
Please understand me.

Lost in her own world she was walking through streets. Suddenly She heard the voice of puppy groaning with pain. She moved in the direction from where the voice was coming from. She saw a small puppy, its leg was stucked between stones. Tanya helped him and was successful. Puppy was so grateful that he started licking Tanya's face. Tanya also liked the puppy and want to take him to the house. But suddenly she got afraid and put him down and left that place. She was continuosly thinking I did wrong with that puppy, I should take care of him.

When she reached home, her mom saw her dirty clothes instead of asking the reason she shouted on her. Her mood was already upset and her mom scolding made her cry. A 8 years old girl always listen negative comments even if she did good things.

But she told her mother the full story in expectation that she would understand her. But she was wrong. Her mom was continously shouting on her for her dirty clothes.

And she was continously begging "Please understand me, Mom.'