
Adventurer Named Zero

Who knows when and where our life will end. One day, I got stabbed and the next thing I knew, I reincarnated as an adventurer named Zero. This is my story, from Zero to Hero.

Penny_Pabebe · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 001


"Hey, Cris! Congratulations!"

"Yow, Cris! Congrats!"

"Congrats buddy! I knew you can do it!"

As I passed through them, I let myself be surrounded by their congratulatory words. Giving them my smile and bowing a little for their humble approach.

"I thought you would be scolded by our boss. Hahaha. I told you to relax and positive vibes will follow you!"

"Ahh...what a happy go lucky guy you are now. A newly promoted director, Cris! Your wage will also increase, plus, you don't have to work like we do! Curse overtime"

"Don't go as far as that! You know that I am very much in love with this job. A happy go lucky guy isn't just my type."

After correcting his words, I heaved out a big sigh. A sigh for relief to be exact. I thought I was a complete goner when boss called me out in his office.

But, fortunately and thankfully, I got the promotion as a Director in Chief for our best seller manga's "Zero To Hero".

At the of age 23, this is the stepping stone of my dreams.

I grinned and thought to myself that this is a big break for me this month—October 5, 20xx.

While engaging myself to the good aura that followed me out the office, I suddenly realized that my co-workers already started to pack their things and leave one by one.

"Where are you going?"

I asked Joed, one of my co-workers. But he only gave me a glance as a retort and walk away, leaving me to see his retreating back.

Just as I thought, another occuring time of him shutting me out of his own world.

I shrug to his long-gone figure that left me with no choice but to turn instead to Richard. A geek from my hometown.

"Hey, Richard! Where are you going?"

"Going home"

"Home? This early?"

I took a quick look on my wrist watch.

"It's 4:30 P.M."

"Yup. 3 days gone in the house and I'm sure my wife will be angry again."

He said it with a quiet laugh.

"Ahh. Okay."

He gave me a smile and pat my shoulder.

"Try to go home, man. You're not a robot that works 24/7. You also need to rest."

"Later. I'm just going to finish and save this chapter."

"Okay. By the way, Congrats! I never thought that you'll surpass Joed in less than—what?—3 months! Anyway, goodluck to you. Don't let your promotion cloud up your head. Just... just be yourself."

I nodded as he walk pass by me before sitting on my desk and continue my neglected work.

After long hours of working, satisfied and saved my current work, I decided to finally go home.

"Oh, shit! It's raining!"

I sigh in frustration, brows furrowing for nothing but my bag is what I have. In the end, I decided to run under the rain. But before I can even step a foot under the safety of the roof of the bus stop, an ache suddenly crawl up at my back. And before I knew it, I fell face first on the pavement.

Some—shitass—one stabbed me!

"You're a fucking nuisance, Cris! Fuck you! Die!"

After hearing that loud voice against the heavy downpour of the rain, I knew that I'm already fucked up.

About to call for some help, for someone who can save me from this shithole situation—or just knock this madman out, he suddenly full my mouth with a cloth. I don't even know where he had found it!

I can't even get a vivid idea where the hell am I because of the rain. It's too dark!

'Someone! Anyone! Please! A fucking help!'

I cried in my thoughts.

He immediately pulled my limp body behind the bushes and tie me up.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! I—I-I'm sorry. Fuck. This is your fault! Y-Yes! Yes, this is all your fault for becoming a nuisance! A devil! You are a fucking devil! You—y-you—you are a devil!"

He screamed in front of my face.

This man is crazy!

This is the first time I encountered this kind of such behavior.

This is brutal! Unlawfully cruelty!

As time goes by, I know my body is slowly getting numb from too much loss of blood. The man in front of me ignoring me for a second as he keep digging on the groud. Probably a grave for me to lie on.

I couldn't even see where he get that shovel!

Will this be the end of me?

I close my eyes on the continuously pouring rain as the memories from the past keeps playing in quick time lapse behind my closed lids. Telling to myself that this is the end of me.

I smiled bitterly and accept this inevitable fact.

Oh c'mon, I will die eventually.

If only someone is here.., if only someone will help me.., if only there's someone who will save me from this nightmare—if only someone will appear!

I opened my eyes blearily and vaguely saw him walking straight at me. But before he can reach me, a hand pulled me that put me at ease.

"I sincerely apologize for your loss, Cris. However, you've done enough. Now, I want you to close your eyes and everything will be alright."

And with that, my mind started to disfunction.


I gasp for air as I springs to a sitting position on the bed. Hurriedly looking at my back with a sigh of relief as I saw nothing but my white and clean back.

"What a nightmare."

I mumbled

"But it felt so true!"

Puzzled thoughts but I perfectly believe that it was indeed just a nightmare. If not, why in the world am I still alive right?

I started looking back and forth at the closed room as I don't remember my bedroom having a wooden wall. And it seems that no one, except me since I am here, will want to stay here because of the holes and cracks.

I look around and see nothing but a wasted table with a bread in plate together with a chair that crumbles down on the ground.

"Where am I?"

I ask no one in particular, thinking that this is another nightmare just like what happened before.

I went to the nearest door feelimg my bladder is full and nature is calling me.

But before I reached the wide plane of wood, it suddenly collapsed in pieces and found myself in the middle of a forest. I heard the falling sounds of it and actually quite amazed that the room I was in before had collapsed and I am here leaving the room in an instant!

"Whoa! How did that happen?"

I look down at my whole body and notice something.

I hurrieldy walk to the nearest water falls I saw behind the trees after a thorough searching for some mirrors.

The water is clear so I look straight from it.

Shock is an understatement.

"Is this really me!?"

My whole body changed!

I looked younger and I can't even recognize my face! I have a tiny body than before but it fits the whole new me.

"You think...Casa will win to Dias?"

I found myself hiding after hearing voices getting nearer on my spot.

"I don't know. Dias is a class S mage but Casa is strong. I'm sure Casa will be safe."

I saw two girls walking straight at my spot and was shocked when I saw something quite familiar to my eyes.

"Is that a tail?"

I mumble.

And it's moving!

"By the way, are you sure there's no big monster here? I can only handle wolf and bear, but bigger than that is definitely a no-no"

The girl nodded and instantly change their coarse.

"I heard there's a house inside this forest and no one seems to unravel it. The tale goes, 'it is cursed with a demon and lots of adventurer died of it'!—something like that"

The other girl giggle.

"That's why we are here, no? We're going to unravel it and after that we can apply as a Class S Knights. And you can't turn me down this time, Avo. Besides, the knights guard this forest so if ever we need some help or we can't handle it alone, we can use this item."

I saw a heart shape red thing.

"Is that a Recall item? How did you get that?"

"Someone gave it to me and lead me to this forest. I'm a Class D Adventurer so I need your assistance."

"Is that so?"


"Okay, Lets go."

As they walk by out of earshot, I turn my back thinking of hiding again but, to my surprise, a big bear is in front of me!

I gulp while holding my breath as to not be noticed by the huge bear. It feels like I am in a different world because this bear is clearly not what I remember. It has fangs and claws that surely can reap anyone that will touch it. Those hair is different from the colors I know! It's green! Why is it green?! You're opposing the animal's nature! The legs are humongous and hairy but the body is skinned and it has a horn! This is not a bear! This is a monster!

It sounds asleep so that's when I sigh for a relief.

Walking away in silence is not a good decision because one wrong move that will trigger a noise and I will definitely going to die.


I froze when I heard that sound. It is loud and no doubt that the monster will wake because of that.

"Oh! No!"

And with that sound, the monster started to move on his position and in a blink of an eye, it approaches me with its full power.

I shouted as I put my arms forward to pointless defense out of fear of death.

I immediately close my eyes and think nothing but my upcoming death.

After the long wait of claws reaping my body apart, I opened my eyes and gaped for what I saw.

The monster is lying on the ground with no breath. It's dead!

I look around to find someone who saved me but no one is in sight!

Now, I am so utterly puzzled. Who the heck killed this monster?


I heard the same ear-splitting cry again. And it is near!

This time, without thinking, I hurriedly look where it came from.

I froze when I saw the two bodies of girls from before lying on the ground and barely moving. In front of them are three monsters! The one I just previously encountered!

And they have already noticed me!

"I'm doomed!"