
Chapter two

The harpy ran in the woods, finding an old looking house. She slid into the house through the cracked and broken down old door. She slumped against the wall, lifting her right ash grey wing up to see how bad the arrow had been. She hissed in pain trying to remove it. "Well that's not happening.." She sighed as she slowed her breathing to try and rest herself. "Those hunters are really on my tail man.." She said looking out the window only to duck within the seconds of perking her head up. "Hey who's in there!?" She heard a hunter scream in frustration. "No no no no!" She yelled to herself, trying to move but she was in too much pain from her wing. The door knob turned as her eyes met with the hunters, she couldn't believe it. It was-

Her attention split from her book as she saw someone sit down next to her from her peripheral vision. "Hm?" She shifted her gaze to her side seeing the girl a few feet away from her in an empty table. A smile peaked her lips, picking up her tray and walking to the girl having a seat next to her. "Hey, why are you over here?? It's pretty empty." She frowned, listening to the quiet voice of the girls. "I eat a-alone.." She kept her hands in her pockets and her head down just able to see a strand of her hair tilting out. 'Huh her hair is grey..?' Her thoughts rambled in her mind; looking in front of the girl, joyously she slid her tray in front of her. The girl perked her head up looking at the tray then sarah. "W..What..?" She managed to say through her rasped voice. "Well you didn't have a tray of food and I didn't see you in line so I thought you would be hungry." The girl nodded. "If you don't like this we can see what else they have" Sarah suggested. The girl shook her head and grabbed the apple with one hand taking a bite into it, finishing it quickly as if she had not eaten for days. Sarah allowed her to finish the meal while she ate a granola bar that her aunt always found helpful to pack. "Well lunch is over..want to walk to class together?" Sarah said with hope in her eyes. The girl had gave a soft nod to her. They put the tray up as the two started to walk down the halls, Sarah was lightly skipping until she was stopped by three girls all taller than her by one or two grades. "Well well well, what do we have here?" The large one chuckled, pushing Sarah to the lockers knocking her books from her hands. "A-Ah hey my books!" She tried to reach for them as the one next to the leader grabbed her by her hair, tossing her onto the ground. " Shut it nerd!" Sarah landed with a thud, she opened her eyes only to have her glasses yanked from her head. "Oh hey looks like nerd got herself a new pair of owl glasses. Why do you always get the big and ugly ones owl face oh wait because it matches you!" She laughed, tossing her glasses aside as they fell on the ground with a crack. "My glasses!" She tried to get up only to be punched down in her ribs, causing her to gasp for air dropping her body to the ground. "Get back up again and you'll wish you never went to this school nerd!" 

  "Angelica please I just want to get to class" Angelica growled raising her fist to hit Sarah only to be struck down herself while holding her cheek. "Who in the hel-'' Her eyes stopped at the girl who Sarah had been with at lunch and class. She glared at the other two just as angelica got up. "Who the hell do you think you are hitting me!?" She yelled just as a teacher had walked around the corner. "What is going on here!?" He stepped in grabbing angelica away, the girl continued to walk over, bending down and grabbed Sarah's glasses, handing it to her. They had snapped in half with a crack in the left side. "Principal's office now!"