
Adventure Academy

Explore the realmsverse, battle monsters of myth and legend, die trying... and then come back to life stronger with the advantage of hindsight! Rinse and repeat. Death holds no power over Will Wisdom, a boy who’d once been sacrificed to the altar of the gods of death only to reincarnate moments later. Will’s a teenager stuck with Extra-Life, a curse that lets him relive the same day of every death with all the gruesome details of his latest demise intact to help him survive in his next run of whatever realm, dungeon, or adventuring class he’s decided to challenge next. Returning to life after each harrowing encounter is a useful hack for a teenager enrolled in the legendary Academy, a school that teaches young adventurers to become the kind of heroes who chase after the big monster bounties and uncover the great mysteries of the Realmsverse. Mysteries such as finding the cult of evil ljósálfar who’d cursed Will with Extra-Life in the first place, and then exacting his revenge on these bright elf bastards! The Academy is the perfect place for Will to achieve his hopes and dreams too. Assuming he does well in Swords and Sorcery, Apprentice Alchemy, Dungeon Excursions, P.E., and a whole host of crazy training courses in his novice schedule. Will may need a little help with that. Welcome to the Academy, Will Wisdom—hope you live to see graduation day! *** Aside from daily chapter releases, I will release extra chapters every Sunday depending on power stones earned during the same week. 200 stones = 1 additional chapter! *** Temporary cover created with PixAI

GD_Cruz · Fantasy
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370 Chs

Divah’s Guide to Adventuring, Part 2

I'd seen fairy wells before, but they had long dried up from the overuse of fools who didn't know how to properly care for them. So, I could never have imagined the beauty I witnessed now despite Divah once telling me about this fairy well that was hidden inside this very tower.

"Find the fairy well and begin your journey, kiddo," was Divah's last instruction to me. It had also been the reason she told me to join the Mages Tower instead of the Warrior's Lodge or the Rogues Gallery.

'Now to see if Divah's intuition was spot-on…' I sat beside the fairy well lotus-style and then patted the patch of grass to my right. "Let's get started."

"What are you planning?" Liara asked as she sat by my side.

"What do you know about the well's purpose?"

"It powers the tower's magical defenses."

"So... it's just a battery to you?"

"Essentially…" Liara fidgeted in her seat. "I'm aware that the water of a fairy well has a high volume of magical energy in it, but no one's managed to refine or dilute its properties to make it useful."

This tracked pretty well with what I knew of conventional wisdom regarding fairy wells. However, Divah had taught me not to trust in unadventurous ideas.

"There's always a second or third side to every tale," she'd once told me. "The job of an adventurer is to discover these hidden paths that'll help them get to where they want to go."

That's how Divah claimed she discovered a more practical use for the fairy well's magical energies. She jumped into one and solved its mysteries through trial and error. Luckily for Liara and me, Divah had also recorded her discoveries in the journal she'd passed on to me. It was this very journal I now unstrapped from my belt so that I could review its contents before attempting to do what most people believed to be impossible.

"What are you—"

"One moment please," I said.


These words were plastered over the journal's worn leather cover. It was a cover I'd reread a thousand times, but every single time sent a shot of wanderlust straight into my chest while an epic musical score began to play in my head.

I turned the journal to the first page and reread the words written there for the thousandth time.

'In pursuit of a grand adventure, I challenged myself to be better. I learned a great deal and decided to share this knowledge with you. Not to make your journey easier, but to increase your chances of survival. So, don't let pre-established logic and practices limit you, Will. Dare to see things not as they are, but as what they can be.'

Goosebumps appeared on the back of my arms as I remembered how thankful I was that Divah had found me after I was resurrected that first time. Otherwise, I would have probably turned into a monster who hated everything—and I'm not into that sort of 'edge-lord' scenario.

I moved on to another page, one that gave a specific accounting of Divah's past experiments with this same fairy well I now sat in front of.

"It's been nearly a hundred years since she was here," I smiled warmly at the journal in my hands, "but she's still taking me to school…"

"Are you alright?" Liara asked.

I heard the concern in her voice, and I figured she noticed something weird on my face. Nostalgia had that effect on me.

"Here's your first lesson, Liara..." I closed the book and strapped it back onto my belt before I drew my hands together as if in prayer. "As a mage, I'm sure you know that the 'Arcane Arts' is the practice of using spells to reshape our reality."

I separated my hands to form a triangle with them, and the surrounding air was so dense with magical energy that the bit of mana I let slip from my fingertips drew this triangle for me in the form of blue sparks.

"How did you—"

"I used my mana to direct the magical energy leaking out of the well," I answered.

Yes, yes, this didn't sound groundbreaking, but it really was. Liara thought so too. Her jaw dropping slightly kind of gave her away.

"Usually, we harness our internal mana to cast spells"—moving my hands counterclockwise, I created a second triangle that interlocked with the first—"but some spells are too strong for us to sustain alone, so we sometimes need an outside source to draw that energy from."

"I already know that." Liara pointed a finger at the fairy well. "As I said, the 'well' powers our—"

"But I bet you didn't know that we could do more than just draw its energy to conjure barriers..." Moving my hands in a clockwise direction, I created a third triangle, one that interlocked with the other two. "I bet you didn't know that we could absorb that magical energy into ourselves and even make it our own..."

"That's impossible," Liara frowned, and with the light of the fairy well splashing on her face, she somehow looked even prettier. "Many scholars have attempted this—even going as far as to drink the pool's water—but all they ever got for their troubles was madness or death..."

"It always seems impossible"—I snapped my fingers, causing the three interlocked triangles to vibrate while sparks flew out of them in every direction—"until you discover it isn't..."

"Dare to see things not as they are, but what they can be," I stated.

Liara raised an eyebrow at me. "You formed a valknut... It's the Academy's symbol that represents our three schools, but a valknut doesn't have an actual purpose in spellcraft."

I grinned. "Doesn't it?"

With the 'valknut' floating above it, the light of the pool shifted from its aurora of color into a single blueish hue. As if to point out that the divergent streams of magical energy dormant in the fairy pool had found momentary balance.

"The valknut doesn't just reflect the connection between earth, heaven, and the underworld, it brings them together in harmony," I explained. Then I elbowed her arm. "So, you up for a skinny dip in this pool?"

"Excuse me?" Liara's arms wrapped around her chest as if I'd just asked her to do something kinky, which I kind of did but not in whatever creepy way had just popped up in her brain. "Are you insane?"

I will admit to being slightly off my rocker, but that's par for the course for a teenager who comes back after every gruesome death. So, while ignoring her shocked expression, I got up and took off my clothes, leaving only my undies on for propriety's sake.

"We can only make the pool's magic ours once every cycle of the new moon... Most of it will just flush out of every pore in our body like how too much chili mead makes you stink, but the bit we keep will help us grow exponentially... And I'm not just talking small gains here but an instant level up." I glanced over at Liara and noticed that expressions of skepticism and desire were at war on her face. "Well, are you coming?"

Without waiting for her reply, I jumped into the fairy well and let myself get swallowed in its magical depths. Soon enough, I heard Liara plunge in after me.

Hi, fellow novices!

So, it's been a few chapters, but our power stones aren't getting any higher. Remember, the more stones you donate, the more chapters I'll supply. Law of supply and demand — show me you guys want to read this and it will arrive timely and with more content. XD

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