
Aephaestus God of humanity.

A late teen about to graduate. Makes his way thorough quick route to head home. Only to be dragged and greeted By a Light. That consumes him bringing him to the nothingness. In the endless of the universe a being would be born into a world of heroes, Gods and Monsters. What happens when the two lame Gods become one. What happens when a normal man gains the strength of Ares and creativity of hephaestus. How would he adjust and react to his new life with a family that is numerous for deeds along with its honor of dysfunction family problems. Will he overcome and unite his new family or will he also blow conquest and give a true soul to what War is. Blessed be born a prince. Son of Zeus and Hera. The story of the great Aephaestus The God of humanity.

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That's not a typo in the topic title... I am making this 8,000+ which is actually just 8,001, as in, eight thousand and one, as opposed to 800+ which is actually just 801, as in eight hundred and one. Am I insane? Well, yes, but that is not why I'm writing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words nor does that have anything to do with the 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words at all. So let's stop talking about it and talk about the subject of the essay. What is the subject of the essay, you ask? That is to be revealed in the next paragraph. So first we must finish this paragraph. So I have to stop typing words into this paragraph and create the next one. I'll do that in a bit, don't worry. I'm almost done. Almost there. Just a little more... Okay, I think that's good.

Now, the subject of the essay. You know how I said it would be in the next paragraph in the last paragraph therefore meaning it would be in this paragraph? Well, I lied. It's actually in the paragraph after the paragraph I said it would be in the last paragraph therefore making it in the paragraph after this paragraph which means it is in the next paragraph. If it seems foolish to spend two paragraphs delaying even talking about the subject of this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, well, it is. But it also increases my word count, which is necessary for a essay as big as this one is. Seriously, I'm in way over my head with this one.

Now that we are in the paragraph after the paragraph I said in the paragraph before the last paragraph that would contain the subject of this essay, I can tell you what I'm going to be talking about in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words: There is none! That's right, I'm just going to go on and on about a bunch of different random thing and include lots of filler and hope I don't take too long writing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which is false because it will almost certainly take quite a while to write this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, even though I'm not writing at all, I'm actually typing, which I do a lot faster than writing.

Now, I am less than 500 words into the 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, so I had better hurry up and think of something to type in the next paragraph, because without a subject with which to talk about it is hard to come up with things to talk about and then I'm forced to say the same things over and over in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which doesn't make for good reading. Or maybe it does. I don't know, I'm just sitting here typing an 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words and trying to come up with some filler or something to talk about so that I can make this essay last 8,000+ words which is actually just 8,001 words long.

Now at this point I haven't checked but I am pretty sure that I am at over 500 words now, because when I checked before I wrote the paragraph after the paragraph that revealed what the subject of this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words is and that the subject of the essay doesn't exist, it was at four hundred and fifteen, or 415 words and I think that there are more than 85 words in that paragraph therefore making it so that there are more than 500 words in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, but I'm not sure since I didn't count every single one or check the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words.

"WHAT KIND OF MADDNESS IS THIS- oh wait...its just Sparx. -_-" - benjamin3740

Sparx555 (Topic Creator)11 years ago#2

Now I am almost positive that I had over 500 words at the beginning of the pervious paragraph, because when I went to check the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words are in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words it was at 694, and there are almost definitely not over 194 words in the previous paragraph seeing as it is about the same size as the other paragraphs and that 694 divided by the 5 paragraphs that existed at that point is approximately 138.8 words per paragraph and the deviation that would have to exist for there to be 1almost 60 more words than average in that paragraph is incredibly unlikely assuming all the paragraphs are of nearly equal size and word count, which they appear to be.

All this talk about whether or not this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words was bigger or smaller than 500 words at a certain point which is at the beginning of the paragraph before the previous paragraph is pointless, however, because 500 is just under one sixteenth of 8,001 and exactly one sixteenth of 8,000, and one sixteenth or just under that is not very much. There are still fifteen of the sixteenths to type, and actually there are between fourteen and fifteen of the sixteenths because I am in between 500 and 1,000 words in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, to be more specific, at the end of the paragraph and the beginning of the next I have, counting the number I am about to type which is actually counted as one word, 977.

977, which is now 978 with me typing 977 there, and is now even bigger than that, is very close to 1,000. In fact, by the end of this sentence, I should have more than 1,000 words in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,0001 words, and checking the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, I am correct because counting the number I am going to type at the end of this sentence which the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words counts as a word, I have typed 1,109 words so far. The best part is, the last two times I said "convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words," I was using copy and paste. =3

Now I am over one eighth of the way to completing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which I am glad of because this is not as hard as I thought it would be. However, it will most likely get much more difficult during the last couple of thousand words, because I will be running out of subject matter for this subject-less 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words. To pass the time, I shall talk about ice cream. It tastes good and is icy and creamy. ^_^

Well... that didn't last very long... I thought I would be able to fill a paragraph or two with that but it lasted one sentence. I really need to come up with some subject matter for this subject-less 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, or else I'll never finish it. Well, writing subject-less 8,000+ word essays that are actually just 8,001 words is making me hungry, even though the fact that I'm writing an 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words probably has absolutely nothing to do with my hunger and that I keep saying that I'm "writing" this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words when I'm actually typing it. Therefore, I shall eat food. Preferably edible food. And then return to type this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words. Not that you'll notice, when you finally read this I'll have posted it all. =That's not a typo in the topic title... I am making this 8,000+ which is actually just 8,001, as in, eight thousand and one, as opposed to 800+ which is actually just 801, as in eight hundred and one. Am I insane? Well, yes, but that is not why I'm writing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words nor does that have anything to do with the 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words at all. So let's stop talking about it and talk about the subject of the essay. What is the subject of the essay, you ask? That is to be revealed in the next paragraph. So first we must finish this paragraph. So I have to stop typing words into this paragraph and create the next one. I'll do that in a bit, don't worry. I'm almost done. Almost there. Just a little more... Okay, I think that's good.

Now, the subject of the essay. You know how I said it would be in the next paragraph in the last paragraph therefore meaning it would be in this paragraph? Well, I lied. It's actually in the paragraph after the paragraph I said it would be in the last paragraph therefore making it in the paragraph after this paragraph which means it is in the next paragraph. If it seems foolish to spend two paragraphs delaying even talking about the subject of this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, well, it is. But it also increases my word count, which is necessary for a essay as big as this one is. Seriously, I'm in way over my head with this one.

Now that we are in the paragraph after the paragraph I said in the paragraph before the last paragraph that would contain the subject of this essay, I can tell you what I'm going to be talking about in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words: There is none! That's right, I'm just going to go on and on about a bunch of different random thing and include lots of filler and hope I don't take too long writing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which is false because it will almost certainly take quite a while to write this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, even though I'm not writing at all, I'm actually typing, which I do a lot faster than writing.

Now, I am less than 500 words into the 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, so I had better hurry up and think of something to type in the next paragraph, because without a subject with which to talk about it is hard to come up with things to talk about and then I'm forced to say the same things over and over in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which doesn't make for good reading. Or maybe it does. I don't know, I'm just sitting here typing an 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words and trying to come up with some filler or something to talk about so that I can make this essay last 8,000+ words which is actually just 8,001 words long.

Now at this point I haven't checked but I am pretty sure that I am at over 500 words now, because when I checked before I wrote the paragraph after the paragraph that revealed what the subject of this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words is and that the subject of the essay doesn't exist, it was at four hundred and fifteen, or 415 words and I think that there are more than 85 words in that paragraph therefore making it so that there are more than 500 words in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, but I'm not sure since I didn't count every single one or check the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words.

"WHAT KIND OF MADDNESS IS THIS- oh wait...its just Sparx. -_-" - benjamin3740

Sparx555 (Topic Creator)11 years ago#2

Now I am almost positive that I had over 500 words at the beginning of the pervious paragraph, because when I went to check the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words are in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words it was at 694, and there are almost definitely not over 194 words in the previous paragraph seeing as it is about the same size as the other paragraphs and that 694 divided by the 5 paragraphs that existed at that point is approximately 138.8 words per paragraph and the deviation that would have to exist for there to be 1almost 60 more words than average in that paragraph is incredibly unlikely assuming all the paragraphs are of nearly equal size and word count, which they appear to be.

All this talk about whether or not this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words was bigger or smaller than 500 words at a certain point which is at the beginning of the paragraph before the previous paragraph is pointless, however, because 500 is just under one sixteenth of 8,001 and exactly one sixteenth of 8,000, and one sixteenth or just under that is not very much. There are still fifteen of the sixteenths to type, and actually there are between fourteen and fifteen of the sixteenths because I am in between 500 and 1,000 words in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, to be more specific, at the end of the paragraph and the beginning of the next I have, counting the number I am about to type which is actually counted as one word, 977.

977, which is now 978 with me typing 977 there, and is now even bigger than that, is very close to 1,000. In fact, by the end of this sentence, I should have more than 1,000 words in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,0001 words, and checking the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, I am correct because counting the number I am going to type at the end of this sentence which the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words counts as a word, I have typed 1,109 words so far. The best part is, the last two times I said "convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words," I was using copy and paste. =3

Now I am over one eighth of the way to completing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which I am glad of because this is not as hard as I thought it would be. However, it will most likely get much more difficult during the last couple of thousand words, because I will be running out of subject matter for this subject-less 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words. To pass the time, I shall talk about ice cream. It tastes good and is icy and creamy. ^_^

Well... that didn't last very long... I thought I would be able to fill a paragraph or two with that but it lasted one sentence. I really need to come up with some subject matter for this subject-less 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, or else I'll never finish it. Well, writing subject-less 8,000+ word essays that are actually just 8,001 words is making me hungry, even though the fact that I'm writing an 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words probably has absolutely nothing to do with my hunger and that I keep saying that I'm "writing" this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words when I'm actually typing it. Therefore, I shall eat food. Preferably edible food. And then return to type this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words. Not that you'll notice, when you finally read this I'll have posted it all. =That's not a typo in the topic title... I am making this 8,000+ which is actually just 8,001, as in, eight thousand and one, as opposed to 800+ which is actually just 801, as in eight hundred and one. Am I insane? Well, yes, but that is not why I'm writing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words nor does that have anything to do with the 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words at all. So let's stop talking about it and talk about the subject of the essay. What is the subject of the essay, you ask? That is to be revealed in the next paragraph. So first we must finish this paragraph. So I have to stop typing words into this paragraph and create the next one. I'll do that in a bit, don't worry. I'm almost done. Almost there. Just a little more... Okay, I think that's good.

Now, the subject of the essay. You know how I said it would be in the next paragraph in the last paragraph therefore meaning it would be in this paragraph? Well, I lied. It's actually in the paragraph after the paragraph I said it would be in the last paragraph therefore making it in the paragraph after this paragraph which means it is in the next paragraph. If it seems foolish to spend two paragraphs delaying even talking about the subject of this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, well, it is. But it also increases my word count, which is necessary for a essay as big as this one is. Seriously, I'm in way over my head with this one.

Now that we are in the paragraph after the paragraph I said in the paragraph before the last paragraph that would contain the subject of this essay, I can tell you what I'm going to be talking about in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words: There is none! That's right, I'm just going to go on and on about a bunch of different random thing and include lots of filler and hope I don't take too long writing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which is false because it will almost certainly take quite a while to write this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, even though I'm not writing at all, I'm actually typing, which I do a lot faster than writing.

Now, I am less than 500 words into the 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, so I had better hurry up and think of something to type in the next paragraph, because without a subject with which to talk about it is hard to come up with things to talk about and then I'm forced to say the same things over and over in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which doesn't make for good reading. Or maybe it does. I don't know, I'm just sitting here typing an 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words and trying to come up with some filler or something to talk about so that I can make this essay last 8,000+ words which is actually just 8,001 words long.

Now at this point I haven't checked but I am pretty sure that I am at over 500 words now, because when I checked before I wrote the paragraph after the paragraph that revealed what the subject of this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words is and that the subject of the essay doesn't exist, it was at four hundred and fifteen, or 415 words and I think that there are more than 85 words in that paragraph therefore making it so that there are more than 500 words in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, but I'm not sure since I didn't count every single one or check the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words.

"WHAT KIND OF MADDNESS IS THIS- oh wait...its just Sparx. -_-" - benjamin3740

Sparx555 (Topic Creator)11 years ago#2

Now I am almost positive that I had over 500 words at the beginning of the pervious paragraph, because when I went to check the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words are in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words it was at 694, and there are almost definitely not over 194 words in the previous paragraph seeing as it is about the same size as the other paragraphs and that 694 divided by the 5 paragraphs that existed at that point is approximately 138.8 words per paragraph and the deviation that would have to exist for there to be 1almost 60 more words than average in that paragraph is incredibly unlikely assuming all the paragraphs are of nearly equal size and word count, which they appear to be.

All this talk about whether or not this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words was bigger or smaller than 500 words at a certain point which is at the beginning of the paragraph before the previous paragraph is pointless, however, because 500 is just under one sixteenth of 8,001 and exactly one sixteenth of 8,000, and one sixteenth or just under that is not very much. There are still fifteen of the sixteenths to type, and actually there are between fourteen and fifteen of the sixteenths because I am in between 500 and 1,000 words in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, to be more specific, at the end of the paragraph and the beginning of the next I have, counting the number I am about to type which is actually counted as one word, 977.

977, which is now 978 with me typing 977 there, and is now even bigger than that, is very close to 1,000. In fact, by the end of this sentence, I should have more than 1,000 words in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,0001 words, and checking the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, I am correct because counting the number I am going to type at the end of this sentence which the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words counts as a word, I have typed 1,109 words so far. The best part is, the last two times I said "convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words," I was using copy and paste. =3

Now I am over one eighth of the way to completing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which I am glad of because this is not as hard as I thought it would be. However, it will most likely get much more difficult during the last couple of thousand words, because I will be running out of subject matter for this subject-less 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words. To pass the time, I shall talk about ice cream. It tastes good and is icy and creamy. ^_^

Well... that didn't last very long... I thought I would be able to fill a paragraph or two with that but it lasted one sentence. I really need to come up with some subject matter for this subject-less 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, or else I'll never finish it. Well, writing subject-less 8,000+ word essays that are actually just 8,001 words is making me hungry, even though the fact that I'm writing an 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words probably has absolutely nothing to do with my hunger and that I keep saying that I'm "writing" this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words when I'm actually typing it. Therefore, I shall eat food. Preferably edible food. And then return to type this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words. Not that you'll notice, when you finally read this I'll have posted it all. =That's not a typo in the topic title... I am making this 8,000+ which is actually just 8,001, as in, eight thousand and one, as opposed to 800+ which is actually just 801, as in eight hundred and one. Am I insane? Well, yes, but that is not why I'm writing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words nor does that have anything to do with the 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words at all. So let's stop talking about it and talk about the subject of the essay. What is the subject of the essay, you ask? That is to be revealed in the next paragraph. So first we must finish this paragraph. So I have to stop typing words into this paragraph and create the next one. I'll do that in a bit, don't worry. I'm almost done. Almost there. Just a little more... Okay, I think that's good.

Now, the subject of the essay. You know how I said it would be in the next paragraph in the last paragraph therefore meaning it would be in this paragraph? Well, I lied. It's actually in the paragraph after the paragraph I said it would be in the last paragraph therefore making it in the paragraph after this paragraph which means it is in the next paragraph. If it seems foolish to spend two paragraphs delaying even talking about the subject of this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, well, it is. But it also increases my word count, which is necessary for a essay as big as this one is. Seriously, I'm in way over my head with this one.

Now that we are in the paragraph after the paragraph I said in the paragraph before the last paragraph that would contain the subject of this essay, I can tell you what I'm going to be talking about in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words: There is none! That's right, I'm just going to go on and on about a bunch of different random thing and include lots of filler and hope I don't take too long writing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which is false because it will almost certainly take quite a while to write this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, even though I'm not writing at all, I'm actually typing, which I do a lot faster than writing.

Now, I am less than 500 words into the 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, so I had better hurry up and think of something to type in the next paragraph, because without a subject with which to talk about it is hard to come up with things to talk about and then I'm forced to say the same things over and over in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which doesn't make for good reading. Or maybe it does. I don't know, I'm just sitting here typing an 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words and trying to come up with some filler or something to talk about so that I can make this essay last 8,000+ words which is actually just 8,001 words long.

Now at this point I haven't checked but I am pretty sure that I am at over 500 words now, because when I checked before I wrote the paragraph after the paragraph that revealed what the subject of this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words is and that the subject of the essay doesn't exist, it was at four hundred and fifteen, or 415 words and I think that there are more than 85 words in that paragraph therefore making it so that there are more than 500 words in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, but I'm not sure since I didn't count every single one or check the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words.

"WHAT KIND OF MADDNESS IS THIS- oh wait...its just Sparx. -_-" - benjamin3740

Sparx555 (Topic Creator)11 years ago#2

Now I am almost positive that I had over 500 words at the beginning of the pervious paragraph, because when I went to check the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words are in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words it was at 694, and there are almost definitely not over 194 words in the previous paragraph seeing as it is about the same size as the other paragraphs and that 694 divided by the 5 paragraphs that existed at that point is approximately 138.8 words per paragraph and the deviation that would have to exist for there to be 1almost 60 more words than average in that paragraph is incredibly unlikely assuming all the paragraphs are of nearly equal size and word count, which they appear to be.

All this talk about whether or not this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words was bigger or smaller than 500 words at a certain point which is at the beginning of the paragraph before the previous paragraph is pointless, however, because 500 is just under one sixteenth of 8,001 and exactly one sixteenth of 8,000, and one sixteenth or just under that is not very much. There are still fifteen of the sixteenths to type, and actually there are between fourteen and fifteen of the sixteenths because I am in between 500 and 1,000 words in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, to be more specific, at the end of the paragraph and the beginning of the next I have, counting the number I am about to type which is actually counted as one word, 977.

977, which is now 978 with me typing 977 there, and is now even bigger than that, is very close to 1,000. In fact, by the end of this sentence, I should have more than 1,000 words in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,0001 words, and checking the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, I am correct because counting the number I am going to type at the end of this sentence which the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words counts as a word, I have typed 1,109 words so far. The best part is, the last two times I said "convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words," I was using copy and paste. =3

Now I am over one eighth of the way to completing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which I am glad of because this is not as hard as I thought it would be. However, it will most likely get much more difficult during the last couple of thousand words, because I will be running out of subject matter for this subject-less 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words. To pass the time, I shall talk about ice cream. It tastes good and is icy and creamy. ^_^

Well... that didn't last very long... I thought I would be able to fill a paragraph or two with that but it lasted one sentence. I really need to come up with some subject matter for this subject-less 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, or else I'll never finish it. Well, writing subject-less 8,000+ word essays that are actually just 8,001 words is making me hungry, even though the fact that I'm writing an 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words probably has absolutely nothing to do with my hunger and that I keep saying that I'm "writing" this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words when I'm actually typing it. Therefore, I shall eat food. Preferably edible food. And then return to type this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words. Not that you'll notice, when you finally read this I'll have posted it all. =That's not a typo in the topic title... I am making this 8,000+ which is actually just 8,001, as in, eight thousand and one, as opposed to 800+ which is actually just 801, as in eight hundred and one. Am I insane? Well, yes, but that is not why I'm writing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words nor does that have anything to do with the 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words at all. So let's stop talking about it and talk about the subject of the essay. What is the subject of the essay, you ask? That is to be revealed in the next paragraph. So first we must finish this paragraph. So I have to stop typing words into this paragraph and create the next one. I'll do that in a bit, don't worry. I'm almost done. Almost there. Just a little more... Okay, I think that's good.

Now, the subject of the essay. You know how I said it would be in the next paragraph in the last paragraph therefore meaning it would be in this paragraph? Well, I lied. It's actually in the paragraph after the paragraph I said it would be in the last paragraph therefore making it in the paragraph after this paragraph which means it is in the next paragraph. If it seems foolish to spend two paragraphs delaying even talking about the subject of this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, well, it is. But it also increases my word count, which is necessary for a essay as big as this one is. Seriously, I'm in way over my head with this one.

Now that we are in the paragraph after the paragraph I said in the paragraph before the last paragraph that would contain the subject of this essay, I can tell you what I'm going to be talking about in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words: There is none! That's right, I'm just going to go on and on about a bunch of different random thing and include lots of filler and hope I don't take too long writing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which is false because it will almost certainly take quite a while to write this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, even though I'm not writing at all, I'm actually typing, which I do a lot faster than writing.

Now, I am less than 500 words into the 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, so I had better hurry up and think of something to type in the next paragraph, because without a subject with which to talk about it is hard to come up with things to talk about and then I'm forced to say the same things over and over in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which doesn't make for good reading. Or maybe it does. I don't know, I'm just sitting here typing an 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words and trying to come up with some filler or something to talk about so that I can make this essay last 8,000+ words which is actually just 8,001 words long.

Now at this point I haven't checked but I am pretty sure that I am at over 500 words now, because when I checked before I wrote the paragraph after the paragraph that revealed what the subject of this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words is and that the subject of the essay doesn't exist, it was at four hundred and fifteen, or 415 words and I think that there are more than 85 words in that paragraph therefore making it so that there are more than 500 words in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, but I'm not sure since I didn't count every single one or check the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words.

"WHAT KIND OF MADDNESS IS THIS- oh wait...its just Sparx. -_-" - benjamin3740

Sparx555 (Topic Creator)11 years ago#2

Now I am almost positive that I had over 500 words at the beginning of the pervious paragraph, because when I went to check the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words are in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words it was at 694, and there are almost definitely not over 194 words in the previous paragraph seeing as it is about the same size as the other paragraphs and that 694 divided by the 5 paragraphs that existed at that point is approximately 138.8 words per paragraph and the deviation that would have to exist for there to be 1almost 60 more words than average in that paragraph is incredibly unlikely assuming all the paragraphs are of nearly equal size and word count, which they appear to be.

All this talk about whether or not this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words was bigger or smaller than 500 words at a certain point which is at the beginning of the paragraph before the previous paragraph is pointless, however, because 500 is just under one sixteenth of 8,001 and exactly one sixteenth of 8,000, and one sixteenth or just under that is not very much. There are still fifteen of the sixteenths to type, and actually there are between fourteen and fifteen of the sixteenths because I am in between 500 and 1,000 words in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, to be more specific, at the end of the paragraph and the beginning of the next I have, counting the number I am about to type which is actually counted as one word, 977.

977, which is now 978 with me typing 977 there, and is now even bigger than that, is very close to 1,000. In fact, by the end of this sentence, I should have more than 1,000 words in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,0001 words, and checking the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, I am correct because counting the number I am going to type at the end of this sentence which the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words counts as a word, I have typed 1,109 words so far. The best part is, the last two times I said "convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words," I was using copy and paste. =3

Now I am over one eighth of the way to completing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which I am glad of because this is not as hard as I thought it would be. However, it will most likely get much more difficult during the last couple of thousand words, because I will be running out of subject matter for this subject-less 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words. To pass the time, I shall talk about ice cream. It tastes good and is icy and creamy. ^_^

Well... that didn't last very long... I thought I would be able to fill a paragraph or two with that but it lasted one sentence. I really need to come up with some subject matter for this subject-less 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, or else I'll never finish it. Well, writing subject-less 8,000+ word essays that are actually just 8,001 words is making me hungry, even though the fact that I'm writing an 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words probably has absolutely nothing to do with my hunger and that I keep saying that I'm "writing" this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words when I'm actually typing it. Therefore, I shall eat food. Preferably edible food. And then return to type this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words. Not that you'll notice, when you finally read this I'll have posted it all. =That's not a typo in the topic title... I am making this 8,000+ which is actually just 8,001, as in, eight thousand and one, as opposed to 800+ which is actually just 801, as in eight hundred and one. Am I insane? Well, yes, but that is not why I'm writing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words nor does that have anything to do with the 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words at all. So let's stop talking about it and talk about the subject of the essay. What is the subject of the essay, you ask? That is to be revealed in the next paragraph. So first we must finish this paragraph. So I have to stop typing words into this paragraph and create the next one. I'll do that in a bit, don't worry. I'm almost done. Almost there. Just a little more... Okay, I think that's good.

Now, the subject of the essay. You know how I said it would be in the next paragraph in the last paragraph therefore meaning it would be in this paragraph? Well, I lied. It's actually in the paragraph after the paragraph I said it would be in the last paragraph therefore making it in the paragraph after this paragraph which means it is in the next paragraph. If it seems foolish to spend two paragraphs delaying even talking about the subject of this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, well, it is. But it also increases my word count, which is necessary for a essay as big as this one is. Seriously, I'm in way over my head with this one.

Now that we are in the paragraph after the paragraph I said in the paragraph before the last paragraph that would contain the subject of this essay, I can tell you what I'm going to be talking about in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words: There is none! That's right, I'm just going to go on and on about a bunch of different random thing and include lots of filler and hope I don't take too long writing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which is false because it will almost certainly take quite a while to write this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, even though I'm not writing at all, I'm actually typing, which I do a lot faster than writing.

Now, I am less than 500 words into the 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, so I had better hurry up and think of something to type in the next paragraph, because without a subject with which to talk about it is hard to come up with things to talk about and then I'm forced to say the same things over and over in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which doesn't make for good reading. Or maybe it does. I don't know, I'm just sitting here typing an 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words and trying to come up with some filler or something to talk about so that I can make this essay last 8,000+ words which is actually just 8,001 words long.

Now at this point I haven't checked but I am pretty sure that I am at over 500 words now, because when I checked before I wrote the paragraph after the paragraph that revealed what the subject of this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words is and that the subject of the essay doesn't exist, it was at four hundred and fifteen, or 415 words and I think that there are more than 85 words in that paragraph therefore making it so that there are more than 500 words in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, but I'm not sure since I didn't count every single one or check the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words.

"WHAT KIND OF MADDNESS IS THIS- oh wait...its just Sparx. -_-" - benjamin3740

Sparx555 (Topic Creator)11 years ago#2

Now I am almost positive that I had over 500 words at the beginning of the pervious paragraph, because when I went to check the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words are in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words it was at 694, and there are almost definitely not over 194 words in the previous paragraph seeing as it is about the same size as the other paragraphs and that 694 divided by the 5 paragraphs that existed at that point is approximately 138.8 words per paragraph and the deviation that would have to exist for there to be 1almost 60 more words than average in that paragraph is incredibly unlikely assuming all the paragraphs are of nearly equal size and word count, which they appear to be.

All this talk about whether or not this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words was bigger or smaller than 500 words at a certain point which is at the beginning of the paragraph before the previous paragraph is pointless, however, because 500 is just under one sixteenth of 8,001 and exactly one sixteenth of 8,000, and one sixteenth or just under that is not very much. There are still fifteen of the sixteenths to type, and actually there are between fourteen and fifteen of the sixteenths because I am in between 500 and 1,000 words in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, to be more specific, at the end of the paragraph and the beginning of the next I have, counting the number I am about to type which is actually counted as one word, 977.

977, which is now 978 with me typing 977 there, and is now even bigger than that, is very close to 1,000. In fact, by the end of this sentence, I should have more than 1,000 words in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,0001 words, and checking the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, I am correct because counting the number I am going to type at the end of this sentence which the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words counts as a word, I have typed 1,109 words so far. The best part is, the last two times I said "convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words," I was using copy and paste. =3

Now I am over one eighth of the way to completing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which I am glad of because this is not as hard as I thought it would be. However, it will most likely get much more difficult during the last couple of thousand words, because I will be running out of subject matter for this subject-less 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words. To pass the time, I shall talk about ice cream. It tastes good and is icy and creamy. ^_^

Well... that didn't last very long... I thought I would be able to fill a paragraph or two with that but it lasted one sentence. I really need to come up with some subject matter for this subject-less 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, or else I'll never finish it. Well, writing subject-less 8,000+ word essays that are actually just 8,001 words is making me hungry, even though the fact that I'm writing an 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words probably has absolutely nothing to do with my hunger and that I keep saying that I'm "writing" this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words when I'm actually typing it. Therefore, I shall eat food. Preferably edible food. And then return to type this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words. Not that you'll notice, when you finally read this I'll have posted it all. =That's not a typo in the topic title... I am making this 8,000+ which is actually just 8,001, as in, eight thousand and one, as opposed to 800+ which is actually just 801, as in eight hundred and one. Am I insane? Well, yes, but that is not why I'm writing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words nor does that have anything to do with the 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words at all. So let's stop talking about it and talk about the subject of the essay. What is the subject of the essay, you ask? That is to be revealed in the next paragraph. So first we must finish this paragraph. So I have to stop typing words into this paragraph and create the next one. I'll do that in a bit, don't worry. I'm almost done. Almost there. Just a little more... Okay, I think that's good.

Now, the subject of the essay. You know how I said it would be in the next paragraph in the last paragraph therefore meaning it would be in this paragraph? Well, I lied. It's actually in the paragraph after the paragraph I said it would be in the last paragraph therefore making it in the paragraph after this paragraph which means it is in the next paragraph. If it seems foolish to spend two paragraphs delaying even talking about the subject of this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, well, it is. But it also increases my word count, which is necessary for a essay as big as this one is. Seriously, I'm in way over my head with this one.

Now that we are in the paragraph after the paragraph I said in the paragraph before the last paragraph that would contain the subject of this essay, I can tell you what I'm going to be talking about in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words: There is none! That's right, I'm just going to go on and on about a bunch of different random thing and include lots of filler and hope I don't take too long writing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which is false because it will almost certainly take quite a while to write this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, even though I'm not writing at all, I'm actually typing, which I do a lot faster than writing.

Now, I am less than 500 words into the 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, so I had better hurry up and think of something to type in the next paragraph, because without a subject with which to talk about it is hard to come up with things to talk about and then I'm forced to say the same things over and over in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which doesn't make for good reading. Or maybe it does. I don't know, I'm just sitting here typing an 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words and trying to come up with some filler or something to talk about so that I can make this essay last 8,000+ words which is actually just 8,001 words long.

Now at this point I haven't checked but I am pretty sure that I am at over 500 words now, because when I checked before I wrote the paragraph after the paragraph that revealed what the subject of this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words is and that the subject of the essay doesn't exist, it was at four hundred and fifteen, or 415 words and I think that there are more than 85 words in that paragraph therefore making it so that there are more than 500 words in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, but I'm not sure since I didn't count every single one or check the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words.

"WHAT KIND OF MADDNESS IS THIS- oh wait...its just Sparx. -_-" - benjamin3740

Sparx555 (Topic Creator)11 years ago#2

Now I am almost positive that I had over 500 words at the beginning of the pervious paragraph, because when I went to check the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words are in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words it was at 694, and there are almost definitely not over 194 words in the previous paragraph seeing as it is about the same size as the other paragraphs and that 694 divided by the 5 paragraphs that existed at that point is approximately 138.8 words per paragraph and the deviation that would have to exist for there to be 1almost 60 more words than average in that paragraph is incredibly unlikely assuming all the paragraphs are of nearly equal size and word count, which they appear to be.

All this talk about whether or not this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words was bigger or smaller than 500 words at a certain point which is at the beginning of the paragraph before the previous paragraph is pointless, however, because 500 is just under one sixteenth of 8,001 and exactly one sixteenth of 8,000, and one sixteenth or just under that is not very much. There are still fifteen of the sixteenths to type, and actually there are between fourteen and fifteen of the sixteenths because I am in between 500 and 1,000 words in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, to be more specific, at the end of the paragraph and the beginning of the next I have, counting the number I am about to type which is actually counted as one word, 977.

977, which is now 978 with me typing 977 there, and is now even bigger than that, is very close to 1,000. In fact, by the end of this sentence, I should have more than 1,000 words in this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,0001 words, and checking the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words, I am correct because counting the number I am going to type at the end of this sentence which the convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words counts as a word, I have typed 1,109 words so far. The best part is, the last two times I said "convenient feature in the word program I am using that counts how many words there are in this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words," I was using copy and paste. =3

Now I am over one eighth of the way to completing this 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, which I am glad of because this is not as hard as I thought it would be. However, it will most likely get much more difficult during the last couple of thousand words, because I will be running out of subject matter for this subject-less 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words. To pass the time, I shall talk about ice cream. It tastes good and is icy and creamy. ^_^

Well... that didn't last very long... I thought I would be able to fill a paragraph or two with that but it lasted one sentence. I really need to come up with some subject matter for this subject-less 8,000+ word essay which is actually just 8,001 words, or else I'll never finish it. Well, writing subject-less 8,000+ word essays that are actually just 8,001 words is making me hungry, even though the fact that I'm writing an 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words probably has absolutely nothing to do with my hunger and that I keep saying that I'm "writing" this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words when I'm actually typing it. Therefore, I shall eat food. Preferably edible food. And then return to type this 8,000+ word essay that is actually just 8,001 words. Not that you'll notice, when you finally read this I'll have posted it all. =