
Chapter 1

It's was hot and humid day for the first day of school. I was reading this awesome book about a teenage boy from earth,, but then he suddenly when to this awesome place where he called it heaven. Where all the hot girl were there and the fact that he is a main character,, where he can do whatever he want. His name was Cedar.

His parents thought of that name cos his family wanna him to have an amazing adventure about the world. But that was what they thought but Cedar was actually a quiet type of kid who doesn't have alot of friends accept for Archer and Elijah. Short name Archie and Eli. Both of them call Cedar,, Ced.

It all happen at school where he and his friends just minding their business like how they did every single day,,then this guy called Robert(19) just walk straight to them and bully them,, I mean he was the school bully. Everyone call him the giant cos of his height and bold shoulder he have,, Robert bully him and his friends and started asking for school money. I mean all bully are like that. They are there to make u weak and make you feel useless no matter what u do. Well after that the boys was in pain and Cedar had enough of it,,so he decided to have a courage where he step out from his comfort zone to stand up to Robert.

It wasn't a good idea but at least he did it but that what he thought,, he thought that after standing up,, Robert wouldn't bully them again but instead,, they were Robert main target forever. Eli(18)and Archie(18) was shock of Cedar(18)act cos this was the first that he actually stood up for them n himself. Cedar always try a way to solve the problem but this time,, he had enough so he found the courage to punch Robert,, but it wasn't that good idea cos he was beaten pretty bad. Cedar was upset for the fact that his friends become the main target like him because of what he did. But Eli and Archie didn't mind at all,, they were friends since kindergarten. They are like three musketeers. Eli and Cedar new each other first before meeting Archie. Eli and Cedar start become friends cos both of them in the same school and Eli parents always not at home so Cedar ask his mom if he can come over at theirs. His mom says okayy but only if Eli mom allow it. So Eli ask his mom permission ,,his mom agree and after school,,Eli would go home together with Cedar and his mom to their place.

Archie and his family start moving in to their new house( Rock Hill Village). Rock Hill Village is where Cedar and Eli is living too. He was the new student but sometimes when u are a new student,,no one actually wanna be friends with you at first and it's was hard for Archie as he always keep moving to a new school,,so it was hard for him to make friends at that time. Eli saw him at the corner of the class by himself,,so he went there and ask Archie if he wanna join him and Cedar. Of course Archie say yes so three of them became best friend forever.

So coming back to the story,,, after they were beaten up pretty bad by Robert,, Cedar feel bad and upset about what just happen. Eli and Archie console him and Eli decide that after school they should hang out at his place instead since his parents always not at home. So both of them agreed. So after school they went back and while they were walking down to an alley where they always walk,,, they heard a noise beside them. Beside them also have an alley but they were no one around and it was only three of them like always. So Eli decided to go there. " Hey where are u going" said Cedar with a hurtful voice. Eli keep going to that alley,, Cedar and Archie look at each other and follow Eli from behind.

They were walking and they saw this person. That person was actually a girl. That girl were lying down there,, "it's look like she's been hurt" said Eli. Three of them look at her,, Cedar suggest that Archie carry her since Archie look alot muscular then any of them. Plus Cedar was in pain. So they bring the girl back home to Eli place until she wake up. Few minutes later,, she woke up and she was shock to see the boys in front of her. "Who are you?" she ask in shock. The boys introduce themselves one by one. "Where am I?" she said,, "your in Rock Hill Village" said Cedar with soft voice. "Where do you come from and why are u hurt?" ask Eli in a mystery voice. " I come from planet mystery and I was in a war where my country and I were fighting county illusion." " We were fighting and if I'm not wrong my people told me to save myself,,so I teleport here." said the girl. " Teleport?? what do you mean u teleport?? Do you have like some kind of power?? ask Cedar with eagerly. "Yes I have the power to teleport" said the girl. While they were talking,,the girl introduce herself as Mystique.

After introduce herself with the boys,, she said that she need to leave immediately to save her country from illusion. She ask them if they want to come and help her with the mission. They were shock and Eli accept it right away with question. Cedar understand way he did it as his parents not always at home so he understand that Eli is kinda lonely sometimes. Archie look unsettled with the question but he only agree if Cedar agree. Cos three of them always been together and done everything together so it's will be unfair if Cedar stay behide while both them go with Mystique. "I'll go then." said Cedar. Their adventure have begun.