
-Chapter 74-

-Chapter 74-

-A week later-

-27th day of the 3rd moon of the year 299 AC-

-3rd Person POV-

"We cannot just sit here and do nothing," Cersei said, practically biting her nails at the thought of having to kneel or curtsy to a Martell.

"We can't do anything at all; he has us all cornered. He made me Hand of the King, gave Summerhall to his brother, legitimized all your children, and took Loras into the Kingsguard as a hostage. He holds all the major houses by the balls, and the more time passes, the more our interests intertwine, not to mention that we decided not to fight for the queen's position."

Her father's words instantly cooled Cersei's heated spirit, and she nodded, saying, "You're right; we must keep our true objective in mind."

Tywin Lannister nodded and said, "For now, we hold a position that is still very privileged, and we must continue to maintain this position as long as possible because although he has decided to marry Arianne Martell, he will not have Dorne's support. That region is too loyal to the Martells and will not recognize a sovereign from another house."

"Do you think they could rebel?" Cersei asked.

Tywin Lannister shook his head and said, looking out the window with his back to his daughter and his hands clasped behind his back, "No, but what I think is that Arianne Martell will govern Dorne and not our king. I'm starting to know him well, and he is very territorial and authoritative. When we were at war, he did not count his vassals' forces in his army, which will mean he will not count Dorne as a kingdom under his rule but as…"

"The kingdom of House Martell," Cersei said, finally grasping the essence of his thoughts.

"Exactly, which will place us, if you manage to charm him, at the same level of influence with him as House Martell," Tywin said, seemingly unconcerned about the future of House Lannister.

-3rd Person POV-

"I'm glad to see you could make it to the capital so quickly," I said, seeing Edric Dayne accompanied by his aunt Allyria and Lord Beric Dondarrion.

"Your Majesty, it's an honor to have been invited," the young lord said.

I smiled and said, "The honor is shared."

I turned my head towards the couple who waited less confidently because they knew what I really wanted was the ancestral sword of their family.

"Your Majesty, if it's not too much trouble, I would like to know why you summoned us and…" Beric Dondarrion began.

"And?" I prompted, seeing he was uncertain about finishing his sentence.

"And that you specifically requested we bring the ancestral sword of House Dayne," Allyria Dayne finished.

I smiled and said, "If what worries you is that I'll steal the ancestral sword of your ancestors, you can already feel relieved because I believe that Dawn should only be wielded by a Dayne."

A slight relief appeared on their faces, but my next statement did not have the same effect; in fact, it was practically the opposite.

"With your consent, I would like to propose Gerold Dayne for the title of Sword of the Morning," I said, all smiles.

They looked at each other for a few seconds, and finally, Allyria Dayne said, "Only one worthy of being a true knight is worthy of carrying Dawn, Your Majesty."

I grimaced and said, "It's true that Gerold Dayne's character may not be the most suitable for the title of Sword of the Morning, but he is now a member of the Kingsguard, and all his actions will be dictated by me and only by me. I can assure you he will not tarnish the reputation or honor of your House, to which I currently hold great affection due to the heroic deeds of your brother, Lady Allyria."

They added nothing, and after a silent conversation, they all agreed, with Beric Dondarrion saying, "It's an honor for House Dayne to see another Sword of the Morning protect the royal family."

I nodded seriously and said, "I know it costs you, so be assured of my friendship towards both your houses. Should you ever have any issues, feel free to come and speak to me, and I promise to personally invest myself in resolving your concerns."

The three nodded and, after some light-hearted banter, left, leaving behind a chest in which Dawn rested.

"GEROLD," I called out loudly.

The door opened, and Gerold Dayne, in full armor, appeared.

"Yes, Your Majesty?"

"Look what our friends from Blackhaven have brought for us."

"For us?" he asked, confused.

"For us," I said, nodding towards the rectangular chest on the table.

Realization dawned on his face, and then his expression became impatient, almost begging me to allow him to open it.

I nodded, and quickly he opened the chest to reveal a milky-white sword. A smile began to spread across his face, and I said, "Now, it's up to you to surpass your cousin, new Sword of the Morning, Gerold Dayne."

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