
Adventurer's Strife."

In the world of Ellides, a horrific occurrence has caused monsters to proliferate at an alarming rate throughout the nation. Humanity is on the verge of extinction as these horrifying creatures multiply and become more powerful. Only one remaining bastion remains as humanity's last hope after ongoing clashes with the monsters caused extensive destruction and fatalities. This final fortress, appropriately called "Last Hope," stands as a beacon of defiance against the overwhelming forces of the monsters. It's a fortified city with high walls around it. The last of the human race has congregated within its walls, seeking safety from the unrelenting assault. The protagonist of this story, Eric Meryl, is a little child who, although living in poverty, wants to be an adventure. He is aware of life's challenges because he comes from a modest, impoverished family, but he still has dreams of adventure and travel. Eric finds comfort in myths and legends about intrepid explorers who traverse the unknown in search of riches and answers outside the confines of his realm. As Eric's adventure unfolds, he discovers the true essence of bravery and the harsh reality of the adventurer's life. Along his perilous journey, he grapples with fear but remains steadfast in his pursuit of greatness. Amidst battles and trials, Eric's character evolves, becoming both jumpy and endearing, yet resilient and unwavering. Each encounter tests his emotions, as he learns to balance kindness and strength, not only for himself but for those he encounters along the way. "Adventurer's Strife" weaves a dark and action-packed tale of growth, sacrifice, and the pursuit of hope amidst a world teetering on the brink of collapse As Eric faces the challenges that lie ahead, the novel takes readers on a thrilling journey through a world of both wonders and terrors, where the fate of humanity hinges on the bravery and resilience of one young adventurer. And the other and world around it.

Unknownnm · Fantasie
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12 Chs

One shot 2

Hello, my beauties and Gentle Beauties! It is I, Nyx, your ever-wonderful guide on this thrilling journey. Today, we're diving into Chapter 3, where we'll explore the origins of these marvelous monsters. Oh, how fascinating it is!

You see, my darlings, these monsters are a product of pure magic. They come into existence, and once formed, they adopt the characteristics of living beings with brains and hearts—or sometimes, they might even resemble fantastic creatures like jellyfish. Oh, but there are those that defy the laws of nature, like eerie ghosts or fiery spirits. Each monster originates from specific locations around the world, where the magic aura congregates. It's quite random, mind you, leading to diverse environments and an array of unique beings. Some may appear alike, but the magic aura never seems to fade. If left unchecked, it spreads like an unstoppable plague! That's why the cities stay free from these fiends, for we brave adventurers destroy them wherever they lurk, always protecting humanity from their menacing claws.

But enough of those dark tales! Let's shift our focus to a creature that seems to be almost everywhere—a goblin! Oh, these nasty little creatures are a peculiar bunch, lurking in nearly every magic aura point. Though they stand at the size of a three-year-old, don't be fooled by their appearance, for they are little devils with cunning minds. Goblins are so sly, they even manage to rise in rank, becoming goblin lords, hobgoblins, and even goblin sorcerers! Some form their own fortresses or dwell in dark caves. Yet, they never unite as one big horde, and you know why? It's because of their narcissistic and evil nature! Always thinking for themselves, they all dream of becoming kings and would betray a goblin lord at the drop of a hat.

Oh, but there's more to these goblins! They're quite the crafty bunch, creating weapons, tools, and traps to fulfill their desires. Don't be surprised if you find poison on the tips of their daggers. Clever, right?

Ah, my dear ones, that's enough for today's tales. Let's rendezvous again in another one shot, where we'll delve into more captivating wonders of this world. Until then, take care and adieu! See you soon!