
Aephaestus God of humanity.

A late teen about to graduate. Makes his way thorough quick route to head home. Only to be dragged and greeted By a Light. That consumes him bringing him to the nothingness. In the endless of the universe a being would be born into a world of heroes, Gods and Monsters. What happens when the two lame Gods become one. What happens when a normal man gains the strength of Ares and creativity of hephaestus. How would he adjust and react to his new life with a family that is numerous for deeds along with its honor of dysfunction family problems. Will he overcome and unite his new family or will he also blow conquest and give a true soul to what War is. Blessed be born a prince. Son of Zeus and Hera. The story of the great Aephaestus The God of humanity.

Fascistpenguin · Bücher und Literatur
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5 Chs

The beginning of all

In the beginning, there was not a piece of good that existed. This period of nothing would be considered the fabric of all that is empty and named "The empty." Completely above the Concept Of Change and its eternally boundless.

A rich abyss cluster that housed creatures best described as repulsive beasts formerly lived before The Empty. The only thought these things have is destruction. Fighting was limited to these monsters within this cluster. These monsters killed each other repeatedly, for as long as it lasted, establishing a cycle.

Since during this period, nothing existed besides that cluster in the empty. Creation was just the empty. it existed outside of time and space and cosmic reality and all planes of perception. Eventually through enough of the bloodshed of these monsters came forth beings that would come known as the "True Cosmic Councillor."

The true cosmic counselors being born through the bloodshed of the beings. Craved something else but destruction. And that was only Creation. They started to leave their home of "the empty." and its monsters.

However, before they could depart. The monsters became obsessed with corrupting the council. Since they represented what was and was not. The monsters were envious of them. For what that meant was, the monsters could not create as the council could create. 

Since the monsters were nonexistent, they only represented what was not. than this would lead to few members of the cosmic council. Ultimately perish at the hands of the monsters. Not vanishing into nothingness but turning into creatures that would later be referred to as Azathoth's disciples. a creature referred to as the King of Monsters.

The council sick of the monsters would then separate themselves.

By the Creating of a different layer of what is true. Thus truly, Walling themselves away themselves with the monsters of the eternity. They the cosmic council would become more more fluctuated with creation. And make themselves Pools, that will assist in the making of all. And have unique purposes.

The "Pools of Existence."

All that has existed, including before and after, is in this pool. Nothing is truly erased but only here.

The "Pools of Everything."

Everything and nothing is here.

The "Pools of Destruction."

All that has been destroyed.

The "Pools of Creation."

All that has been created.

With the powers being made the foundations of what was before bloomed with a glue of color. And it shook the council members with great happiness.

The council members, with a sense of pride and determination,more than pleased knowing with these pools they created, they finally make something more. But there was a growing threat around the corner. The veil that was holding the malevolent creatures. was beginning to crumble and the monsters of the abyss clawing at it.

The council members gathered, their minds buzzing with ideas and possibilities. They knew that they needed to create something powerful, something that would not only protect them from the monsters but also allow them to continue their work of creation and maintenance in peace. And so, they began to weave their power and the pools, their energies intertwining and merging to form a new layer of reality. 

They have planned that They'll not only seal the infinite creatures of the unknowing abyss. But also make a new layer of reality. to the Monsters themselves. 

So their creations can exist in without corruption from the monsters. The new layer they had created shimmered and glowed with a brilliance that was both beautiful and Good. The cosmic council And so, they sat back and watched as the walls of their new reality held strong, banishing the darkness that lurked beyond.


The cosmic council continue on their craft of creation, making many things. They pull four strings coming out of the four pools constructing a fabric of all that is true of reality and weaving it into a large piece of cosmic web. With the web being made by the Councillors. The web than starts to shift endlessly andviolently blooming infinitely expanding, making whats more than infinite possible.


Sometime after creation.

Some of the first two beings, Order and chaos became. These two eternal beings eventually came into each other and thus a battle commenced, the battlefields would give life. in the first clash between them gave birth to other first generation primordial forces. They start to create and make adding to the void.

Than there was the second clash. In this clash the universe, all the realms and even time itself started as a result of said conflict.

Soon Many second generation primordial gods came forth. 

Than Come a heavenly body *planet* desolate. But large, but no life. Until the clash of the battle reaped of cosmic energy, eternally hitting the core shaping the planet. Causing Gaia is to be born thus creating the Earth's landscape and then given birth to Uranus. The starry heavens are made.

Gaia and Uranus went on to have many children together, including the Titans, the Cyclopes, and the Hecatoncheires. Gaia's first born with Uranus, would be Ymir, The lord of the Jotuns, the Father of Giants, and the ancestor to the Aesir.

Gaia would give birth to many gods to different pantheons.


I have chapter 2-3 and 4th done just finishing out with details and some grammar. 

ima release the rest of this chapter when I'm finished school work. I didn't think it would be this hard world

building lmao hardest part is I have to research a lot of mythologies and put them together. But i promise good long semi readable chapters lol.


its 1k words, i’ll release the other 5k when I’m done research.

Fascistpenguincreators' thoughts