

in action

Currently, at the basecamp of the special forces from the sun kingdom, there seems to be a dignified atmosphere and the four captains of the special forces are now busy mobilizing their men, this is done to launch their action, namely to destroy the headquarters of the black organization

After the meeting, the preparations were made, it took less than 5 minutes for all of them to get ready and then carry out their actions, there was no expression of tension or fear among each member of the special forces present. This is probably based on the fact that only

They had all gone through many trials of life and death, so there was no longer any need for doubt or fear as to how to complete this mission successfully and then return to their families, however, it was clear that only because of the gravity of the mission to be carried out at this time

They have all become more dignified and also more serious in preparing the plans that have been carried out, of course in this case each team has been given the task of adjusting the plan carefully and also distributing their tasks according to the skills they have

Until in the end they all became steady and had no doubts about what they were going to do then in this case the preparations that had been done had to end because the time had shown the right time for their action to move

"Okay, all teams have gathered then take action according to the plan that has been done remember safety is much more important, even though the mission is also important so I hope when we return none of you will be left behind okay now countdown 5,4, three, two, one "time for action. The eagle captain as the leader of the operation carries out his orders

On the other hand at the headquarters of the black organization who are still not aware of the great danger that will come their way, everything still seems normal with the activities of each guard who is still on guard, the scouts still love me the pins that are still researching, and those who are busy with their duties. each

Not realizing that great danger had now begged them and preparing to devour, the four watchtowers where the snipers, as well as the scouts, were hiding while looking at the situation, there didn't seem to be any strict discipline between them this was possible.

Due to the scorching heat of the day, they thought that even if there were enemies who wanted to sneak in, of course, it would be done at night, so in this case, when the day was so hot and so bright, it would be ridiculous when the enemy infiltrated the sky. in their nest

It's because of that mentality that they can be said to have a big gap but still what they are doing can't ed carelessness this happens because the level of the guards from the black organization in this headquarters can be said to be at a common or ordinary level.

Recruitment carried out by black organizations, in addition, to forcibly recruiting researchers also recruits securipersonnelnne, in this case,e,e,e the guards serving in the outer ring of the black organization headquarters by force so that it can be said that their sincerity and seriousness in carrying out their duties are not as serious.

Like those who were cultivated by the black organization, in this case, those who were orphans who were then bought and trained from childhood to adulthood to be used as weapons of murder or weapons of black organizations, because of different treatment and training, the results would also be different.

One is said to have better qualities and also good mentality and constant loyalty whereas on the other hand, they have different qualities with different motives different training and also different rewards this makes a clear distinction between guards and officers the one in the black organization

Because of these differences, it can be said that every member of the black organization has a level of loyalty, and also the level of success of their missions is different from each other, not to mention that they carry out their duties because they are forced to, namely their families who are being held hostage or their interests are at stake, in this case, it is clear they will not have things. They are sincerely carried out in carrying out their duties by the black organization so that when an attack occurs, even though they have received training, their combat effectiveness can be said to be not as good as those who are y the black organization.

Back again to the special forces team who have now started infiltrating the nearest perimeter from the headquarters of the black death organization whose job is to disable snipers and also the scouts are now ready in each existing position, with 2 snipers in each existing tower target.

They are prepared to paralyze, of course, this is done by those who are real shooters although there is no doubt that in this,,, Canada e every member of the special forces is proficient in shooting, however, in certain cases those who excel in the shooting have priority better in terms of execution

"How is everything ready in the question mark position?" the captain asked his men

"Number one is ready"

"Number 2 ready"

"Number 3 ready"

"Number 4 ready"

After hearing the readiness of the 4 existing teams, the captain without delay then ordered "group" the captain said firmly to the 4 teams

On the other hand, the 4 teams who heard the captain's instructions were now prepared with their sniper weapons or long-range weapons, of course using silencers to minimize the shock effect, because the lower the sound the better for them.

Adjusting the visibility to see the wind speed and seeing the object from the intended target before long the sound of the muffled gunfire was heard "bang" the sound of four gunshots simultaneously sounded on four sides

And suddenly 4 snipers died from being shot in the head on the other side when the scout was shocked by what happened to his comrade without waiting for his further reaction, immediately stiffened and slowly his tears dimmed because soon drops of blood dripped from his head.

After successfully disabling the existing control tower, then a report was given "captain's safe tower" the report from his subordinates was received

In an instant the captain received a report from his subordinates that the 4 towers had been controlled, there was no overreaction on his face, just as usual without delay, then he ordered another team that was at the entrance of the black organization to launch their action.