

Food Cord opening

When Adi was engrossed in his thoughts, without realizing the time was running fast, he who had entered the room for several hours, was engrossed in leaning on his bed, only the time that showed 3 pm unconsciously made him a little surprised.

Because he was lulled without realizing it and calculated the time when he entered the Emerald dimension, Adi calculated that the speed of time in that space was 2 times the speed in his current dimension, namely the human dimension, so Adi concluded

When later he will return to play in the world of Jamrud he will have more time, because the difference of doubling the available time is enough for the younger brother to have fun, of course before he can have fun he must arrange a good schedule so that his events in treasure hunting can be said to be undisturbed

But then the younger brother also realized something that the TV that Adi brought into the Emerald dimension could receive signals in the human world, for that he couldn't help but ask Om Bejo "Oh, is there a signal in emerald?" Adi asked uncle Bejo

When Om Bejo, who is currently watching TV in his palace living room, heard a call from Adi asking if there was a signal he just smiled and replied "Yes, yes...

Hearing the answer from Om Bejo, Adi couldn't help but be a little surprised and then returned to reply "how come Om isn't the dimensions are different so the signal is also a different question mark" Adi said replying to Om Bejo

"How can I say it, it's hard to explain, for the signals of these electronic goods have a special frequency and there is a little trick to pass the signal between these two dimensions but that's not the time for you to know? Om Bejo said

"Well, I just have to wait, tell me why I'm meditating," Adi replied, Uncle Bejo.

"It's not time, it's not time, Adi" you don't have to disturb the fun. Om, you should take a shower." Uncle Bojo replied jokingly

Not getting what he wanted, he couldn't help but smile wryly, thinking maybe it wasn't time yet but sooner or later he would know so while accepting the reality, Adi rushed out of his room to go to the bathroom following the instructions given. Om Bejo

Because while in the room, like it or not, he was doing activities, he had some dirt and sweat stuck to his body, so he felt sweat all over his body, of course, my sister felt the need to clean herself.


The days have changed and now it can be said that there is a historic moment for Adi and his family, especially for the achievements of his her. Because after he crossed into the body of the current hadith and his new world, it can be said that the activities that will take place today are:

Something that will leave an impression on him, of course not without reason to come back again to pay off his promise to the original Adi he is determined to make his family happy, and the inauguration of the food courcourtt he wcourturty is something real that he is trying to do

As for why he became excited and mixed with anxiety, it couldn't be separated from his happy expectations and also fear of the opening of their food court, this is not without reason because both in his past life and s life it can be said to be the first true business right done

Because in his previous life he could be said to be an employee working and also a freelancer Komar who lived usually arranged and then turned into one who organizes, of course, these 2 identities are not easy for someone to accept and come back again like the current example, namely Adi

He who can be said to be inexperienced in the business field can only do what he knows for himself regardless of the advantages and disadvantages of what Adi does, it is indeed worthy of appreciation, of course, if success comes, it is a good thing and an easier way will he feel at home. his next attempt

The next business intends that Adi is indeed thinking of opening several business fields in this case he will try to learn from the shortcomings that exist when this muscle runs overtime, but before that,e most important thing at this time is how to make an opening from this food court will be a success

However, he is not at his wit end in trying to make his foocccourtook good, in this case, he also consults with people who are experts in marketing and food, all of which is done to get good advice and experience.

Moreover, he also asked several people who already have businesses that are considered successful, so with all the preparations that have been made Adi feels that he can at least make his foodcourt a successful place.

Moreover, with a clearer vision for the future for several years or you can say a decade e most beneficial thing he has because from all the experiences he feels he can make a clear difference when doing something

And this is then applied to his current business so that his confidence in trying to make things progress and succeed is much better than when he had no experience inis previous life.

"How is everything ready?" The father said to his family members and then replied

"Okay, we're ready" he replied excitedly

"Same Adi is here too, it's ready" Adi added

"We just pray, sir, that it goes well," Mother said adding

"Well, my mother's advice is good, so before we go, let's pray first, and hopefully with this prayer our efforts can run well, smoothly, and successfully," said Mr. afternoon and then led a prayer together

With full hope, a family of 4 walked out of the house with big smiles on their faces, and in the steps of togetherness, a new future seemed to be welcomed.