made him look wonderful. He was sitting on a chair, and behind him was a table, on which was placed a long gray robe and a simple black hat. While he was holding a cup of hot coffee and reading today's newspaper,

Usually, competitions are held on all five continents in order to gather three winners from each continent to enter the institute to build their careers as champions, where they train, learn, and most importantly, awaken their strength in the first place. Every year, the institute receives 15 people, and 15 champions graduate from it. That institute is located on the continent of Dusa, which is considered the largest continent in the north, and it is the only institute in the world. Therefore, the graduating heroes receive the necessary appreciation to work with teams of other old heroes or create their own team before heading to one of the continents and maintaining security there, but what? What would happen if a team found a natural awakening?

The answer is that that person is considered one of the few elite in the world, and they are taken care of in a special place called a school called Pride of the Generation, which is a school that provides better care, education, and training than the institute for the elite. One of the most important differences between the school and the institute is that the institute focuses on the practical aspect only, while Fakhr Al-Jeel School also instills the values of a true hero in the students. The years of study at the institute are five, while Fakhr Al-Jeel students are taught for three years. The most important difference is after graduation, as Fakhr Al-Jeel students have priority in creating their own teams and moving between continents instead of... They can stay in one area and have access to important government places, among other advantages. All this luxury comes from the fact that there are not many cases where teenagers awakened their powers on their own, but in the city of Sahil on the continent of Kazar, a tragic event happened: the competition there was attacked by one of the leaders of the Mask Fall Organization, a fox who is considered almost the only famous one in the world as well. He is really strong, but surprisingly, he escaped from Team G with the help of five teenagers, two of whom awakened their strength. A girl was seriously injured during the clash, but thanks to the government's efforts, she was out of danger. This disaster was unfortunate, but it also brought new hope for humanity with the emergence of two new rising stars.

The man stopped reading and massaged his eyes while relaxing in his chair and whispering sarcastically.

"The media's ability to report the deaths of more than two thousand people and the loss of an entire city in one day always amazes me."

The investigator heard the sound of the phone next to him and answered it.

"Squad Commander G, Rank 10, Thomas is on duty, Mr. President."

Detective Thomas first spoke with the person he described as the president before he remained silent and listened to the new orders.


"Yes, I will make sure of that."

Before Thomas hung up, he heard the president say it in his hoarse voice.

"After you finish setting up the situation with the new arrivals, take a rest; you deserve it."

Thomas was silent for a moment before snickering at himself.

"Sir, the person who deserves comfort is the one who succeeds in protecting others, but I have failed them, so I need to correct my mistake."

"As you wish"

The president ended the call with Thomas, who returned the phone to its previous place before standing with the table clock, dressing without the hat, and leaving his office.

Not very far away, Kevin was in a white room, lying on a comfortable bed, while a tube containing a treatment was connected to his body. The serum was somewhat strange because Kevin's body resisted most of its effects, as if the serum had been filtered by Kevin's body.

"Hmm, my body isn't used to the medicine in this world; maybe that's why."

There was no one close to him at the moment because both Amy and Aloma went with Arthur to put his sister in the intensive care room because the girl's injury was not simple, but rather she lost a lot of blood, some of her ribs were shattered, and she was even exposed to poisoning, according to what the investigator stated. The fox's claws contain a poison that is not very dangerous, but if it is not treated quickly, Simon's condition will worsen more and more.

Kevin looked at the ceiling and then thought about the shame he felt. He was a person chosen by God, a person who could travel between many worlds, universes, and galaxies, a person who had all the ingredients to become a hero to save those worlds, but he could not do anything in that terrorist attack. Kevin gritted his teeth in frustration and then remembered the strange sound he heard when he tried to attack from afar using waves. He knew that he was a great being and that he would provide help to Kevin and the others, and even though the help they received was nothing like what Kevin had expected, Detective Thomas's timely arrival may be thanks to that great entity.

Kevin thought for a moment before deciding that he would try to communicate with the great being again to thank him and get to know him better. If he was an evil being, it was better to be careful of him. Kevin focused on sending the waves out of his body, which was a difficult process at the time, but now Kevin felt that he understood how it worked, so he did not face any difficulty in directing the waves out of his body, and then only moments later he heard the sound.

"What do you think, System? Has that person who communicated with me died? This would be very sad for me and for humans! Yes, it would be bad if no other human could communicate with me, the great being I am."

"..... Ummm"

"Oh, hey, is it you again? Haha, I didn't feel you calling; you surprised me."

" correct....."

Kevin felt that this might be a bad idea, but the childish tone of his voice changed and became more serious and powerful,  as if the voice had become more sacred.

"So, human, why are you trying to communicate with me? Power? Money? Women? What do you want?"

Kevin was shocked by this statement before he recovered himself.

"No, I don't want anything. I just wanted to thank you for your previous help."

"Please, human, that is no help at all. It is a small thing for me. Let me first introduce myself to you. I am a very ancient being in this world. I was born from the human feeling of loneliness."

The voice remained silent for a while, as if it did not wish to speak further.

"I...I'm Kevin. I'm technically a teenager. Nice to meet you."

Kevin said while whispering the word *technically*.

"Yes, Kevin, it was a pleasure to meet you too. *Slight laughter* You can't imagine how much boredom I feel here alone in the dark. It's nice to finally talk to someone."


"Yes, since I was born, I don't really know where I am, just surrounded by cold, endless darkness. I know how I was born, but I don't know why. Maybe I will suffer forever here... I apologize for this; I got a little carried away in my thoughts."

"This is unfortunate, great being. Oh, sir? Mm, God? I apologize. How can I address you?"

*Slight laughter* "You can call me... Qasim."

"Oh, okay, Mr. Qasim."

"Please, just Qasim."

"Um, can I ask you something? If you were in an unknown and remote place, how could you help us?"

"As I told you before, this is not real help because I have not used all my power, but I can interfere a little in your world. Maybe if I am freed from this place, then I will be able to truly use all my power, but that is a far-fetched dream."

Kevin felt sorry for Qasim's condition, but it was impossible for him to try to free him, as perhaps he was an evil being trying to manipulate him, so Kevin decided to keep their contact within a certain scope, where he would be the one who would benefit from Qasim's help or knowledge, meaning that he would take from Qasim without giving him anything in return. The opposite

"Oh, this is so evil and cruel," Kevin thought in his heart, with a smile on his face.

"So tell me, Kevin boy, how did you manage to contact me?"

"Oh, it's because of my special power."

"Amazing! *sigh* I have a request for you, Kevin boy. I know it's a selfish request, but can you please contact me from time to time?"

"Yes, of course." That's exactly what Kevin was going to do anyway.

"Okay, then, Qasim, I will talk to you later."


With that, Kevin stopped the wave technique and then felt strange.

"It's like I've become a communication machine with the gods. Haha, a walking phone to the god."

Kevin scoffed under his breath before closing his eyes and whispering.

"With the help of this being, that disaster will not happen again."