
Aerian Targaryen (Game of thrones Fan Fiction)

VoidDraggon · TV
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 - Start of New Beginings

Clap' 'Clap' 'Clap', The teenager's stop and looking towards me who was clapping. "You two are getting quiet slacky while I was out cold." I say taunting them both.

"Will shall fight tomorrow, Here at noon." The older boy Rob says grinning thinking that he would have gotten to beat me.

"Sadly, I am leaving tonight brother. I will be joining the army for a year, after that you can challange me. So you brtter keep up your practising." I say without bothing to look at Rob.

"Jon we have got to have a little chat before I go" I say while walking over to the corner.

"Rob don't worry you can have him back in a minute." I say as I look back and see him begin to frown.

"Okay, What is the problem Alex?" Jon asks with a little bit of fear.

"Just to tell you be careful, I might not make it back in time for when you join the nights watch. If you ever need my help or want to find out any information I might know. I will send a man to the wall once a month, that starts when you join the nights watch." I say quickly not giving him any time to reply.

"Okay, Okay. You too be safe." Was all he said as he hugged me and went back to practising with Rob.


[Later that Evening]

"Goodbye, I shall see you all in a year or so's time." I say as I got on the cart that was going to transport me to where the army were currently stationed.

The army were currently having skirmishes against the Boltons and vice versa.

The cart traveled for anojther couple of hours finally arriving at the tent that slightly stood out for the rest.

I walk up to the tent and knock while standing outside, "Come in!" I hear a command from the otherside so I decided to walk through the flap to see a man sitting there listening to music and drinking.

This got me anonnyed because we are at a battlefield and he cannot keep his mouth shut. He is drinking which is a serious offence against one of the army regulations, specially since he is on active duty.

"You trying to get killed? Sir!" I ask wanting to know his method.

"No, We just won a battle and the other high ranks have gone back to winterfell." He says looking at me.

"Okay sure, may I know which squad I will be in?" I ask getting a little excited.

"Let me look what has been written down." The officer looks around his desk trying to find the correct paper.

After an embarresing 3 minutes he still could not find the paper with my offical position, "It seems I cannot find the offical document, So what would you rate your weapon skills and what is your weapon?" He asked.

"I would say about a 8 out of 10 and my weapon is Dual-Short Swords." I answer truthfully, Well it is now that I have the knowledge of fighting with the sword. I will just have to put the technics to practise time and time again.

"Great!!, You shall join the vanguard we need more offensive style man in that regiment!" He stands happily smiling while thinking about his decision. 'Hahaha, Nobody ever wants to join that regiment. Now I just tricked a nobody into joining it.'