
Noah's trip

It all started, with a boy of the age 16 on a special Saturday morning. Noah had suddenly awoke to the creak of his stairs toward his bedroom knowing his parents wouldn't be home for another hour. He ran to grab the bat from his wrecked closet and stood in front of the door waiting for the intruder. Noah heard the usual gruff voice of his dad "Ready for the trip yet Noah?" Said Grant as he walked into the room. Grant is a botanist (the study of new plant life) he almost always wears his favorite clothes that you'd typically see an explorer wear in a movie. His trips to the Amazon can last months, one time he spent a whole year there. He is thin, tall and athletic with wavy black hair and green eyes.

Noah leaned his bat near the corner of his closet. "Not yet." He said in a tired voice. Grant was quick to reply. "Well you should hurry if we are to catch our plane before its departure." as he walked out the door. Noah walked to his closet and put on his favorite black t-shirt with a fierce looking dragon on it. And a regular pair of blue jeans. He splashed some cold water on his face to help wake him up and combed his messy black hair down. "I hope today goes well". Noah thought while gazing at the mirror with his blue eyes. He grabbed his already packed bag tossed it in the car and said his goodbye to his mom. "Take a good look around because we'll be gone for the summer." Said Grant.

The plane was just large enough to hold the luggage, pilot, Grant, and Noah. The trip was long and rough as they passed through a storm that was no match for the well experienced pilot, they made it to camp safely In the rainforest. The landing strip was fairly big enough to hold at least a few small aircraft at a time.

As The plane screeched to a halt a young scrawny man with glasses and awkwardly styled sandy blonde hair rushed over with a crooked smile. "What's up Greg?" Said Grant worried. "Welcome back Prof. Grant. We've found something interesting that requires your attention." "Alright, Noah go on ahead to the cabin. It's the one with my name on the door. Your room is down the hall on the left." Then Grant walked with Greg to the big building in the middle of the camp. "Guess I'd better get to the cabin then." Noah said to himself.

After wandering around for about twenty minutes Noah finally found the door with his dad's name on it. As he approached the door a girl in a bright yellow dress with her red hair tied up with a ribbon exited the cabin to his left. She caught sight of him and rushed over. "Hi" she said with a smile on her face. "You must be Noah, right?" Noah nodded and She continued "I'm Lilly. I've heard your dad mention you to the others said you liked science as well." Then she started walking towards the big building where his dad had gone. "when your done unpacking you should check out the science station in the middle of camp." said Lilly unexpectedly as she kept her pace.

I think I'm going to like it here. He thought while entering his dad's cabin. As he walked in the first thing he saw was the really fancy living room. Why don't we live here? He thought with a surprised look. He wiped his feet off on the welcome mat at the door and stepped onto the dark-chocolate colored wooden floor. He sat his fathers bag on the leather couch that was covered with plastic and dust. Then he decided to explore the cabin. Secondly he checked the kitchen as he was hungry, but came up with nothing. The cabinets were empty except for more dust and cobwebs, the fridge was unplugged and the pantry had nothing but empty shelves. Disappointed he just decided to check out his room and unpack. As he walked down the hall he seen a door with a padlock and a metal plate that displayed the word "Lab". He forgot about the door as he entered his room. The room was slightly smaller than the one at their house in the city. It had a bed at one corner of the room with a night stand and a lamp. The dresser had three drawers with a mirror hung on the wall above it. His carpet has a different mixture of green and the wall had an off white color. Noah opened the closet and began hanging his shirts.

"What do you think it is?" said Greg. "I'm unsure." said Grant in a strange tone. "I've never seen anything like it before." the plant glowed with neon blue light as Prof. Grant and Greg stared with astonishment. Grant turned to Greg and began to speak. "I'm going to take a sample and study it more in my lab. You take the rest and lock it in the safe, the news of this plant must remain secret for the time being." Without another word Greg took the rest of the plant within its box and removed the map from the wall. He opened the safe and set it inside. After they heard a click they new it was locked and safe. As Grant started to walk to his cabin. He remembered that he needed to visit the food storage.

"Well hello prof. Grant" said a muscular man wearing an apron with a knife in one hand and a slab of meat in the other. "Hello Seth" replied Grant as he watched Seth slice the meat with ease and bag it. "I suppose your here for this weeks groceries." said Seth after slicing the remaining chunk of meat. Let me get all washed up and I'll get ya set. With that he went into

the back room with the bags of meat he just sliced. After waiting half an hour Seth returned with four paper bags with different labels consisting of meat, grains, can goods, and dairy. "Alright Grant it'll be $79.99. Grant paid and Seth yelled for someone named Charlie. A thin teenage boy that seemed to be around 17 with black hair and brown eyes emerged from the back and asked Seth what he needed in a slight lazy voice. "I need you to help prof. Grant here to carry his bags to cabin 9. Charlie sighed but grabbed two of the bags and followed Grant out the door and onto the path that leads to cabin 9.

Noah was finally done with his room. He took a step back to admire his work. There was a few posters of different races and colors of dragons tacked to the walls. He also had some collectables set neatly and safely onto the shelf above his bed and atop his dresser. The dragon

he liked the most was the massive one that hung from the ceiling. He heard the front door open and his dad spoke. "just sit them on the counter right there." Noah had entered the kitchen and found his dad and some boy around his age too. Charlie this is Noah my son and Noah this is Charlie he works at the food storage I figured you two could hang out or something. Charlie stared at Noah with a stunned look. "I have to go." he said. "Alright" said Grant. "I guess yo...." Grant's words trailed off as Charlie left the cabin in a rush. "I wonder what his problem was." said Noah struggling to plug in the fridge. "I guess certain kids are too shy to make friends." said Grant as he stocked the fridge.