

Follow Uchiha's journey into the world of Dolo and how it influences events Where he is embodied after his death in the second ninja war The story will be different from the rest of the stories in terms of characters and I try to distinguish the events The hero has a cruel personality And a rather harsh silence And there is no hero system that depends on himself

Starlessii · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Three: Eye healing


Pov:Ning Rong Rong

Today I also sit and train, and I started to feel bored a month ago, but I gritted my teeth and continued. Previously, the maximum I could reach was 79, like my father, but now with the upgrade of my martial spirit, I can become a douluo. Previously, I thought it was just a dream, and that is why I did not care much about training, but thanks to enlil. It became possible

Hehe, I want to see my father's expression when he sees my fighting spirit. I bet he will be surprised. 

"Why are you smiling like that? Can you tell me?"

Suddenly I heard a voice behind me. I turned around, alert and ready to activate my fighting spirit, but I saw that it was Enlil.

"Can you say hello when you come? How come I never felt you? Are you a ghost?"

"Well that's because you were busy with your weird fantasies."


"Now show me your fighting spirit with your appearance, you should succeed in improving, right?" 

I thought with disappointment. I originally wanted to surprise him and look sad, but it was too late and I showed my fighting spirit. I had become a little prettier and emitting more spirit power waves. 

"Well, it seems that she is more powerful, and now she deserves the first helping spirit."

"You mean she wasn't worth it?" She looked at him angrily. 

I heard him say, "Not like that, but there was a comparison with the Nine Heart Flowering Apple and some helpful spirits like the scepter in Wuhun Hall, but now it deservedly comes first." 

"Hmph, good to know." 

Pov :enlil

While I was talking to Ning Rongrong, she stood up, walked over to me, and hugged me 

I looked at her in surprise and heard her whisper, "Thank you. You don't know how much this was bothering me." 

I returned the hug and told her that there was no problem, and after a while she retracted the hug. 

"Okay, leave this matter. Now that you are at level 30, you need a soul ring. I will hunt some monsters for you. Stay here and absorb the soul bone until I return. This bone I hunted recently and I don't know what to do with it. You can absorb it." 

"But brother, why don't you suck it? It's a left arm bone that will benefit you, and it seems to have a high age." 

"Well, I actually have a soul bone in my left arm, and as for the age of the soul bone, of course it is high. I killed a 50,000-year-old soul monster that bothered me, and I gained the soul bone from it."

"How can you give away the bone of a 50,000-year-old soul so easily." I was shocked. I didn't expect the lifetime of Soul Grandeur to be so high. 

"You idiot, I don't give it easily to anyone, but you are my sister. It is normal for a brother to give things to his sister, isn't it?" 

Ning Rong suddenly became speechless and did not know what to say. When she saw him go hunting the spirit beast, she finally fell silent and did not say anything, and then went to meditate and absorb the spirit bone. 

A few hours later, the enlil Uchiha returned and saw Rong Rong sitting resting after absorbing the Soul Bone. 

Pov: Ning Rong Rong

I was sitting and relaxing after obtaining the Soul Bone, and from it I obtained an offensive skill that would help me a lot in combat and cover up my shortcomings, even if just a little.

Suddenly, I saw my brother had returned, and behind him was a spirit I recognized. He seemed to be 10,000 years old. The strange thing is that the monster follows my brother As a servant, and his eyes seem blurry. After some thought, I remembered that my brother has a skill that controls people, but why did he bring a monster that is 10,000 years old? I cannot absorb such a ring. 

Suddenly I asked him: Brother, why did you bring this monster? I cannot absorb a soul ring that is 10,000 years old. The maximum I can do is 3,000 years. 

"Well, what you say is true, but this is in normal cases." 

"What is different, tell me quickly, and enough mystery." 

"Well, I'll tell you, I can make monsters sacrifice themselves." 

"Are you sure? This is the first time I've heard of this. Normally only monsters with a age of 100,000 years can sacrifice." 

"This is because monsters that are 100,000 years old have developed intelligence and can sacrifice, unlike other monsters, where instinct controls their behavior. This is one reason. The other reason is that monsters that are less than 100,000 years old do not communicate with humans, and there is no reason to make them sacrifice." 

"Hmm, you may be right, but have you tried it?" 

"Actually, no, because I did not need that, except for that time with Xiao Wu, but I could not control her to sacrifice for me, but this monster I can control easily, and even if something happens, I can stop the process and you will not be injured." 

"Okay, I trust you." I told him, and then I approached the monster and asked my brother to start the matter. 

Pov: enlil

Now I am sitting and waiting for her to finish absorbing the soul ring and I do not know what to do. As for sitting and meditating, there is no benefit because I have a lot of spiritual power and I am afraid that something will go wrong if I continue absorbing spiritual power. 

Finally I decided to sleep 

And after some time 

"Hey....sit down." 

I woke up and saw Ning Rong Rong waking me up 

I woke up and saw that night had come. It seemed that I had slept a lot. 

"You're finally awake. I finished absorbing the Soul Ring a few hours ago. I saw you sleeping, so I sat down to practice. Finally, it's time for dinner and I finished preparing it, so I woke you up." 

I turned around and saw the food and its delicious smell reaching my nose. When I see this I thought it was good that I taught her to barbecue.

Previously, she was not good at preparing anything, so I thought of teaching her to grill, which is one of the few things I am good at cooking. I learned it from my companion, who prepared food for the team on every mission. 

I sat eating with her 

"What do you think?" she asked me

"It's so delicious I think it's better than my cooking." 

"Of course I've spent these months practicing this."

Well, it seems I forgot to take care of this. The poor thing must have been eating barbecue for a few months. 

"Brother, how is your eye now? Has it not healed a little?" Rong Rong asked me. 

I put my hand on my covered eyes and told her: "In fact, it is still the same." 

"It's all because of that damned Tang Hao. By the way, tell me what happened to him." 

"Well, they went as we agreed and surrounded him. In the end, he escaped, but not before losing one of his hands and sustaining many injuries." 

"No way, how did he escape? It was 3v1."

"Well, he detonated his last soul ring and made a counterattack that caused only two injuries. The snake spear was not injured, but he decided to leave Tang Hao because the injuries of the two were serious and they needed treatment. As for Tang Hao, he left Tang San in the Partner Academy after he received a promise not to harm him and threatened him with it." ".

"It is impossible when they agreed to that." 

"Because Tang Hao eventually ignited his life essence, so if they continue fighting, nothing good will come of it. As for Tang Hao, according to the spies, he fled to the Killing City, but don't worry, with such injuries, it is impossible for him to become stronger. It will be a miracle if he maintains his douluo cultivation." 

"He deserves it, but I still feel like it's a little. He took your eyes. How about we kill his son, Tang San? We didn't promise him anything." 

"I don't recommend it. Who knows what Tang Hao will do if he finds out about this? He might kill ordinary people and branches of the Soul Hall, or he might kill the elite forces of the Soul Hall and your sect." 

"Hmm, you're right, I didn't think about that." 

In fact, I don't care about that, but I fear the intervention of the gods, and even if I kill him, they may revive him or make someone else from the Tang sect the successor, and then we are back to square one, but unlike Tang San, I do not know anything about the new heir, so I prefer to leave Tang San until I become a god. 

"Brother, there is a question in my head." 

"Ask," I told her. 

"There are a lot of herbs here, and even the herb that developed my fighting spirit. Is it possible that there is no spirit that helps you heal your eye? How about you try them all? Perhaps one of them will help heal your eye." 

It is impossible that there is nothing like this.... Suddenly I thought about a weed that I forgot about and left in the garden. 

After searching a bit I finally found the Full Moon Wearing Autumn Dew and saw the drops at the top of the leaf and started applying all the drops to my left eye. 

Ning Rong looked to the side in confusion, but remained silent because she felt like I was trying something. 

I sat down and sucked the herb and removed the eye patch and suddenly I felt vision slowly return to my eyes and when I finished I noticed my eyes returning to normal. 

I was very happy and activated the Sharingan, but I felt a slight pain in my left eye. After that, I looked for a technique for my left eye and learned that it was manipulating time. Suddenly the pain increased, so I closed my eyes. 

"Congratulations, brother, your eyes have returned to normal, but why do you look like you are in pain?" I asked with joy and confusion. 

"Well it's a little pain because it hasn't been long since she came back." 

"well, that is good" 

I did not lie. It actually takes time for it to return to normal. When I absorbed the mythical herb, my eye returned to work, but it did not heal completely. My eye began to heal on its own, unlike before. I felt like it was dead. 

I might try absorbing a time-related spirit ring that might help boost the speed of healing. If the current speed continues, it will take me three years. 

I noticed an echo between the skill of my left and right eye, but I don't know exactly what it is. Maybe after my eye fully heals, I will know. 

The problem is that the time-related Soul Ring is difficult to obtain, perhaps only the Tiger of the Evil God, but that is for later. 

"Come on, let's go, your brother will help you absorb another soul ring." 

"Really, thank you". 

When she absorbed the 10,000-year spirit ring, she succeeded in reaching level 40. I was not surprised by that because before she came to the spirit garden, she was 28, and after a few months of training, the legendary herb also mentioned that in the story I helped her cross six levels, and there was a spirit ring as well.