
Adventure Guild

In the world of Adventure Guild, there's 2 factions that divide those who protect people... The Adventurers and The Magic Security (MS for short.)

normal_name · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Moving Up In The World!

Simon is looking through the guild's statistics on O.L.A. Together they have completed 6 E Rank Requests so far. With this they can surely get the rank up in this 30 days... Problem was, Simon didn't know when the evaluation will be for the ranks.

"Hey! Olaf, do you know when the rank evaluation happen?" - Simon

"Of course, Simon. The rank evaluation will be happen...in 7 days."

"7 Days?!?!?!" - Simon

Their speed wasn't exactly slow, as a matter of fact for a guild to be able to complete two E rank quests in one day was quite impressive seeing they are just beginner's. With Owen being out for atleast one more day Kristina and Simon will have to make due without him.

"Hey Olaf, how many requests do we need to do daily to get the rank up by the next evaluation?" - Simon

"By my calculations...you'll have to be doing around... 3.5 E Rank requests or 2.5 C Rank Requests... By that I mean either one you choose you will have to complete 4 E rank request in one day and 3 on the others... or 3 C ranks one day and 2 for the other days"

"Alright...It's doable...My requests were just...unlucky so far surely we can do this." - Simon

Simon mumbles to himself as Kristina comes out from the kitchen.

"So, Leader. What we doing today?" - Kristina looked battle ready with her axe being by her side.

"We need to do atleast 3 E rank requests..." - Simon

"Hm. Right when there's only two of us...." - Kristina

"Let's go check the notice board. If we waste time we'll have to wait another month for the rank up... I think." - Simon

"That is correct." - Olaf

"Yeah, let's get going." - Kristina leaves and begins heading to the town center alongisde Simon, there they see that lucky for them there are quite a few requests on the board. Now what matters is how will they approach this challenge...

"Alright... let's split up... We'll both do one each then do one together. If we have time we'll do more..." - Simon

"Seems fine to me." - Kristina

The two scout the board and Kristina takes an escort mission while Simon takes a quest asking him to scout the outskirts as weird noises have been heard from around town. Both take off as time is running short.

Kristina is escorting a merchant wagon through the North roads to the next town...which whilst not far away. It seems some information has been leaked about a valuable item being in the hands of a merchant around these parts. Thieves and Bandits have been rather intrested... So all merchants now are worried.

"Thank you, miss adventurer for chosing to help me... Pelican Stone has been having it rough with trading recently... Not the merchandise, but the roads have been terrible! If only that good-for-nothing king would care..." - Old Merchant

"Yes, well...don't mention it... We should get going soon..." - Kristina wasn't really paying attention to what the old merchant was saying. 

"You're right... the sooner the better... That way maybe there won't be bandits... You are a sharp one!" -Old Merchant

"Uhhhh, yeah." - Kristina

Simon was patrolling around the outskirts... Everything seemed silent and peacful. Nothing seemed weird than around the South gate a weird **KWEEEEE** noise was heard. Simon began running towards the source which seemed to be hidden away by the trees of the forest. As he looked around he saw nothing...then he heard another smaller noise under his feet.


Simon looked down and realised he was standing on something hard...he took a step back and saw that it was a rock... Then the rock seemingly got up on to legs...


"Wait...are you a... golem? You are a bit small..." - Simon

"KWE!" - The golem seemed annoyed by Simon's remark.

"So uh... what are you doing here...?" - Simon

The golem shows a sleeping motion as he was just sleeping before Simon rudely interuppted.

"...So that noise you were making was you snoring...?" - Simon

The golem nods.

"Well its a bit loud..." - Simon

The golem shakes his head... He cannot do anything about the sound... Perhaps if he had a better place to sleep at...

Then Simon remembered something...back when O.L.A. was delivered the delivery people gave him a bracelet...saying if given to a monster that is willing to join you then they will count as a guild pet...

"Well how about this then..." -Simon pulls out the bracelet 

"Care to join my guild? You'd have a place to stay!!!" - Simon

The golem seemed....reluctant... it was hesitating and for some reason... he also seemed sad, never the less he took the bracelet and put it to his heart... Like he did this once before... It displayed the golem's stats... for a golem it seemed quite weak. 

"Oh wow! So this is what a golem's stats are like! You have a lot of vitality!" - Simon

As Simon said that the golem seemed, relieved... happy even.

"Alright! We have to go! Our guild is in a bit of a time limit. We will need to hurry back." - Simon begins going back to the gate alongside his new companion.

Whilst this was happening Kristina was 3/4 of the way there... The wagon was quite slow so Kristina knew she'll have to run back to Pelican Stone as soon as possible... Luckily no bandits were insight... She sighed of relief... Then she heard rustling from the bushes... Out came some lowly bandit gang with flimsy equipment... The only one who looked competent was their leader. Who was standing high and mighty. Kristina sighs. She elevates her axe and bonks the leader in the head knocking him out instantly. The other's seeing their leader being handled so easily begin running off. Kristina grabs the bandit leader and they begin moving again. After they finally arrive Kristina hands the bandit leader to the guards.

Kristina begins sprinting back she quickly makes it to Pelican Stone and heads to the quest board... It seems to be afternoon. Simon and the golem are waiting for Kristina...they seem shocked as she arrives...

"Hm? What's up?" - Kristina doesn't really question the golem...

"Look at the quest board..." - Simon

Kristina notices that there are a lot less people around than in the morning... She walks over to the quest board... She is also shocked to see... All of the requests... Every single one of the seemingly over 100 requests from the morning... Are gone...

(To Be Continued)