
Chapter 233

Misty arrived back rather quickly and together we made our way into the green court area and where we could sense everyone was.

"How did things go?" I asked Misty.

"Better than I could have hoped for," she replied. "There were no hard feelings, at least not from most of them, and their leader is open to the idea of working together in the future, and paying her to teach me."

"I could arrange that," Zirani said. 'Though only for the trip back. Once we reach the lands of the green court, I can hire people much more qualified and experienced to teach you."

Shana and the others were waiting when we arrived along with a number of others I hadn't met yet. The area we had used for training the previous days had been transformed and was not a pleasant meadow covered in colorful flowers that seemed to shine with an inner light. Tables and blankets were spread out, covered in food and wine aplenty. There was a sweet scent in there that seemed to refresh me.