
Secret lovers

Unaware of his surroundings Jungkook was just mindlessly scrolling through his phone.

Trying to be as quiet as possible Taehyung snuck up behind him.

Still unnoticed he slowly wrapped his arms around his waist.

Startled by the sudden touch Jungkook spun around trying to see who was with him. He noticeably relaxed as he realised it was just Taehyung sneaking around again.

„you scared me, you know?", he said looking down at his phone again.

Not responding to Jungkooks comment he just hugged him again resting his head on his shoulder, a apologetic look on his face.

„I'm sorry baby~", Taehyung teased him.

Turning around in his arms jisung looked at him annoyed.

„You know i don't like it when you sneak up on me like that", a small pout on his face as he said that.

Looking up at Taehyung, still pouting, a small smile formed on his lips as he slightly tip toed to reach his lips, quickly pecking at them.

Now it was Taehyungs turn to look at Jungkook with an annoyed expression.

„You know we shouldn't be this close, right?", he asked him looking at him, searching for reassurance in his eyes.

„Nobody needs to find out~", he said grinning sheepishly at him.

„I know~", he mumbled, pecking at Taehyungs lips again before he could complain.

-change of scenery-

„Byeeee~", everyone said while waving at the camera as Namjoon was wrapping up their vlive.

Exhausted Jungkook sighed leaning his head on Taehyungs shoulder. They had a busy week full of shoots behind them and barely had any time to relax in between.

He felt Taehyung wrapping his arms around him, pulling him closer.

„You're dead if the boss finds out about the two of you", Namjoon said, looking at them concerned.

Pouting Jungkook looked up at Namjoon. „Then why are Yoongi and Jimin allowed to be that close but we aren't?"

„Because they can keep a fucking secret unlike you two idiots." Namjoon had a annoyed tone in his voice.

„The fans already suspect you being together and you're not making it any better"

„The fans also suspect Yoongi and Jimin being together so why don't they have to pretend?", he asked their leader.

„Because they aren't lovey dovey in front of the cameras"

„We aren't lovey dovey in front of cameras either!" Jungkook started getting louder, clearly upset with the situation.

„When have you ever seen me showing affection to Taehyung when cameras were around?!", he demanded to know.

Not giving Namjoon any time to answer he continued to complain: „Yoongi and Jimin are constantly holding hands and hugging, so why aren't we allowed to?"

Their fight immediately came to an end as their manager entered the room.

„Namjoon, you have to be at the set in an hour you should start getting ready", he said oblivious of the fight that was going on between them.

Shooting a last angry glare at Jungkook he left the room.