
Adventure time: Am I Finn or Fionn

Life is in fair, and I always knew that, why do I say this, will my past life sucked and I wish I didn't have to live to it, then again I got a new life with this one, in Adventure time of all place not bad, but why is this adventure time world so different, did the dragon lie to me, what ever, I am now Finn in this new world or Am I Fionn

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · TV
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11 Chs

Fate breaker Part 2

Morrigan stared at the pages of the book in disbelief, her hands trembling slightly as the words before her eyes continued to shift and change. The name "Cu Chulainn" had caught her off guard, and now, another name she hadn't expected appeared.

"Diarmuid? Who the hell is Diarmuid, and why does it say he's Finn's loyal ally? That's supposed to be Jake the dog!" Morrigan's voice echoed through the chamber, tinged with frustration and confusion. "What... who even is he? Is he a human from one of the human kingdoms?" She buried her face in her hands, her mind reeling as she tried to make sense of the new developments.

The book of fates had never behaved this way before. The future, once a tapestry woven with threads of certainty, was unraveling before her eyes. The familiar patterns she had come to know and control were disintegrating, replaced by an ever-shifting web of possibilities. The chaotic energy radiating from the book made it clear that something—or someone—had broken the very fabric of destiny.

"Why now? Why him?" Morrigan muttered as she flipped through the pages, which now featured strange new entries that intertwined the lives of heroes and legends who had no place in Ooo, alongside the familiar faces of Jake, Princess Bubblegum, and others. Each name, each destiny, seemed to collide and reshape as though the book itself was unsure of what would happen next.

She stopped at the page where the name "Diarmuid" appeared again, this time with a detailed description. "A warrior of unmatched skill, bound by an unbreakable code of honor... but why him, why now?" Morrigan's thoughts raced as she tried to connect the dots.

There was something unsettling about this Diarmuid—something she couldn't quite place. If he was truly Finn's ally, what did that mean for the future of Ooo? And what of Cu Chulainn, the legendary hero who had long been thought to rest in the annals of history?

Morrigan's eyes narrowed as she considered the implications. It was clear that Finn's fate was no longer something she—or anyone—could predict. But one thing was certain: whatever force had brought these new players into the game was powerful, and it was determined to alter the course of history in ways that no one, not even the gods, could foresee.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Morrigan's scream echoed through the chamber once more as she slammed the book shut. The pages continued to shift under the cover, like a living entity trying to escape its confinement.

She knew she couldn't let this stand. If the fates were broken, she had to find out why—and more importantly, how to fix them. But to do that, she needed to understand who—or what—was behind these changes.

Morrigan took a deep breath, calming her racing thoughts. "Fine," she said quietly, determination hardening her voice. "If fate is no longer set in stone, then I will find out who has shattered it. Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid, Finn... I will uncover the truth behind this chaos."

With that, she left the chamber, the shattered book of fates clutched tightly in her hands. The world of Ooo was about to face a reckoning, and Morrigan would make sure she was ready for whatever came next.

Morrigan paused as she turned to leave, her eyes catching one last glimpse of Finn's pages within the book. The words on the page seemed to glow with an otherworldly light, shifting and rearranging themselves until two stark words stood out in bold, unyielding letters:

**"Fate Breaker."**

A chill ran down Morrigan's spine as she read those words. They carried a weight, a significance that went beyond anything she had seen before. The very concept of fate—something she had spent eons weaving and controlling—was now being challenged by this one soul. Finn, the hero of Ooo, was no longer just a pawn in the grand design of destiny. He had become something much more dangerous and unpredictable: a breaker of fate itself.

Morrigan's gaze lingered on the page, her thoughts a turbulent mix of curiosity, fear, and excitement. What did it mean for Finn to be a "Fate Breaker"? Could he truly defy the threads of destiny that bound all beings, mortal and divine? And if so, what would become of the world—and the gods—if he succeeded?

The implications were vast and terrifying. A Fate Breaker could unravel the very fabric of reality, challenging the authority of gods and reshaping the future in ways that no one could anticipate.

Morrigan clenched her fists around the book, her resolve hardening. She had to find out what Finn's new role meant, not just for Ooo, but for the entire cosmos. The balance of power was shifting, and the outcome could change the course of history forever.

With one last look at the glowing words, Morrigan whispered to herself, "The Fate Breaker... Finn, what have you become?"

She then closed the book with a final, decisive snap and turned away. There was no time to waste. The future was no longer set in stone, and Morrigan knew she would have to act quickly to understand and possibly influence the new path that had been carved out. As she left the chamber, the words "Fate Breaker" continued to echo in her mind, a constant reminder that the world was on the brink of an unprecedented transformation.

Meanwhile in the heaven, Danu, Lug and Lugus has arrived back to Heaven.

Lugus looked at the both of them. Now if you don't mind some gods are calling me.

Lug looked at him. Are they same ones still want you to change the name of this place from The Land Of OOO back to Ireland.

Lugus just sighed. Yes, and for that to happen I must personally go down and talk to that Bubblegum bitch.

Lug raised an eyebrow at that. You really don't still like Princess Bubblegum.

Lugus just looked at him. She is a hypocrite and a detector and someone who has lived for two long, and literally created life out of candy, which non of the gods approved.

Danu cradled the baby Finn in her arms as she watched Lugus and Lug exchange words. The tension in the air was palpable, the discussion about the mortal realm and its inhabitants stirring old grievances among the gods.

Lugus rubbed his temples in frustration. "The Land of Ooo was once our sacred Ireland, a place of true magic and wonder, not this... chaotic mess of a kingdom. But that Bubblegum, she's twisted it into her playground. She's done things that defy the natural order, and she's got the nerve to call herself a ruler. I'll never understand why the mortals let her reign for so long."

Lug, ever the diplomat, tried to lighten the mood. "Come now, Lugus, you can't deny that Ooo has its own charm, even if it's a bit unconventional. And besides, mortals have always had a knack for surprising us, even when we least expect it."

Lugus scowled, clearly unimpressed. "Surprising, yes. But that doesn't excuse her reckless meddling. The creation of the Candy People alone is an affront to the natural balance. And don't get me started on her obsession with immortality. It's unnatural. She's more of a tyrant than a leader."

Danu, who had been silent until now, spoke up, her voice calm yet firm. "Lugus, you know as well as I do that the mortal realm has changed. We can't cling to the past and expect things to remain the same. The Land of Ooo has evolved, and so must we. Besides, the mortals have their own paths to walk, for better or worse."

Lug nodded in agreement. "Danu is right. Mortals are shaped by their experiences, and those experiences, in turn, shape their world. It's not our place to interfere directly, especially when it comes to rulers like Bubblegum. We have to let them figure things out on their own."

Lugus sighed deeply, the weight of his responsibilities evident in his expression. "I know, I know. But it doesn't make it any easier to watch. Especially when someone like Bubblegum holds so much power without any regard for the consequences."

Danu looked down at the sleeping Finn, her heart swelling with a motherly instinct she hadn't expected to feel so strongly. "Perhaps Finn is the answer," she mused aloud. "He's different from the others. There's something about him... something that could change the course of Ooo's future."

Lugus and Lug both turned their attention to the infant in Danu's arms. The significance of her words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken possibilities.

Lugus finally broke the silence. "Perhaps. But that remains to be seen. For now, we must keep an eye on him—and on the others. The future of Ooo, and perhaps even the future of the gods, may depend on what happens next."

With that, Lugus took his leave, heading off to deal with the other gods and their incessant demands. Lug lingered for a moment, offering Danu a small smile before he too departed, leaving her alone with Finn.

Danu watched them go, her mind racing with thoughts of the future. She couldn't shake the feeling that Finn was destined for something far greater than anyone could have anticipated. And as she gazed down at his peaceful, innocent face, she silently vowed to protect him, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

For in this small child, she saw the potential to reshape the very fate of the world.

Lug then looked at Finn. So does the baby have a name.

Danu looked at him. Will I wa thinking of two name, one is Finn and the other Fionn.

Lug decide to answer her in what the gods would call it the lug way. Why not both Finn Fionn mac Cumhaill, I mean Mac Cumhaill was many of your surnames when you use to go to the mortal world

As Finn lay cradled in Danu's arms, his tiny eyes blinked open just enough to catch a glimpse of the world around him. He had woken up minutes earlier, just in time to hear the tail end of the conversation between the gods. Though his body was still that of an infant, his mind was sharp and mature, processing everything he had just heard.

**"What the fuck is this fusion world?"** Finn thought, trying to make sense of the bizarre situation he found himself in. "Did I just hear them talking about the Land of Ooo and Ireland as if they're the same place? And why the hell are gods like Lug and Danu discussing me like I'm some kind of chosen one?"

Finn's thoughts raced as he pieced together the fragments of information. He had been reborn, that much was clear, but this wasn't the Ooo he remembered. The gods mentioned names like Lugus, Danu, and Lug—figures straight out of Celtic mythology—and yet they also talked about Princess Bubblegum as if she were a real person in their world.

**"So, not only am I in some weird mashup of Adventure Time and Celtic mythology, but I'm also apparently destined to be some kind of hero with a name that sounds like it's straight out of a legend. Finn Fionn mac Cumhaill? Seriously?" Finn internally groaned, realizing that whatever life he had been reborn into, it was going to be far from ordinary.

He thought back to what Lugus had said about Princess Bubblegum and the gods' disdain for her. "Bubblegum's still around? And they're pissed at her? This place is more messed up than I thought. Why can't anything just be normal?"

Finn sighed internally, acknowledging that "normal" had probably never been on the table for him, even in his past life. "Okay, so gods, destiny, some messed-up version of Ooo, and a name that practically screams 'heroic burden'… great. Just great."

Despite the overwhelming confusion and frustration, Finn knew he had no choice but to roll with the punches. This world was clearly different from anything he had ever known, and while he didn't understand it yet, he had a feeling he was going to have to learn fast.

"I guess the only thing I can do is wait and see how this all plays out," Finn thought. "But man, if this is what life has in store for me, it's going to be one wild ride."

With that, Finn let out a small sigh, resigning himself to the strange and unpredictable path that lay ahead.

Finn sighed internally. "And here I thought my life as Finn was going to be easy," he mused, "with my meta knowledge, I mean, go on adventures with Jake, fight the Ice King a few times, not lose my arm, get a few dozen swords, and not mess things up with Flame Princess like canon Finn did."

But now, with gods and goddesses involved, his rebirth seemed far more complicated. "What is this fusion world?" he wondered. "Why do I have the name of a legendary hero?

Finn realized that nothing would be as straightforward as he'd hoped. The simple life he'd envisioned was slipping away, replaced by something far more chaotic. But deep down, he knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, he'd face them head-on. After all, he was Finn—no, Finn Fionn mac Cumhaill—and adventure was his destiny.

To be continued

Hope people like this and give me power stones, and yes the Ice King in this timeline is The ice queen