
Adventure in the Xianxia Multiverse

• WARNING: If you can't stand a slow-pace, slice-of-life, smutty fanfiction with a perverted MC that has his mind in the gutter almost all the time, then this fanfiction isn't your cup of tea! • SYNOPSIS: Being in the wrong place at the wrong time, a young man died unjustly. Fortunately, he was allowed to have a second chance in another universe with a couple of bonuses. Follow his story! • Author's Note: English isn't my main language, but I still try my best. Anyway, this fan-fic can be considered a wish-fulfillment and will be a crossover with other Xianxia stories. • The first and current universe: Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator. • Planned Xianxia: The Ultimate Scheming System, Tales of Demons and Gods, Against the Gods, etc! • Release Schedule: 1 chapter/day, averagely ±1,500 words/chapter • Read advanced chapters on www.patre on.com/celestial_demon

Celestial_Demon · Anime und Comics
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69 Chs

Ch. 42: A Devious Plot

Time flows without a hitch. The sky is often covered with thick clouds, and sometimes the rain falls to wet the earth.

Their talk weighed Tang Hongyu's mind, but she finally calmed down and put her worry to rest after Chen Fan promised to her that he'd do something. Her faith in her man was unquestionable after spending time for months with him.

One day, after lunch was over, Chen Fan started a discussion right after Tang Hongyu returned from the kitchen.

"Say, dear, what's your plan for Jiang Haishan?" Chen Fan asked after Tang Hongyu settled down on the chair beside him.

"I will divorce him as soon as possible after coming back."

Chen Fan blinked, slightly surprised by Tang Hongyu's firm answer.

When he looked at her carefully, he found that she was serious. He could see her determination and resolve in her eyes.

Tang Hongyu eyed Chen Fan's face for a moment. Then, she said, "You wouldn't ask if you didn't have something in your mind. Spill it!"

"Would you agree if we use him as a scapegoat?"

After hearing Chen Fan's question, Tang Hongyu's eyes gleamed. "What's your idea?"

"I have an idea to make him a villain to open your daughter's eyes and shake off his influence on her."

Tang Hongyu put on a concerned face. "Would it hurt Ranran?"

"Permanently, no. However, it has a chance to leave a shadow in her heart, but rest assured that I have a plan to help her recover. What's more, it will also help me to seduce her and ease her up before we tell her about our relationship."

Tang Hongyu's face showed various expressions when she was listening to Chen Fan's words. Then, she asked after Chen Fan fell silent, "Can you elaborate it, please?"

"I will control him and make him act irritable around you and Ranran. People who know him will not feel anything strange with the sudden change in his behavior. His career has hit a glass ceiling, and they will think that this matter is the cause of his change. I will escalate this slowly. This will give you a solid reason to divorce him. This will also make Ranran get a bad impression of her father, so she'll be more receptive to living with you when you finally divorce him."

Tang Hongyu listened with a morbid fascination. She thought that her man could be so ruthless for thinking of an insidious scheme. Even so, it didn't lower her impression of him because it was targeted at Jiang Haishan.

She'd truly come to loathe her legitimate husband.

However, it didn't mean that she didn't worry. She was still concerned for her pampered daughter. It would distress her daughter when Jiang Haishan changed and became irritable around them.

She was a mother, and it was a mother's job to worry about her daughter.

Chen Fan saw her worry and added in a hurry, "This is just my idea. If you are worried and don't agree with this plan, I can think of other plans that you can accept."

Tang Hongyu was touched. Her expression eased up. Then, she put on a reassuring smile and said, "Don't worry too much, darling. I can see that this is for Ranran's good as well. You can do whatever you deem important as long as it won't damage Ranran permanently. I don't mind if she suffers slightly. Besides, it will make her grow up and become wiser. Sufferings build a character and all as the saying goes."

Chen Fan was speechless. Then, he put on a wry smile and said, "You're quite a harsh mother, huh?"

"Just the story of my life," Tang Hongyu shrugged helplessly. "As Ranran's mother, I want to always spoil her, but I know that spoiling her too much isn't good for her development. Finding the correct balance is challenging. In fact, I sometimes wonder if I'm a good mother for her."

"Being parents sounds troublesome," Chen Fan remarked while imagining the hardship of parenting children.

Tang Hongyu smirked tauntingly. "What's this? Do you feel scared?" She teased Chen Fan.

"Scared? Me? Who do you think I am? Humph!" Chen Fan crossed his arms in front of his chest and turned his head to the side.

Tang Hongyu rolled her eyes and glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. "Alright, alright, the Reincarnation of a Celestial Emperor isn't scared of anything. Stop sulking."

"Sulking? Who's sulking! I, Celestial Emperor Chen, don't sulk! It's beneath me!" He declared pompously while lifting his face, staring at her from his nose, and pointing at himself with his thumb.

Tang Hongyu snorted. "Arrogant aren't we?"

"Yet, this arrogant man is your man."

"Not only arrogant but also a jerk."

"If I'm a jerk then you're a bitch."



They paused and stared at each other with a deadpan.

A moment later, their shoulders started shaking and their deadpan cracked. Then, Chen Fan burst out into laughter while Tang Hongyu giggled while covering her mouth.

After calming down, Tang Hongyu left her chair and moved to Chen Fan. Then, she sat on his lap and circled his arms around his neck. Chen Fan immediately hugged her slender waist, looked at her eyes lovingly, and received the same look from her.

They gazed into each other's eyes lovingly. If this was a manhua, the background would become pink and get decorated with red and white roses and glitters.

Tang Hongyu opened her mouth.

"Love you, jerk."

"Love you too, bitch."

Chen Fan replied.

Then, their faces approached each other, and soon they pressed their lips against each other.

As an aside, this lovey-dovey moment made the single narrator sick!

How in the world did it come to this after they plotted something nasty?!

Tang Hongyu came out of the house while carrying a tray with a kettle and two cups made from a phosphorescent green jade. She was wearing a pink robe, her hair in a high ponytail.

After stopping beside Chen Fan who was sitting on a chair on the terrace, she placed the tray on the table and moved the drinking utensils there.

"Please drink the tea, darling."

She said with a smile after serving Chen Fan a cup of hot tea.

Chen Fan nodded gratefully. Then, he grabbed his cup and brought it to his mouth. After that, he smelled the fragrance of the tea and took a slow sip,

"Delicious as ever, dear."

Chen Fan gave Tang Hongyu a smile of gratitude and satisfaction after returning his cup to the table.

Tang Hongyu, who was standing beside his chair like a dutiful wife while hugging and pressing the tray on her chest, couldn't help but smile sweetly. She felt gratified by his words.

Although Tang Hongyu had heard the same words many times, she didn't get tired of it. The sincerity in Chen Fan's praise was the reason why she'd never gotten bored of hearing the same words again and again. It was addicting.

"Sit. There's something I need to tell you."

Tang Hongyu heard and obeyed Chen Fan's order. After sitting, she turned to him with an attentive look.

"We've been here for eight months. During our stay here, our relationship has grown to that of a pair of lovers."

Chen Fan paused as he recalled the past eight months. He felt his chest stuffed with positive feelings.

Tang Hongyu got too emotional after listening to Chen Fan's words. Her eyes were red and teary as she got too emotional.

She also recalled their lives for the past few months, starting with her inner struggle due to her growing feelings for Chen Fan that ended up with her acceptance, the night she finally became his woman, her breakthrough to the Xiantian Realm, and the rest of happy days they had experienced together.

So many things had occurred. She'd changed so much.

She felt that her change wasn't bad. On the contrary, she was happy with her change.

If she returned to the past, she wouldn't hesitate to be Chen Fan's woman again.

She was snapped out of her reminiscence as Chen Fan talked again.

"Anyway, I want to tell you that I'm going to break through to the next stage. I will enter a secluded cultivation session tonight."

After Chen Fan revealed the reason why he started this talk, Tang Hongyu had a complex gaze.

"How long will it last?"

Chen Fan responded to Tang Hongyu's question by shrugging his shoulders and then said, "I don't know. But, it won't be longer than five months."

Chen Fan didn't know how long he would cultivate since he had to form Infant Soul and plant Dao Seed inside it. However, he was sure that it wouldn't be longer than five months.

Tang Hongyu lowered her gaze and looked at her hands that were playing with her skirt. She felt uneasy when she imagined her life without Chen Fan in the next several months.

She was hopelessly in love with him and had spent virtually all the time with him so far. It was understandable that she was uneasy.

Awkward silence suffused their surroundings.

When Chen Fan saw Tang Hongyu's sad face, he had the urge to change his decision. However, Tang Hongyu raised her head to face him and saw his inner struggle that could be seen in his eyes.

She spoke before he could change his decision. "Don't change your decision for my sake. As your woman, it's my duty to accept and support your decision. I will wait. Just be careful, okay?"

Chen Fan's inner struggle ceased. He looked at Tang Hongyu, surprised.

After returning to his senses, he looked at her with loving eyes.

"Thank you. I love you, dear."

"I love you so much, darling."

Afterward, Tang Hongyu got up from her chair and went to sit on Chen Fan's lap. Then, she hugged his waist tightly and rested her head on his chest, after which she listened to his steady heartbeat that never failed to calm her nerves.

Chen Fan didn't comment on Tang Hongyu's sudden spoiled behavior because he understood why she acted like that. He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on top of her head.

They enjoyed their peaceful moment quietly.

Lucas Varnas, thank you for your patronage.

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