


After an adventure that was arguably very memorable, Adi who had left the Jamrud room now still feels the immeasurable feeling he has experienced, even though it was only for a short time but from what he felt Adi got something very valuable because he realized

Too many magical things are out there, and that magic isn't something that can be found easily in other words besides luck as well as the ability to be able to see and feel the magic things that he felt, even so, adi also aware

A person's chance to feel what he is feeling right now is 1 in a million because, from the explanation Om Bejo received, it is very, very rare for a human to be able to relate to a genie in terms of requests like what he and Om Bejo did.

So that it becomes clear what Om Bejo said is a truth where Adi and Om Bejo's moments cannot be repeated with a simple situation and it involves various complicated things, in this case, Adi and Om Bejo's understanding cannot reach there.

Leaning on his soft mattress, Adi couldn't help but reflect on all the answers given by Uncle Bejo about the things found in the Emerald room, and from what Uncle Bejo said, most of ar-Razi did not get a satisfactory answer or could say I'm just speculating myself

So in this case it is necessary to prove himself and his rts to be able to find out various mysteries that such as the example of the hundreds of years old trees in the Emerald Room.

It is commonplace that the tree can grow large and have its diversity and of course the matter of the difference between the tree inside the Jamrud space and the tree outside, the human dimension can only answer that it is the law of space that governs

Because of the law that governs it, several things that cannot be explained occur and in this case, the growth of the tree in the space undergoes several changes, of course, the existing one in the room.

Thinking about this Adi also understands that this is indeed true even though he still feels that even though the law of that person is running, will the taste also be much better in this case Adi, who has tasted the taste of the fruit in the room, is very sure that

The taste of the fruit in the room was of super quality and number one. Although he had never enjoyed such an expensive fruit that was specially cultivated for the upper class, he could be sure of it that the fruit in the room was better than that. those specially cultivated by the people in the human world

Not to mention Adi feels that there must be added value apart from the delicious taste because as is well-known plants that grow in different dimensions must have other advantages compared to common things such as taste and size and although Adi has not been able to find them until now that doesn't mean he can't find it in the future

If the tree has been answered by Uncle Bejo then the flower bed found and asked again to Om Bejo gets almost the same answer, here Adi begins to feel whether because of Om Bejo's old age he becomes senile and forgets because every time he asks he only answers it with the space factor different dimensions if 2 times is fine then when the answer is used for all the questions asked adi hat Om Bejo said

And he couldn't help but conclude that Om Bejo was forgetful or senile, stupid, or deliberately hiding from himself, and whatever reason he had for not Adi's question must have something to do with something he couldn't say, or in this case, maybe h, yet

But a clue was found when Om Bejo told him that the flower hill found was something common in the jinn dimension and that general thing was something the female genie did with the intention and purpose of expressing her love for her partner and in this case, Adi became understand

Isn't the hill of flowers that he found at this time is a confession of love from the female genie race to someone in this case it may be a male saturated race, but Adi always feels there is a possibility that this is also aimed at the human race, in this case,e, it is those who are man

This is of course not without reason because it has something to do with the relief on the stone tablet on the hill of the flower, which depicts the interaction between jinn and humans even though it is not clear the gender of the two interacting races, this makes a possibility in mind. adi

It could be that the Jinn race and the human race depicted in the stone table relief are female and male, the female here refers to a woman from the Jinn race and another figure is a man from the human race but that of course can be said to be legitimate okay

Because again there is no explanation in the stone table relief that it was found that the gender depicted there was the only male, female-only, or the opposite sex and in this case after what Adi said, it was possible for both male and female. women are more acceptable

Especially when saying the hill of flowers with many types is a sign of love given by diligent women to diligent men as a sign of their love and this is continuous with what is obtained from the stone tablet on the hill, so there is a clearer picture in terms of breaking the hill of beautiful flowers along with the stone table on it

And when Adi asked about the reliefs told on the stone table, he only answered that, indeed, there were interactions between races and human races that existed long before what they know today, only from what is described by om Bejo

The meeting between the two races was something that happened a long time ago but then for some reason became separated.