

Follow Uchiha's journey into the world of Dolo and how it influences events Where he is embodied after his death in the second ninja war The story will be different from the rest of the stories in terms of characters and I try to distinguish the events The hero has a cruel personality And a rather harsh silence And there is no hero system that depends on himself

Starlessii · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter eight:Deal


"Okay, tell us what you got, because I'm busy."

"Well, ma'am, first I heard about the wonderful fighting spirit of the Nine Heart Flowering Apple and I thought to myself, 'Oh, how powerful she is. She can treat a dying person, but unfortunately there are only two in each era, and she cannot fight since she only has one skill.'" Suddenly a voice came over me.

"That's enough, say what you have to say," she said coldly. Perhaps she thought I was mocking her

"Yes, indeed, ma'am, I have a solution to one of your problems."

"Are you kidding me?" she said angrily

"Of course not. I'm not stupid and I don't have a job. To come to your house and make fun of you, and to prove that, I need a training ground first."

"Mmm, follow me."

We then went to a large arena for training. 

The house guards were training there, and when they saw us, they moved away 

They stood on the side of the training field, watching quietly. They were surprised that the lady of the house was accompanying a small child. 

"Now show me what you got."

"Okay, but I need someone to compete with."

I calmly prepared a weak person at the 27 level of Soul Strength and walked in front of me to the middle of the courtyard and I followed him. 

He looked at me and said, "Kid, my name is Li Feng, a Level 27 Spirit Power martial spirit." 

I looked at him and replied, "Uchiha enlil, level 20."

Yes, I reached level 20 last week.

Then the Ye Family Lady spoke

"You look like you want to duel him, so I won't take it too long. 3.2.1" 

Then he summoned his martial spirit, the Fire Eagle, and possessed two century-old rings

I focused on him calmly and did not summon my fighting spirit

Everyone looked at me in amazement and wonder 

"Oh, why didn't he regain his fighting spirit?" 

"Maybe he froze in fear."

"Do you think so? Because I see him as calm."

"Let's wait and see," said one of them

Then the person used his first soul skill, and the soul ring lit up, and I saw fiery feathers heading towards me quickly 

The Ye Family Master looked at the situation and told one of the guards to rescue him if he was in danger because she couldn't bear the wrath of the Spirit Hall.


When I saw the fiery feathers approaching, I used the Trigrams Palm Rotation skill of the Hyuga family. I spun in a circle and formed a dome with a transparent color that looked like it was made of wind. As soon as the fiery arrows approached, they bounced away from me, and some of them went towards Li Feng. I did not let the opportunity go While he is busy avoiding them and used another skill of the Hyuga family. I extended my hand. The air palm trigrams screamed, and without my hand touching his body, I saw that he had flown away and suffered internal injuries 

The arena fell silent and everyone looked on blankly in disbelief. They had just seen someone defeat a Soul Master without using his martial spirit.

"Hey everyone, did you see what I saw?" 

"Yes, it seems I am not dreaming. The child defeated Lei Feng without using his martial spirit." 

"Yes, even though Lei Feng is not strong, he is good." 

"Mmm, guys, it seems that you are not paying attention to the important thing. Have you seen his movements? They seem like skills you created yourself." 

"Are you kidding me? Are you saying that these are self-willing skills? They are as powerful as a Soul Ring skill."

"It's terrifying. What forces are behind this boy to possess such rare skills?"

"It doesn't matter because we will never obtain such skills anyway."

I stood quietly in the middle of the square and ignored the noise of the guards, and then the lady of the family came up and told me to follow her.


Then she took me to an empty hall where there was only us

She looked at me calmly, but I saw a look of excitement in her eyes 

She said: "Do you mean by trade to give us these skills?"

"Yes, and I think you should know your value." 

"Yes, you are right, if you were not from the Soul Hall, I would have forced you to hand it over." 

"The lady is very frank" 

"Okay, now tell me how much you want for it," she asked impatiently

"I want the Ye family's house," I answered calmly

"What, are you kidding me? Do you want mu family's home? Explain what you mean." She asked angrily 

"Well, I want to start a family in the future, and I want you to be my first family." 

"It is not enough that you want slavery for only two skills."

"Ma'am, you know that there are only two people from the Ye family and the family can easily disappear."

"Are you threatening me?" She hit the table and shouted angrily

"No, ma'am, I am not threatening you. Do not misunderstand. Let me ask you why your family is strong in economic terms and other families do not attack you despite your weakness in strength."

"Because my family has a wide network of relationships in the Heaven Dou Empire and the Emperor protects us."

"Yes, as I said, you survived because of your relationships and protection from the empire, but what if a war occurred between the two empires or with the Spirit Hall? In your opinion, and they are busy in the war, will they care about protecting you? As for the enemies, you are a danger that must be killed, especially in light of the weakness of the Heaven Dou Empire."

"You have a point, but why the war with the Spirit Hall? There are no conflicting interests and it only cares about the common people." She replied after she calmed down.

"You said that, there is no conflict of interest, but who guarantees the future?"

"So you say you will protect us, can you?". 

"Well, now I am a child, but my potential is clear, and you are not the only family I want to include. More importantly, I gave you two skills, and they are enough to cover the flaws in your fighting spirit, and who knows, in the future, I may find a solution to the other problem."

"Okay, you convinced me. Go and let me think a little."

"No problem, I'll be back tomorrow."

I left there and on my way back I thought they would agree. No one refuses such a temptation, especially in their situation.

I think it would be worth two weeks of training on these two skills, and I mastered another technique that Tsunade taught me in the palm of the palm of the hand, which is used to heal simple cases.

It took me two weeks for three skills. I think I'm starting to get used to it, but I noticed that the color of the air palm trigrams skill is transparent, unlike blue in my previous life, perhaps due to the difference in the type of energy, but the power seems stronger than in my previous life