
Advent Of Diavolos

I am the King! Not a slave.

DusksDawn · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Diavolos' Penalty

There was once a pale man ruling a kingdom. He flourished his domain sacrificing his time and money. He delivered laws and rules and rallied to the enemy kingdom with an unstoppable force. He leads his legion with his magnificent aura. He is an emperor unmoved by pleasures and desires and the only drive for his purpose is his kingdom.

But his devotion didn't appeal to the gods, instead, the devil was impressed and made him immortal. The immortality of the emperor threatens the gods and goddesses because the source of his immortality was the Devil. Hence the gods and goddesses destroyed his vessel and pulverized his body.

But his hatred to the higher being not recognized worthy for ascension made his soul burn and swore to return once again to regain the glory he once had.

Many millennia passed and the mortals forgot about the glorious emperor ever reigned. They lived thriving for peace for every other kingdom. But some wars are unavoidable. The forgotten emperor's soul began to burn once again due to the appearance of gods and goddesses for humans. And so, the king reborn as a child.


I am a child... And an Emperor. How is reincarnation is possible?

I gaze through the surroundings and confirmed that I am reincarnated however I didn't see a male parent around me.

Funny thing. Don't tell me the father of mine already forsaken me before I am born.

"Ko~mmu, Ko~mmu." The mother of mine says while lavishing me with her attention.

Kommu, that word must be my name.

"What a cute face, you looked like a man born for war. Just like your dad..." She said with a worried look.

On my second observation, this place is quite rubbish.

"Sarah, your child is quite strong! He didn't cry after birth." Says the grandma who entered the door with a bunch of herbs.

"Of course he would, mother. He is the son of the finest warrior out there!" My ma' said.

My body is weak. The only I can do is think and plan what to do by the time I can develop my body. For now, I will move my limbs till I become hungry.

Many days passed and I can crawl. I crawl till I get tired. When I got my two feet standing I frequently run and my mother always trying to keep me in check. As for my fist, I punched a wooden plank till it got broken into pieces. Blood and sweat are small prices to pay for power.

My mother seemed to support me in making my body stronger which is good for me. Sometimes I see her dazing at the distant horizon. But that ain't my problem.

I progress the techniques that I already learned. Doing it on my own was a no-hard task. If I didn't learn it before I would be needing 12 teachers with a high caliber in magic. I was an heir to the throne at that time so I am obliged to learn the magic that most the common folk didn't have a chance to learn.

Back then, I already reached the realm where I could meet the other races that slumber within the heavens and earth. But when I am there, I was pushed to my death. I need to rethink my choices from now on.

I am currently rebuilding both my mana and physical so I could go all out to a random monster. The powerful the monster the more spells I will use.

Years passed I am already 8, I managed to hunt wild animals and take them to the house for us to eat. My scar on my face right eyebrow is little that it doesn't extend to my eye. The scar is a punishment for my mistakes while hunting a very strong wild animal months ago.

My ma is quite surprised that I hunted a larger animal this time. But my grandma was not, as if she expected this to happen.

I seldomly spoke with anyone because I needed to keep my thoughts working fast to process magics and techniques I consistently using so I won't create a mistake.

I also cause a brawl from time to time to renew my senses to battle. And of course, I won all the time. Time passes I became known in the streets for being a young underdog.

I was introduced to the Warband Arena. The Arena which unbounded by the capital. I got interested and let loose. I beat every guard I saw on the way. There are limp, there are strong. But no one can match my prowess and in the end, they all cower beneath my overwhelming presence.