
Nanda Kore Wa!!!

Early in the morning, Olivia and Axel packed away all the camp gear on-site with the reluctant assistance of Stella. After yesterday's discussion, Olivia decided to return to basecamp to regroup with her guards.

With all the camping instruments packed away in large bags, Axel started making breakfast. He slowly took his time, trying to make the best breakfast ever. He cooked some eggs while grilling some bacon on the side. Without a toaster, most people would've found making toast difficult, however, with the help of fire magic, he lightly toasted a couple slices of bread to a perfect golden brown before buttering the toast.

Axel did what every person does and taste-tested his cooking. Nodding to himself after taking a couple bites, he grabbed three plates and began plating up.

Axel walked to the table with a bright smile as he lay the plates before Olivia and Stella. Olivia had stars in her eyes as drool slowly dripped from her mouth. Stella, on the other hand, smiled extremely happily as her snake tongue slipped out of her mouth.

Without waiting, everyone dug into their breakfast. Axel critiqued everything as he used ingredients that were either bought by Olivia or found in the forest. Olivia ate while her vision stayed locked on Axel. Stella ate slowly, savorying the flavors to the fullest as a content smile was glued on her face.

After a delicious breakfast, Axel and Olivia sat next to each other while looking over a patch of flowers. A breeze slowly blew, lifting pollen from the flower bed as the pair chatted away.

Without a care in the world, the couple talked all the way to midday. The two only realised what the time was when a cough resounded from behind. Turning around, they pair were welcomed to the sight of Olivia's guards and Stella, both wearing wry smiles.

The old man stepped forward from the group and bowed. He looked at the pair a couple times before he smiled and said, "Congratulations, miss. I see you managed to snag Axel."

Olivia burst into a cloud of pink smoke as her face became flushed. She buried her awkwardly smiling face into Axel's chest, causing Axel to wryly smile as he looked towards the old man and said, "I'm guessing your gonna continue searching for one-stars for points for the next couple weeks?"

Feeling Axel's intention to change the subject, the old man chuckled and said, "Not quite, young master. For the next 2 weeks is actually a sort of… break. Every exam has a break period, mostly when nearing the end. It's so people don't get desperate thinking that they could take on monsters that were a higher level then they were to gain extra points." The old man stopped to let the information set in before continuing. He said, "What we will be doing is search for potion materials in the areas which are relatively safe, even for normal people."

Axel was about to ask why they were doing that when a pair of black and lacy panties appeared in his mind. He clapped his fist to his palm and said, "Ah, your gather ingredients for that black-lace doctor."

The old man tilted his head in confusion while one of the guards began to shake. The rattle of metal subsided a couple seconds later as Axel felt a death glare locked on him. Sweat slowly dripped from his forehead as he mechanically turned towards the guard who was shaking and said, "…Doc?"

The guard instantly flicked her head to the side and snorted. Rubbing his nose, Axel bitterly smiled as he said, "Sorry…"

Olivia and co gave him a subtle glance before glossing over the conversation. The old man lead the guards to search for materials in the surrounding area while Olivia lead Axel and Stella to a clearing.

Inside the clearing, Olivia flicked her hand as a couple bags appeared. Axel looked at her, questioning what she was doing when Stella slightly smiled and said, "It seems the young lady wishes to help you, master."

Axel looked at Olivia and said, "Olivia, I can't-" but before he could finish, Olivia put a finger to his lips and said, "I know, you can't take me. These are items I had gramps prepare to help you."

Olivia's beautiful smile stunned Axel as he stupidly muttered, "Items? And when did you contact the old man!?!"

With a giggle, Olivia handed him a list. What was written was a long list of potions, materials, food, weapons, money, jewels, gold and a couple scrolls.

Axel stared at her in amazement while also feeling extremely happy from the care she had towards him. He pulled her into a hug as he whispered, "Thank you. Really, thank you. I don't think I've had anyone care about me this much but my original parents and my mother in this world."

A flash of blurry images appeared in his mind for a second before disappearing. Axel instinctively tightened his hug as he thought, 'What… was that?'

Olivia felt his emotions spike and thought he was remembering something unpleasant. She rubbed his back slowly and said, "You alright, Axel?"

"I'm… okay. Thanks… again." Said Axel as he let go of her. After making sure he was okay, Olivia kissed Axel on the cheek and left.

Both master and summon stood in the clearing as he stored the bags. He looked at Stella with a smirk and said, "You ready?"

Stella smiled and said, "Do you even need to ask?"

Axel's smirk grew as he held her hand and said, "System, activate 'Dimensonal Travel Function'."

The systems voice echoed as it said, [Activating Dimensional Travel… Locating Random World… Random World Located… Commencing Dimensional Travel…]

The duo's bodies quickly turned into particles that disappeared as quickly as they came.


Axel stared in wonder at the gigantic concrete buildings and huge crowds of people as the voice of the system said, [Dimensional Travel Complete…]

Dazed by the familiar sights before him, Axel stood still as he said, "System… where am I?"

Unlike usual, the system didn't reply back. Instead, a man who looked to be a police officer walked up to him and said, "Excuse me. Kid, are you lost?"

Axel blankly said, "A-Ah, Officer. No, I'm not lost, just forgot where I was. What country is this?"

The police officer gave him a weird stare before breaking into a smile. He exclaimed, "Kid, this wonderful country is Japan!!!"

Axel froze for a couple seconds before mentally screaming, "WHAT IS THIS!!!"

Hey guys, it's me. The author.

Well, Axel has made it to Japan!

Now here's a fun(Not really) game we can play.

Can anyone guess which anime he's in?

Btw - There is no reward, sorry.

Nexusprime117creators' thoughts