
Aeternitas: The Shores of Destiny

AETERNITAS is a vibrant, character-driven academia & action fantasy in the vein of Harry Potter and The Last Airbender. It grapples sincerely with a boy's epic quest for power and revenge, and his encounters with love and loss, innocence and youth, as well as bullying and mental health, weaving themselves over a backdrop of an ancient and existential evil that is battled with high-octane action featuring creative elemental combat. Readers can expect elements fundamental to academia, action, and progression fantasies. Competition, camaraderie, friendships, duels, love, loss, school life, dormitory life, training for power, wise mentors, kind and scary professors, headmasters with mythic abilities, and eldritch monsters that shamble the halls all find a place in AETERNITAS: The Shores of Destiny. * * * When his father is killed, Elwin has two choices: One, to live the life of a nobody at a small inn, cowering from the world that’s out to get him, or Two, avenge his father, and free himself from the clutches of fate. Blamed for the murder of 13,000 lives committed by his father, neither choice is easy for Elwin. Both require sacrifice. The first choice, while guaranteeing safety, will forever rob him of his ability to dream – it will make him an ant among thousands, dooming him to work as a waiter-boy until he draws his last breath as an old janitor in some dingy cupboard. The second choice is sure to rob him of his life at the hands of his father's killers, but he has a chance to reforge his own destiny, even if short. Like the Icarus of your world to the Sun, he will fly – but only briefly. And in the midst of his conundrum, he receives two guests shrouded in secrecy, accompanying with them a mysterious connection to his father’s work. They offer him a glimpse of a dream beyond his wildest imaginations: To become a new Sun, instead. Follow Elwin as he grows up from a little boy to a young teenager, throwing himself into an epic quest to absolve his name and regain his heart. Chosen by a mysterious benefactor and cast into an eminent academy where every peer is superior to him, he must reforge his reputation and prove that he is just as worthy, and just as capable of being loved, as anyone else. Chapter by chapter, he will learn to control the elements of the world, and in time, even the atoms themselves, eventually wresting control over the very quills by which the cosmos is written. He will forge new friendships amidst the fires and blood of battle, amidst joyous celebrations, and amidst the sky-ringing sendoffs for his fallen allies; they will together become legends with Elwin as their paragon, all for a chance to rewrite their destinies. Every step that he takes will bring him further and further to enshrining his place and legacy in the tapestry of time. The only question is – how far can he go? Especially in the face of creatures that devour the Sun? * * * Join me in unfolding this odyssey, half a decade in the works!

Toshinori_Heiichi · Fantasie
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128 Chs

A Letter in the Mail

Spring had handed its reins to summer; from TERA and SERA, the guardians of the spring earth, the wheel of time turned to SUNNA, the nourishing Sun. The first summer month of Sunnayasna came and went, and soon they'd entered the month of Tanayasna.

Each month in their Republic calendar lasted 45 days, divided into 5 weeks of 9 days each; there were eight months in total, two for each of the four seasons, bearing the epithets of the sanctified FOUNDERS and other MAHA. The extra 5 days, not accounted by their world's sojourn across the Sun, was reserved as a festival for the 5 FOUNDERS that always marked the grand end of the year and the beginning of the new.

Elwin and Isaac exchanged letters by the week; in their exchange, Elwin found that Isaac was accepted into Aeternitas. Elwin was joyed that his choices already helped someone in a very tangible way; Isaac would finally be able to search for a cure. Elwin's deeds back at the capital city – running out the gates to save Isaac's father in his place so that Isaac could take his exam – was worth the world to him now. He sent Isaac a good luck charm from the Republic of Ascension, and a postcard of the great port-city featuring its merchant fleets and ocean-sprays.

Before long, even the ferocity of summer began to wane; the Festival of the Ages came and went, and drier breezes cooler and more soothing brushed against Elwin's face. He sat on the busy port, watching traders and labormen unload exotic goods and merchandise which they had procured across that vast sea; although his father once told him the sea was much more vast than they ever knew.

It was here in this busy central port of Ascension that the first light of experimental philosophy came to life in a glorious spark, catalyzed by the exchange of knowledge and experiences from various sources: the merchants from here and from afar who discussed the cultures and goods of the Empire of Jin and their various provinces; the explorers who charted the seas and the greater lands of Avan that lay beyond them; the fishermen who were one with the cycles of marine life; the shipwrights who made the various water-crafts, the labormen that maintained them; people from all walks of life discussed ideas over work, leisure, and meal. The result was a glorious pot of delicious ingredients that could give rise to something new, something extraordinary, a way of figuring out the secrets of the world: they called it philosophy, from 'love of wisdom'. Eventually, it grew into experimental philosophy, when people began to use not only the mind but also took their hands to investigate.

If Elwin could not attend Aeternitas, perhaps this port was where he should begin his foray into uncovering the secrets of the FOUNDERS' Arts and their mythical techniques.

"Mom," said Elwin, "I'm going to apply to the Mythrisian Naval Academy. They have their primary campus here. I'll have to start small, loading and unloading stuff, filling out logistics contracts, measuring the waters and the winds, and swabbing the decks as a recruit. It'd be hard work, but I want to know all there is about the world, and I want to know by doing. If I can't get to Aeternitas, this is how I will meet people who can help me reforge those lost Epitomic Forms."

Anna gave her approval.

Just a few months ago, Elwin was keen to seek her advice whenever he did something. But now, he asked frequently no longer, instead relying on his own judgments. Elwin had grown, and she could not suppress a smile whenever she witnessed his conviction. Perhaps this was what Carl really wanted: no matter the result, Elwin would find his own path, and assurance in his experience.

Suddenly, they heard thumping on the staircases leading up to their attic rest.

It was Andre; he rushed up, panting with breath.

"Brother!" he huffed, "the postman came, and dropped this off. He said it's important."

"The mailman?" Elwin asked. "Wait, it's Sunnadeya. I thought there were no mail on Sunnadeya!"

"That's why I think it's important."

Andre handed Elwin the large envelope. It was a plain, ordinary envelope, its wrapping a faded yellow. Nothing special seemed about it. It was addressed to The Marlin itself.

"Well," remarked Anna in curious anticipation, "let's open it."

Elwin, freezing a small rivulet of water into a blade of ice, carefully slashed the side of the envelope open.

Out came what seemed to be a letter, several pieces of paper, and a heavy gold coin.

He placed them out on the table, with Anna and Andre behind him, and began to read aloud. His eyes widened at the first word.

Aeternitas National Academy

Virtus Animus in Aeternum Resonat


Sunnayasna 29, M.A. 1883



To Mr. Elwin Eramir,


It is my great pleasure to inform you that you have been admitted to our Aeternitas National Academy for the Class of 1887.

Your commendable qualities of personal conduct and character, as well as your outstanding courage in the face of adversity, were witnessed by the members of the admissions committee and deemed noteworthy above and beyond your peers. You are congratulated on this opportunity for admission to Aeternitas, for it comes to only a select few youth of our Unified Mythrisian Republics.

Your admission, should you choose to accept, shall therefore carry with it considerable weight and demand effort beyond the ordinary. As a member of Aeternitas National Academy, princeps republica, you will be expected to carry yourself with exemplary virtue, and be expected to master the sacred Arts and unearth new ways to improve life and liberty for the good of all. You shall be expected to give necessary sacrifices to safeguarding the peoples of our numerous republics and the greater world when the need arises, including that of your breath.

Aeternitas shall be filled with challenges that will be difficult to scale without an extraordinary strength of will. This is in addition to the new motions of life far from home, to which you will have to adjust. Therefore, you should take this opportunity to carefully re-examine your desire for 4 years of life at Aeternitas.

You will find helpful information in the enclosed instructions about transportation, baggage, and other matters pertaining to admission. Your room and board, along with academic supplies, shall be supplied to you at no burden, as we grant to every admitted Arten. Should you accept our offer of admission, you must mail your decision to the address given.

Wishing you a full measure of success and satisfaction as a member of the Aeternitas Class of 1887, and later as a distinguished contributor to our Republics.


Sincerely Yours,

Abraxas Justiciae Amladris.

49th Headmaster, Aeternitas National Academy

Elwin put the letter down. All was silent.

Then everyone in the family exclaimed together with such a loud and lengthy "AHHHHH!" that if it hadn't been for soundproofing, the bedsheets in the guestrooms one floor below would have had to be laundered immediately.

The family nearly rolled to the floor in surprise and disbelief.

"You did it!" shouted Andre, happy and throwing himself into Elwin's embrace.

"And you got an acknowledgement from the president, too!" said Anna.

"The president? What do you mean?" asked Elwin.

"Look again!" said Anna, slapping his shoulder. "Here, right here!" she exclaimed, pointing to the signature of Headmaster Abraxas. 

"Headmaster Abraxas Justiciae Amladris – well, 20 years ago, he used to be President Abraxas Amladris of our Republics!"

"Our President is the headmaster at Aeternitas? Wow!" exclaimed Andre.

"Our past president. So this was where he was working after his presidential term. Dad and I were very fond of him."

"Wait, wait, wait," said Elwin, snapping back to reality amidst the joyous laughter. 

"But I missed my examination at the venue. I was disqualified! How can this be?"

"Hold on a moment. Look here," said Anna, pointing to the specific passage.

'Your commendable qualities of personal conduct and character, as well as your outstanding courage in the face of adversity, were witnessed by the members of the admissions committee.'

Elwin and Anna looked at each other. Memories of that fateful day resurfaced – Elwin rushing out to save the medicine for Isaac's father.

"Could it be?" remarked Elwin. Someone out of the admissions committee witnessed his actions, and recognized its gravitas. But who? Who could have been the secret benefactor? Mr. Kruger, perhaps?

He continued to read the rest of the documents, but there was no further hint to whom it may have been. The family peered closely at the rest of the documents, careful to go over each and every word all the while lassoing their excitement.

Aeternitas National Academy

Pertaining to Uniforms and Dress Code


Enclosed in this envelope, you would have found a gold coin with the sigil of Aeternitas. For those residing in the Republic of Ascension, you should bring this coin to Angelo's Tailors, on 7 Skylark Avenue, who shall fit your first-year uniform and its variations:

1) Standard Uniform Sets (Summer & Winter)

2) Tournament Set w/Assorted Armour and Boots

3) Ceremonial Set, w/ Robe and Cape, Belt, Hair tie

You shall don your standard uniform for most purposes at Aeternitas. You should change into the ceremonial set aboard the skycraft for the entrance ceremony. The tournament set shall be used in physical training and combat practice.


Aeternitas National Academy

Pertaining to Transportation


Artens and families should note that Aeternitas is situated in the town of Aienwater. It is approximately 210 miles north of the capital city near the foothills of Aien, the Sacred Mountain. The town is accessible mostly by rail and by passenger skycrafts, both on limited timetables. Although you may visit your families on holidays and festivals, it would be more sound to arrange their transportation to Aienwater for those occasions so that your studies and training can resume uninterrupted.

For first-years, the academy skycraft shall depart on the 31st of Tanayasna, at 4 pm sharp, from Cita de Lumière Central Skyspire No. 8. You should be dressed in regular clothing and only change when you are aboard the skycraft. Citizens who live far from the capital city should take necessary preparations to arrive at Cita de Lumière firmly before the official date of skycraft departure.

You may bring along your regular clothing, personal memorabilia, books, posters, and other items to remind you of home. However, we expect such quantities of luggage to be kept moderate.

Should you choose to accept this offer of admission, you should mail your decision using the enclosed express mailing envelope, at no cost to you, to:


Council of the Professors

Aeternitas National Academy

4 Mitraya Boulevard

Aienwater, 100004

Lumière Republic


We look forward to seeing you at Aeternitas.

"The 31st of Tanayasna? That's only twenty-seven – that's only three weeks from now!" exclaimed Elwin.

The sequence of events was too unexpected for Elwin to not peruse the letters for a second and then a third time. But everything appeared authentic. A part of him was overjoyed, seeking celebration – but another part of his soul was fraught with concern. It was not so much what the acceptance letter spoke of his future responsibilities at Aeternitas, but rather how his mother and brother were going to fend for themselves, now that he was certain to leave. Notwithstanding that he wanted to be free from the drudgery, Elwin was half the pillar that made The Marlin stand. He reviewed stock, waited tables, did the laundry, and cleaned the dishes. He accomplished so much labor, even if it was menial, in support of the family. To think them going without his support was worrying. He wasn't abandoning them, was he?

"Mom," he solemnly asked, "if I go, what will happen to The Marlin?"

Anna knew her son's thoughts well, and gave him a confident answer.

"We will find extra hands and withdraw some tables. It is not a worry you should keep in your heart. Your future is not here as a server-boy," declared Anna. "Your future is out there, right now, and it's come calling. And all of us here – Andre and I and your father watching from the Elysian Shores – will cheer you on as you take that next step forward."

Andre looked at him. He gave Elwin a salute.

It was time for Elwin to make his choice.

Several months ago, Elwin had wanted to start his journey at Aeternitas because that's where his father recommended he go. But Elwin had renounced that path set for him when he saved Isaac and Isaac's father – the choice was his, and since then, Elwin had prepared for a career out at sea.

It was one thing to have been handed the silver spoon from the start, as many people did and clung onto without choice, and completely another matter to have rejected such a silver spoon consciously and out of his own will. Of course, there was no guarantee that Elwin would have been admitted if he'd chosen selfishly to take his exam. But to throw all of that chance away – for a cause he decided was great – set him apart from others who did as they were told.

In fact, perhaps that was the quality that Aeternitas saw in Elwin. If Elwin now set his foot upon the fabled Aeternitas National Academy, he would do so not as everyone else did, but as a young man who had already tasted what it was to make his own road, unbeholden to anyone, steering his own destiny.

For that, Aeternitas called for him; and to that call, Elwin would answer.

"Very well! In the witness of the FOUNDERS, I choose Aeternitas National Academy!"

Fire roared again for the first time in six years; fire in the furnaces of his heart.